Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 2152 The slag wants to hurt me too?

Chapter 2152 The slag wants to hurt me too?

When Megaris' eyes turned pitch black, Chen Yang knew that Megaris had been possessed by the evil spirit again, and began to struggle violently again. Breaking free from Chen Yang's control, Chen Yang also released his golden energy, so as not to be bitten off by Megaris.

During the fierce struggle, Chen Yang immediately shouted in English: "What is the purpose of your evil spirit? Do you want revenge? Just tell me if you have any grievances, I can help you, please don't continue to torment me woman!"

Megalis didn't stop struggling, and she didn't seem to have any intention of communicating with Chen Yang, so Chen Yang couldn't help frowning, thinking that this evil spirit is really hard to discuss, and still wants to get rid of Chen Yang's control, and At this time, the lights in the entire room also began to flicker, and the situation became extremely strange.

Chen Yang repeated it again, but it was still useless. The evil spirit seemed not to intend to communicate with Chen Yang. The most troublesome thing was that Chen Yang didn't have yin and yang eyes, so he couldn't see the evil spirit at all. , unless the other party is willing to communicate with himself and take the initiative to show himself.

But Chen Yang would not give up on this, and kept repeating his own words, and remained in a stalemate for more than ten minutes. At last, things turned around, and Megalis's struggle gradually stopped, but her eyes were still black, evil. The spirit did not dissipate, but continued to possess Megalis, but the other party seemed to want to talk.

Finally Megalis' struggle stopped, Chen Yang hesitated for a while, and then withdrew his hand, and then heard a hoarse voice from Megalis's mouth.

"If you want to save her, go to the third basement of Paul Hospital..."

Although the voice was indeed hoarse, Chen Yang could still hear it clearly, and asked suspiciously, "What's on the third underground floor?"

"This woman's soul has been brought into the illusion, you only have three hours..."

After finishing speaking, the voice dissipated, and Megalis closed her eyes without any struggle, as if she had fallen asleep peacefully. Although Chen Yang could feel her breathing, he found that Megalis' breathing gradually became weaker. Weakened up.

Oops, the soul has already been brought into the illusion!

Megalis is just a mortal. When encountering such an evil spirit, she naturally has no power to resist. Chen Yang didn't dare to hesitate, so he immediately changed his clothes and called Chen He immediately. , Let him come and pick him up right away.

Fortunately, Chen He was not far from here, and he drove there in a short while. Chen Yang got into the car while looking at the time: "Go to Paul Hospital, right away!"

Although he didn't know why Chen Yang was so anxious all of a sudden, Chen He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately drove towards Paul Hospital.

In the car, Chen Yang looked gloomy and kept looking at the time, while Chen He at the side didn't dare to ask any more questions. Judging from Chen Yang's expression, it seemed that something serious had happened. About half an hour later, the car stopped. Finally stopped at the entrance of Paul Hospital.

"Borrow your watch!"

Chen Yang was afraid that something might go wrong, so he borrowed a watch from Chen He, and then hurried into Paul Hospital. Chen He felt that something was wrong. He didn't know why Chen Yang, who had always been so calm, suddenly became so calm. so flustered?
Curious, he hurriedly chased after him. After walking into the elevator, Chen Yang went directly to the third basement floor of the hospital. This is the lowest floor, but this is not the underground parking lot, but the waste storage area of ​​the hospital. As soon as it was opened, an extremely pungent smell hit his face. Chen Yang frowned slightly. After getting out of the elevator, he found that it was extremely dark. After all, no one was working at this time, and there were all kinds of abandoned buildings everywhere. There are medical equipment, needles, infusion tubes and so on, but this place is not big, it is almost the same as an ordinary room, but after scanning around, Chen Yang did not find anything special, all of which are all kinds of abandoned Medical paraphernalia only.

"What's on the third underground floor? Could it be the entrance to the illusion? Then how can I enter this illusion!?"

Chen Yang frowned, turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone, and walked around the room, but did not encounter any abnormalities. Just when Chen Yang was puzzled, he suddenly glanced and saw the ground on the left. There was something different, but it was covered by medical equipment, so he couldn't see it very clearly. Chen Yang hurried over, and after cleaning up the medical equipment, he found that there was a puddle of blood on the ground, and the blood was not It was chaotic, but formed a circle, which felt like a formation.

"Is this the entrance to the illusion?"

Chen Yang tried it out with his foot, and he found that his foot could directly enter the bloodstain, but before Chen Yang could react, he suddenly felt a huge force dragging his foot, and immediately pushed Chen Yang directly into the bloodstain. pulled into it.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Chen He just watched helplessly as Chen Yang disappeared before his eyes.


Chen Yang fell to the ground all of a sudden, but he didn't feel any severe pain. Looking around, he found that there was an extremely gloomy aura in all directions.

I came to a corridor inexplicably, the lights were dim, and I could vaguely see that it seemed to be the corridor of a hospital. From time to time, a strange laughter came from my ear, which made people panic.

Chen Yang slowly got up, it seems that he should have entered the illusion, this may be the so-called abandoned hospital by Megaris, the main body of the illusion!

But the question is where should I go to find Megaris now?
Chen Yang didn't think too much about it, he could only use the most stupid method, and started looking for the traces of Megaris around, shouting Megaris' name as he walked, and Chen Yang arrived soon after. At the end of the corridor, when she was about to go upstairs, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her eyes, and this figure was exactly the figure of Megalis!


Chen Yang couldn't help but stop, and frowned, but the figure in front of him didn't move at all, and he still stood there silently.

Chen Yang yelled again, and this time the figure in front of him suddenly turned his head sideways, and Chen Yang could just see the side face, which happened to be Megalis!
But Chen Yang didn't think this was Megalis, as expected, the next second, Megalis laughed suddenly, the corners of her mouth gradually split, and finally the corners of her mouth even extended directly to the neck, and blood continued to flow from Megalis. The corners of Liz's mouth flowed out, and only now did she see which teeth had already turned into densely packed fangs!
Suddenly, a piercing scream sounded, and the figure in front of him immediately turned around and rushed towards Chen Yang. Looking at it now, it was not Megalis at all, but a rip girl!

The appearance can be said to be extremely terrifying, but Chen Yang, who has such a terrifying appearance, did not know how many times he has seen, so he didn't panic all of a sudden, and quickly took a step back. At this time, the rip girl had already rushed in front of Chen Yang , his hands also turned into sharp spikes, ready to kill Chen Yang directly.

"Damn, get out of here!"

At this critical moment, Chen Yang suddenly punched the opponent's face firmly, and the force was very fierce. The rip girl was sent flying with one punch, and blood was splashed everywhere. It can be described as extremely bloody.

However, at this time, the Gap Girl climbed up again, but this time she landed on all fours, like a ferocious beast, and with a shrill scream, she suddenly rushed towards Chen Yang again!
Chen Yang immediately flew up and kicked, just in time to step on the face of the Gap Girl again, forcibly stomping the Gap Girl to the ground.

"Although I'm just a mortal now, you scumbags still want to hurt me!?" Chen Yang snorted coldly: "Let your boss come out and see me directly!"

Chen Yang's voice resounded through the entire weird corridor, but there was no response. Chen Yang stepped hard and smashed the head of the girl with a gap: "Since you refuse to come out, then I will kill all the monsters you transformed into!" Yes! It must be a big blow to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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