Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 2150 Mental instability?

Chapter 2150 Mental instability?

The breath in the room fell silent for a while, no one dared to shoot first, and after Lumas caught Hull, he naturally had no fear, and retreated towards the window step by step.

"Lumas, don't mess around, that's your boss!" Those bodyguards were afraid that Lumas would be overwhelmed, so they hurriedly said.

Lumas snorted coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, I have nowhere to go now, and I am also forced to do nothing!"

While speaking, Lumas' eyes fell on Chen Yang, seeing Chen Yang still sitting on the sofa motionless, and staring at him intently, Lumas felt even more upset.

At a time like this, how dare you pretend to be aggressive in front of yourself?
"Although I don't know who you are, you should be very powerful. If I kill you, even if I die, it should be worth it?" Lumas couldn't help but look serious.

Chen Yang sat on the sofa with a calm face: "If you have the ability, come and try, I will sit here and let you kill, if you can kill me, you have the ability!"

Fuck?so dick?

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang dared to speak nonsense in front of him. Lumas snorted coldly, turned the gun head suddenly, and fired in Chen Yang's direction. You know, Lumas's marksmanship is very good, it can be called a Headshot, after all, is also a top killer, and his level is definitely not weak.

I thought that there would be a blood hole in Chen Yang's head in the next second, but he never thought that Chen Yang's head was on this side, and the bullet whizzed past Chen Yang's ear, piercing through the sofa, and Chen Yang Nothing at all.

Lumas's face changed suddenly, he quickly retracted the gun, and continued to press it on Hull's head, looking at Chen Yang with a bit of astonishment.

dodged?How is this possible?
The muzzle of the gun was only three meters away from Chen Yang's head, but Chen Yang turned his head away as soon as the gunshot rang, and directly dodged the bullet!
luck! ?
But if it's luck, why is there still no emotion on Chen Yang's face?

This is like someone who took a chance?
When Chen He and the others saw Chen Yang dodging the bullets directly, they also looked astonished. After reacting, they hurriedly rushed to Chen Yang, and continued to point their guns at Lumas: "How dare you shoot Mr. Chen?"

"Huh!" Lumas snorted coldly, knowing that Chen Yang was no small matter, and staying here would definitely be bad for him, so he continued to drag Hull to the window, and after opening the window, he came to the balcony. People didn't dare to make any movement, so they could only force them slowly. When Lumas took Hull to the balcony handrail, Lumas suddenly shot at the ceiling. The chandelier on the ceiling In response to the sound, Chen He and the others were taken aback, and hurriedly backed away, while Lumas took advantage of this opportunity and directly fell off the balcony!

Hull looked downstairs subconsciously, and saw that Lumas released a wire rope lock at some point, the top was directly buckled on the balcony, and the whole person fell to the ground along the rope, looking up. After looking over his head, he hurriedly ran towards the crowd.

Chen Yang then came to the balcony, seeing that Lumas had penetrated into the crowd, he couldn't help but snorted coldly: "I want to see how long you can run! Chase!"

"Yes!" Chen He and the others hurriedly set off and ran downstairs. For a while, only Hull and Chen Yang were left on the balcony. Did you let him go on purpose?"

Hull's face changed: "I didn't understand what Mr. Chen meant!"

"When he shot at me just now, you could escape if you had a chance, why didn't you move at all?" Chen Yang couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Obviously, you want to be held hostage by him and let him find someone Opportunity to escape?"

Hull's face became ugly for a while, and he said hesitantly: "Mr. Chen, he has been with me for a long time, this time I will give him a chance. If he is caught, it is up to you to deal with it." I will never interfere with this matter!"

"You can be regarded as affectionate and righteous, so I won't care about this matter with you!"

Chen Yang knew that Hull must have let Lumas go on purpose, but to Chen Yang, this was not a big deal, as Lumas couldn't escape his grasp at all.

Chen Yang glanced downstairs again, smiled and said: "But this guy is really calm, under such a critical situation, he can escape so calmly, no wonder you love him so much, even after being Let him go if he is threatened by others, if he has no hatred with me, I might be willing to make such a friend!"

"It's just that it's impossible now. This guy has already shot me twice, and I will definitely not let him go!"

Then Chen Yang left Hull's company building leisurely. Chen He had already led people to chase him, but Chen Yang felt that it was unlikely that he could catch up. From the behavior just now, we can already know that Lumas is not ordinary. Humans, possessing judgment and calmness beyond ordinary people, may have been disguised under such circumstances, and it should be impossible to find them.

However, Chen Yang's desire for revenge was not so strong, so let this guy enjoy himself for a while, while he returned to the residence, resting with Megalis first, so that her spirit could at least recover.

It's just that after Chen Yang returned to the room, he found that Megalis's mental state seemed to be a little off. When he got home, he curled up on the sofa and shivered.

"What's wrong with you!?" Chen Yang hurriedly came to Megalis, and Megalis suddenly yelled in fright: "No, no..."

"It's me, it's me!" Chen Yang quickly grabbed Megaris: "I'm Chen Yang!"

Megalis regained her composure, and after seeing Chen Yang clearly, she immediately hugged Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, Chen Yang..."

"Did something happen?"

"I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I came to an abandoned hospital. There were many ghosts haunting me. I thought I was going to die!" Megalis breathed a little quickly: "Blood, it's all blood, I saw it Countless evil spirits with hideous faces..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's just a nightmare, let me be by your side, everything will be fine!" Chen Yang quickly comforted.

Only then did Megalis's spirit slow down, but Chen Yang thought that this matter should be over, but when he fell asleep at night, Chen Yang had already fallen asleep, but he heard strange movements in his ears , suddenly opened his eyes, and found that Megaris was no longer by his side, and the door of the bedroom was completely open!
Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, and hurriedly got up from the bed. After walking out of the bedroom, he noticed some movement on the first floor, and then walked down the stairs. Although it was dark all around, he could see a figure sitting in front of the refrigerator, as if Is eating something.

"Meglis?" Chen Yang frowned and shouted.

However, Megalis did not turn around, she was still crunching her food with her head down, as if she was chewing something, Chen Yang felt that something was wrong, and approached Megalis step by step.

Could it be sleepwalking?
However, when I was with Megalis before, I didn’t notice this situation. It really made Chen Yang feel a little weird, but when Chen Yang connected to Megalis, suddenly, the fruit knife on the table trembled. up.

Um! ?

Chen Yang was extremely sensitive to voices, he frowned slightly, and when he approached Megaris again, the fruit knife on the table suddenly flew towards Chen Yang.

what the hell! ?
Chen Yang frowned, and immediately stretched out his hand, and grabbed the fruit knife. At this moment, Megalis, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly burst into a rage, her face was covered with blood, and there was even flesh and blood in her mouth, and she was full of blood. With a ferocious face, he rushed towards Chen Yang!

Chen Yang hurriedly took a step back, glanced at the ground, and found that there was a mouse corpse next to the refrigerator, which had been gnawed into meat scraps by Megalis!

What the fuck?

Chen Yang stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed Megaris's hands, only to realize under the dim light that Megaris' eyes had turned completely black at some point...

(End of this chapter)

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