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Chapter 2151 The Evil Spirit

Chapter 2151 The Evil Spirit
"Meglis, what's wrong with you!?"

Chen Yang hurriedly yelled a few words, but found that Megaris didn't respond at all, and was still biting towards Chen Yang with a fierce face, as if under some spell, she couldn't even scream Wake up, what's even more strange is that Megalis's strength has also become enormous, but she is not yet Chen Yang's opponent.

Chen Yang felt that the situation was really weird. After thinking for a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand and knocked on Megalis's neck. Megalis rolled her eyes and then fainted on the ground.

"How did it become like this?" Chen Yang frowned tightly. Megaris's behavior was too abnormal. She suddenly became so powerful that she even gnawed the mouse's corpse into slag. What's even more weird is that the knife just flew over automatically, and Chen Yang didn't see any mechanism at all!
Supernatural power?

Chen Yang narrowed his eyes, could it be the evil spirit of the West?
Because the series of phenomena of Megalis are very similar to the possession of evil spirits, that is, the so-called upper body of ghosts, and they don't have the right to control their own consciousness at all.

Chen Yang naturally knows that there must be ghosts in this world, both in the east and in the west, and even the god of death exists. Chen Yang has even seen the god of death, but it is completely different from the one on TV. The god of death does not exist at all. Holding a sickle and not wearing a pitch-black cloak, because there are many gods of death. One of the gods of death in Chen Yang's impression is a middle-aged uncle who likes to drink alcohol. He even holds a book in his hand, but it's not a bible. It is similar to the book of life and death, which records the cause of death and longevity of each person.

Of course, there is more than one god of death, and these gods of death are all under the jurisdiction of the underworld. Their responsibilities are actually similar to black and white impermanence.
Chen Yang was also very puzzled at first, ghosts are divided into East and West?Aren't they all about the same?If you want to catch ghosts, can't you just let Black and White Wuchang catch them?Why bother to come up with a god of death?
But then Lord Yan gave himself an answer, which made Chen Yang feel speechless to refute.

"Of course we have to bring out some gods of death, otherwise those ghosts will come and speak English, German, how can I understand? Without a translator?"

The meaning of Yan Wangye is easy to understand, and at the same time, he also told everyone the difference between the ghosts of the East and the West.

Well, the language barrier...

This is why King Yama set up the God of Death.

Chen Yang was really powerless to refute, and felt that it was nonsense, but it seemed to be the same thing.

Then, from this point, we can know that the god of death is not divided into countries, but divided into regions. Whatever language is used in this region, there will be a god of death who understands this language to manage the ghosts in this region.

Have you ever seen a soul ecstasy envoy with a Northeast accent?

Have you ever seen an envoy who can speak Sichuan dialect?

Well, Chen Yang has seen them all, and he has seen many of them.

Underworld is far from as simple as you imagined!
Now that it is certain that Megaris is possessed by an evil spirit, Chen Yang has to find out the root cause. He originally planned to use mana. After all, it is very difficult to deal with the existence of evil spirits and ghosts without mana. , but Chen Yang remembered that he is now experiencing experience. If he can use this mortal body to solve this matter, it will indeed be a big test for him, so Chen Yang would like to come here. Resist the urge to use mana.

After taking Megaris back to wash up, Chen Yang put Megaris on the bed until the next morning. When Megaris woke up, her face was also a little pale. Yang quickly asked, "How do you feel?"

"No, it's all right, it's just that there is a strange taste in the mouth, which is a bit disgusting!" Megalis frowned.

It's hard for Chen Yang to say, you gnawed the mouse's corpse into scum last night, so you can only pretend that you don't know anything, and then ask: "Did you have nightmares again last night?"

"Yes, I found myself in that abandoned hospital again, and saw an evil spirit chasing me, but the strange thing is, when I was about to escape, suddenly my eyes went dark, I can't see anything."

"It's just a dream, don't worry too much about it, I will always be by your side these days!"

Megalis naturally thought it was a dream, so she didn't pay much attention to it, but Chen Yang already knew that the evil spirit should have brought Megalis's consciousness into the illusion when it was possessed, and then controlled it. the body of Megalis.

It's just that Chen Yang didn't know the purpose of the evil spirit for a while. Is it for life, or for other purposes?

Why is Megalis haunted by evil spirits?
But from Megaris' words, we can know that whenever she has a nightmare, she will appear in an abandoned hospital. Does it have anything to do with the hospital?
Recently, Megalis happened to go to the hospital again. Was it because she was haunted by ghosts in the hospital?

Because in the hospital, the number of ghosts is the largest, and the number of unjust ghosts is quite a lot. Chen Yang checked the Internet when he wanted to come, and the hospital he checked was the hospital he was hospitalized some time ago.

After some searching, we found clues. This hospital does have a lot of history. It has been nearly 50 years. At least hundreds of people died in the fire!

The specific cause of the fire has not been found out so far. It is said that it was caused by a fire, but there is no conclusive evidence yet. Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang looked through some other histories, and he found that there are many people in this hospital every year. Will die in it, and the cause of death is suicide, and there are all kinds of weird ways to die.

After seeing these, Chen Yang was sure that the problem should have appeared in this hospital, but Chen Yang didn't know the specific reason. It is impossible for everyone to possess these wraiths, and there are conditions for wanting to possess them. , ghosts are like this, if you haven't touched the things of it's life, you can't ghost your body at all.

However, it is impossible to possess Chen Yang. Although Chen Yang is only a mortal body, he has extremely strong mental control, and even if he has no control, Chen Yang is also a virtuous Dharma body, and it is naturally impossible for a ghost to go to the body. Got Chen Yang's body.

"It seems that we have to go to this hospital and find a way to solve the problem before we can solve Megaris' problem. Otherwise, she will always be troubled by such nightmares, and she will commit suicide directly later!"

Because Megaris has just been possessed, the ghost's spiritual influence is not too strong, it can only drag Megaris' consciousness into an illusion, leaving her without self-control, but as time goes by Over time, when the ghost has gained enough control, Megalis kills herself.

But having said that, ordinary ghosts can only create hallucinations, but Megalis is not an illusion, but directly enters an illusion. Since it can create an illusion of consciousness, its ability is far beyond For ordinary ghosts, the one who really created this illusion is definitely not the evil spirit that is currently trapped on Meggles, it should be other evil spirits. It's just that Si's consciousness is brought into this environment.

The source is in the hospital where I lived before. What method should be used to solve this problem?
After much deliberation, Chen Yang decided to stay one more night to see if he could try to communicate with this evil spirit. If he could, he would like to ask about its specific situation!
This continued until night, and not long after the two of them went to bed, sure enough, the evil spirit possessed her body again, and Megalis's body suddenly trembled. Liz's mouth, because in this situation, Megalis is very likely to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

Megalis's limbs began to struggle, and her body swelled strangely, her strength also became enormous. Chen Yang frowned, and saw Megalis' eyes suddenly opened, turning into pitch black again. ...

(End of this chapter)

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