Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 1777 Princess Lilith

Chapter 1777 Princess Lilith

After the prime minister regained his ability to move, he naturally looked at Chen Yang in horror, but he didn't dare to say anything more. After all, he didn't know what Chen Yang had done to make himself unable to move at all. He was still a little scared now, if Chen Yang wanted to kill him at this time, it would be as easy as trampling on an ant to death.

Of course, when Chen Yang suddenly appeared in the palace, many masters must have noticed it. After all, with the breath perception ability, warriors with internal strength can actually do it. As a result, the room rushed in after a while. Three No. 40 people, but most of these strengths are around the Mahayana stage. They all stared at Chen Yang coldly. However, because Chen Yang was next to the king and the prime minister, the main reason was that no one dared to rush forward rashly. .

Chen Yang didn't panic at all, and didn't put these guys in his eyes, and smiled slightly at the king: "I also ask His Excellency to do me a favor, and in return, I am willing to do a favor to His Excellency, as long as it is not If the conditions are too excessive, I will naturally agree!"

Having seen that Chen Yang was able to stop the prime minister at will, the king naturally knew in his heart that Chen Yang was absolutely extraordinary. After thinking about it, he said to the group of guards: "You all step back first!"

The group of guards looked at each other, not knowing what was going on, but since the king ordered them, they naturally wouldn't say much, so they hurriedly withdrew.

"If I will help you find this thing, will you do me a favor?" asked the King.

Chen Yang nodded slightly: "Of course this is no problem, it seems that you just need something!"

The king quickly said: "Then help me find my daughter, as long as I can find my daughter, I will help you!"

Um! ?

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback: "Isn't your daughter a princess? Missing?"

"Well! I have been missing for almost three months!" The king looked sad: "I have been searching for three full months and there is no clue!"

Chen Yang's expression was a little strange: "Isn't it elopement?"

"Of course not. If it was an elopement, how could we not find any clues!" The Prime Minister hurriedly said, "The princess disappeared suddenly without warning, so we have no clues at all!"

"Huh!? Disappeared suddenly?" Chen Yang frowned: "Could it be that he was kidnapped? But that's not right! If he was kidnapped, how could there be nothing for such a long time?" What about the clues? The other party should have some demands!?"

"This is also what makes us feel the strangest. It would be fine if the other party was really kidnapped, but there is no news at all now!"

"How is it!? Young man, is there a way for you to find my daughter?" the king asked quickly.

"I can try, but you have to give me a picture of your daughter, at least let me know what she looks like?"

"Okay, okay, of course no problem!"

The king hurriedly asked someone to show the photo of Princess Lilith to Chen Yang. The king of Ulan Kingdom is not a human being. He does look like a human being, but his skin is light blue, and his eyes are pale blue. They are all blue, so the appearance of Princess Lilith is similar to that of the king, but her appearance is still quite beautiful, and she has a kind of fairy feeling, which is worthy of the word princess.

"I seem to know why the other party wants to take Princess Lilith away!" Chen Yang shrugged.


"It's very simple! Princess Lilith looks so beautiful, the other party must be Jie Se! After all, if it is kidnapping, there should not be no news for three months, but if Jie Se makes sense, the other party must want to Taking the princess as his own, naturally he will not have any demands, because his demands have already been fulfilled!"

The king became even more anxious: "Young man, do you really have a way to find Lilith?"

After all, so many masters have been dispatched, I have searched for such a long time, but there is no clue, and now a Chen Yang suddenly appears, not only can quietly appear beside them, but can even label the prime minister as a given. , it can be seen that the other party must not be an ordinary person, and the king is also in a hurry to go to the doctor, so naturally he can't control so much now.

"Don't worry, just let me give it a try. With the photos, this matter will be much easier! I'll leave first, and if there is any news, I will let you know!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang suddenly disappeared in the same place, and he was stunned by the king and the prime minister. When he came back to his senses, the prime minister was full of excitement: "Gods bless, this young man has such abilities, Lily! Princess Si must be saved!"

The king also nodded: "I hope so!"


Naturally, Chen Yang didn't have any supernatural powers to find people, but he has the eyes of the sky, so this matter is not too much trouble. After remembering the appearance of this Princess Lilith, Chen Yang opened his eyes and started to move towards the princess. Spread in all directions.

First, I scanned the Ulan Kingdom, but found nothing unusual, and then continued to expand the scope.

In the blink of an eye, a day has passed.

Chen Yang, who was not moving at all, suddenly opened his eyes, grinning at the corner of his mouth: "I found it!"

Suddenly, Chen Yang's body flickered, and he came to a mountain top.

This place is still very far away from the Ulan Kingdom, and it is still in the wilderness. The most important thing is that there is an underground base inside the mountain, and there are many people and horses inside. What's even more strange is that this base should be specially made. Yes, Chen Yang can naturally feel the breath inside, but other people should not be able to feel it.

Princess Lilith was imprisoned in a room, her face was full of sorrow, and she looked a little haggard, and she didn't know how she was treated.

Chen Yang thought for a while, and then walked directly into the room. Although this base is special, it is naturally impossible to block Chen Yang.

Such a big person jumped out suddenly, but Princess Lilith was taken aback, and asked in panic for a moment: "You, who are you!?"


Chen Yang signaled her to be quiet, and Princess Lilith subconsciously quieted down, and then Chen Yang smiled softly: "I'm here to rescue you!"

Princess Lilith's face was filled with joy, and she hurriedly came to Chen Yang's side excitedly, but her face suddenly became gloomy: "No, no, even if I leave, that guy will definitely continue to catch me back! "

"That guy!? The one who took you away!?"

Princess Lilith nodded again and again: "He is very powerful, and he can disappear and reappear all at once, no, you should get out of here, he should be back right now at this time, and you won't be able to leave even if you want to Already!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Princess don't need to worry, I have a way to deal with this guy, well, in this way, the princess hides first, and see how I deal with this guy!"

"Hide, how to hide!?"

"Just stand here!" Chen Yang immediately cast an invisibility spell on Princess Lilith, and then transformed into Lilith's appearance. Lilith was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and Chen Yang smiled slightly: "No one can see you now, you can just find a place to stand, I will deal with this guy!"

After seeing Chen Yang's supernatural powers, Lilith nodded hastily, and then stood by the wall, while Chen Yang sat on the bed immediately. As expected, after a while, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the room In the middle, this made Chen Yang slightly taken aback, who would have thought that it was a werewolf!
"your Highness!"

The werewolf was dressed fancy, with a flower hanging on his chest. When he saw Chen Yang sitting on the bed, he quickly showed a wretched smile: "I can't wait any longer!?"

Chen Yang immediately smiled "charmingly": "Yes! The Lun family can't wait any longer! Come quickly!"

ten seconds later.

"Ah ah ah..."

The werewolf rushed out like crazy.

Chen Yang smiled grimly.

The cute girl with a big dick shoots twice, scaring you to death!
Princess Lilith covered her eyes, the scene just now was too hot...

(End of this chapter)

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