Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 103 Raiding the Blackened Prince {Extra Story}

Chapter 103 Raiding the Blackened Prince {Extra Story}
For this mission, Xia Yichu accompanied Mo Qianchen until he died of old age.

When I returned to the Three Thousand Worlds, my surroundings were in a daze, boundless.Only the fiery red bead in Xia Yichu's hand was as bright as fire.

Xia Yichu looked at it, tears fell down involuntarily.

This fiery red bead was carefully selected by Mo Qianchen from a group of agates, polished and then given to her.

After that banquet, with the support of General Huwei, Mo Qianchen successfully became the emperor.

Moreover, it was only later that Xia Yichu found out that Mo Qianchen had cooperated with General Wuwei a long time ago.Even the heroine Shangguanyue's marriage to the Fifth Prince was a trap, but the trap was proposed by the heroine herself.

Xia Yichu didn't know much about the grievances between Shangguanyue and the fifth prince before, but after Mo Qianchen came to the throne, he loved her endlessly.

When completing the task, although Xia Yichu was a little bit reluctant, he still planned to leave.But Mo Qianchen's practice of disregarding the audience of the ministers and abolishing the three thousand system in the harem to favor her alone made her stay.

And the decades of life that followed did let Xia Yichu know that she hadn't chosen wrongly. Mo Qianchen really doted on her. He didn't accept any other women in the harem except her, and every day Even when the two of them had a little conflict before, he took the initiative to admit his mistake and tolerated her in everything.

Xia Yichu also gave birth to a son and a daughter in the second year after Mo Qianchen ascended the throne. The son was named the prince by Mo Qianchen when he was born, and the daughter was named Princess Anping.

Generally speaking, Xia Yichu's life is wonderful.

Moreover, when Xia Yichu's last undercover identity was exposed, the truth made her even more dumbfounded.

The boss behind her and Biyu is actually Mo Qianchen.

The people in the "Ye Sha" organization are like quicksand, spreading all over the world, some people may never use it once in their lifetime, and Xia Yichu and Biyu are the bottom of this organization.

However, after Mo Qianchen knew Xia Yichu's identity, not only was he not dissatisfied with her undercover status, but for the first time he sincerely thanked the "Night Kill" organization that sent Xia Yichu to him.

After the crown prince was enlightened, Mo Qianchen called the world-renowned Taifu to teach him. Usually, Mo Qianchen himself taught the prince various experiences.Although the prince is young, he is naturally intelligent, but the only thing that makes Xia Yichu dissatisfied is that his personality is too cold and independent. He has a weak personality, and he has never acted like a baby since he was a child.

However, Mo Qianchen is quite satisfied with the prince, thinking that he is a good seed to be the emperor, and the waiter even taught the prince carefully.Then, when the prince was 19 years old, Mo Qianchen passed on the throne to the prince, and he took Xia Yichu to visit the mountains and rivers by himself, and the two of them lived happily in the world of two.

That was the task that Xia Yichu spent the longest time doing, and it was also the task that she had the happiest life.

Xia Yichu squatted down, a crystal liquid overflowed from the corner of her eyes, and finally slipped onto the fiery red spar she was holding tightly in her hand.

"Host, welcome back."

The long-lost system voice rang in Xia Yichu's mind.

Xia Yichu wiped his tears with his hand, stood up from where he was, and looked at the translucent plate suspended in front of him.

Wish system:

[Host information:
Name: Xia Yichu
Gender: Female
physical strength:-
Skill: "Yi Jin Jing"

Reward: Jinkou*1
Number of tasks completed: 3
Available credits: 630
Amount of merit: 660]

This mission increased her points and merits by about [-] points and merits, but...

"System, why can't I see the amount of my personal information?" Xia Yichu asked the 233 system. She remembered that she could see the numbers in the attributes before.

"The host is now in a translucent spirit state, and these can only be seen when the host is attached to the original owner when performing tasks. The amount changes with the change of the original owner's body."

"Okay." Xia Yichu nodded, accepting its explanation.

Next to the translucent plate, there was a crystal clear glass ball floating. Xia Yichu raised his hand and touched it with his five fingers. Countless colorful light spots lit up in the originally transparent bottle. As for Mo Qianchen, The memories and feelings of that world gradually faded away in Xia Yichu's head, and finally turned into a piece of peace.

"Let's go, system, I'm going to the next task."

"Okay, the transmission channel is open."

As soon as the voice of the 233 system fell to the ground, a strong sense of dizziness came, and Xia Yichu lost consciousness immediately.

**********The following is Mo Qianchen's side story, which has nothing to do with the main text*********
The night is cold as water.

The atmosphere inside Fengxi Palace has been stiff and low for nearly an hour.

In the main hall outside, the court ladies and eunuchs knelt on the ground, and several imperial physicians knelt in front of these people, with helpless and terrified expressions on their faces.

Mo Zhan, who had been enthroned as emperor for nearly ten years, heard about this incident from Hongyue's mouth, left the government affairs and a group of ministers that he had not yet dealt with, and hurriedly walked towards Fengxi Palace.

When Mo Zhan was enthroned as emperor when he was young, he had seen a lot of political turmoil in the imperial court. With his indifferent personality, he had a sullen face all day long, rarely showing any warmth.

But at this time, Mo Zhan not only hurried his steps, but also looked a little flustered. Hong Yue, who was already an old man in the palace, followed behind Mo Zhan, her eyes flushed.

When Mo Zhan bypassed the kneeling people in the outer hall and entered the inner hall, what he saw was his father and queen sitting beside the bed with his mother in his arms.

When he took a closer look, Xia Yichu, who was held in Mo Qianchen's arms, had his eyes closed, his lips were pale, and his face was no longer the black and blue that a normal person should have.

Xia Yichu's health has been getting worse and worse in recent years, especially recently, she hasn't gotten out of bed for several days, and even the imperial doctor said that her time has come.

It's just... Mo Zhan didn't expect this to happen so unexpectedly.

"Father," Mo Zhan suppressed the sadness and mourning in his heart, took a step forward, knelt down in front of Mo Qianchen, and gave him a big gift.

Mo Qianchen held Xia Yichu in his arms and ignored him.

But Mo Zhan didn't care about this at the moment. He raised his head and said to Mo Qianchen, "The Queen Mother said something to the son yesterday, and she said that the son should tell the father."

Mo Qianchen, who was originally holding Xia Yichu, finally reacted. He slowly turned his head and looked at Mo Zhan, the question in his eyes was self-evident.

Mo Zhan's eyes were reddish, and he choked up with a trace of unnatural choking:
"The queen mother said, don't forget to eat today's dinner, and don't forget to watch the rising sun tomorrow."

 [Thank you for being paranoid like me. And yjy for the reward, huh, no one has given a reward for a long time, Jun Sheng almost lost confidence in writing, this ending is not cruel, right?As the next story begins, the male lead will gradually wake up. Shall we make an appointment? 】

(End of this chapter)

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