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Chapter 1776 Great Ancient Star

Chapter 1776 Great Ancient Star

Without thinking too much, Chen Yang drove the imperial frigate into it, and landed in the barren mountains, so naturally no one would find out. After leaving the imperial frigate, Chen Yang will It put it away, and then took out the wisdom ring. The language of this planet must be different from my own, so if you wear the wisdom ring, you will be prepared.

Because of the civilization that has been born on this planet, there are also many cities. There is a city not far from where Chen Yang landed. When he entered it, he found all kinds of strange creatures, and they were all humanoid creatures. Human beings, naturally, also have some basically human appearances.

Chen Yang's guess is correct, the language here is completely different from his own. Fortunately, with Zhihuan, it is not a big problem to learn the language quickly, but if you want to understand the world, the fastest way is to read The memory of other people, so Chen Yang quickly caught someone secretly and read the memory of this person.

It turns out that this planet is called the Great Ancient Star, and it is a magical planet, because there are all kinds of special creatures. Other places seem to be similar to human society in the future. The most distinctive feature should be that there are gods in this world!

God of Creation!
Perhaps in the eyes of these people, this is all a legend, but Chen Yang soon discovered that this should not be a legend, because when he was walking on the road before, he found that the power aura on everyone was basically the same!

This world advocates martial arts, so many creatures have strong combat power, but the level of strength is almost the same as that of Sanxian. Anyway, Chen Yang didn't notice how powerful the aura is. It is probably at this level, and the most What's special is that the power of these people is indeed the same.

Under normal circumstances, the power of each person is unique, even among the monks, because of the different cultivation methods, the power will be different, but now the power of these creatures is indeed basically the same, it feels like It is a creature created by the same force.

Chen Yang also felt this force from the guy whose memory was read. There is nothing special about it, but it is indeed different from mana. It feels somewhat similar to internal force, but it is definitely different.

Internal force is the embryonic form of mana, and this force seems to have strengthened internal force. It should be a new force, but it is similar in form to internal force, so the usage should be the same as internal force. Chen Yang has also experienced this stage , so it is relatively clear.

So from this point, it can be deduced that the legend should be true. In ancient times, there was a creator god who used powerful power to create countless creatures, and these creatures were their ancestors.

"Perhaps this god is a person from the ancient race!? However, he actually has the supernatural power to create creatures! Could it be that he is at the same level as God Nuwa!?"

These strange creatures are not spirits at all, because the breath of spirits is completely different from them.

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, but he was too lazy to think about it. He was not very interested in these things. The main purpose of coming to this planet was to find out what the position indicated on the lotus lamp represented.

However, without any clues, Chen Yang had no idea at all, so he took out the lotus lantern to see if there was any special reaction from the lotus lantern.

When the lotus lantern came out, he saw the twilight of the lotus lantern. Chen Yang's expression was slightly startled. When he looked closely, he could see seven patterns in the twilight!
These seven patterns seem to represent something, and it feels more like a sculpture-like existence, and now there is a pattern that is shining slightly, which is something like a five-pointed star!

"Is it true that the lotus lamp needs to gather all these seven things to be activated!?" Chen Yang looked strange: "Then summon the dragon!?"

Taiyuan magic pen: "Don't make trouble, it should be the need and these seven things. Since the pattern of the five-pointed star is shining, it means that what you are looking for on this planet is about the five-pointed star! "

"Then what could this be? From this guy's memory, I haven't found anything special about the five-pointed star!" Chen Yang shook his head slightly: "I think this thing should be very special!? I It may be difficult for me to find this thing in such a big world by myself! When I go to find the king, I will use his power to help find it!"

This is actually not a city, but a country. There are thirteen countries in the entire Great Ancient Star. As long as their rulers help to find them, they may soon find something like this five-pointed star!
This five-pointed star is called the first badge for the time being, and it looks like a badge anyway.

This country has become the Ulan Kingdom. Chen Yang didn't notice any strong people anyway. Indeed, there are a few strong auras in the whole country, but it seems to be controlled by the strength of Sanxian. For Chen Yang, it is natural It's not worth mentioning at all, Chen Yang can crush many loose immortals to death with one finger.


Ulan King's Palace.

The king of Ulan Kingdom sat on a chair with a sad face, while the prime minister and minister beside him were reporting the situation.

"Your Majesty, you haven't eaten for several days. If you continue like this, your body will collapse!"

"Lilith hasn't come back yet! How can I eat this?" The king sighed: "Is there no news yet?"

"Not yet!" The Prime Minister smiled wryly: "If Her Majesty Princess is kidnapped, the kidnapper must have a purpose. All we can do now is wait for news!"

"But it's been three full months, and there is no news at all!"

"Your Majesty, I have summoned many powerful experts to search for the princess!" The Prime Minister hurriedly said, "You should eat something first!"


The king still had a sad look on his face, and he couldn't sleep or eat at all. Since Princess Lilith disappeared, how could he have any appetite to eat?This is his most beloved daughter, and also the only blood of the royal family. It is like his father's little padded jacket. Now that the little padded jacket is gone, it must be suffering from hunger and cold!

How can parents not worry?
But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside the king, which startled the prime minister, and quickly shouted: "Yes..."

Before the word "Assassin" was uttered, the prime minister froze in place, and the king was even more gloomy, wondering who the young man beside him was, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

"Your Majesty, don't be afraid! I don't have any malicious intentions!" Chen Yang is undoubtedly the person who came here. With Chen Yang's ability, it is easy to find the king, so he grinned: "I just want His Majesty the King to help me." Just busy!"

"What can I help you with!?" The king's expression turned ugly.

Chen Yang smiled: "Find something for me! Don't worry, I really don't have any malice. As for why this person is motionless, it's just that I cast a small spell. Your Majesty, don't panic, as long as you agree If you help me, I'm sure I won't hurt anyone!"

Um! ?

The king couldn't help being taken aback. He thought it might be the person who kidnapped Lilith, but he didn't think that was the case, but he definitely wouldn't believe Chen Yang so easily in his heart: "Then what are you looking for?"

"What I'm looking for is very simple, it's like a five-pointed star!"

When Chen Yang saw that there was a pen and paper on the table, he immediately drew it. However, Chen Yang's drawing skills were so poor that he could barely understand it, and then he gave it to the king: "There is such a thing, at most It’s only half the size of a palm, but it’s time-consuming for me to find it alone, and I hope the king can help me!”

"This matter is easy to discuss!" The king frowned and said, "Can you let my prime minister go first?"

"Of course there is no problem!"

Chen Yang snapped his fingers, and then the prime minister regained his ability to act.

(End of this chapter)

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