Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 104 The Runaway Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 1

Chapter 104 The Runaway Chongxi Xiaocun Girl 1
When he woke up again, Xia Yichu found himself sleeping on a hard wooden bed.

She raised her eyes and looked around. It was a room made of mud. It seemed that it was not exposed to the sun all year round. It was very dark and damp. There were a lot of things piled up in the room. There were posters and posters of several celebrities on the walls. Newspapers are all yellowed.

It looks like she has traveled to the countryside.

Xia Yichu closed her eyes and asked the 233 system to send her the information and tasks of this world.

In less than a while, Xia Yichu already knew her current situation from the messages in her mind.

This time she possessed a person named Su Ningyao, who had just graduated from high school.

Su Ningyao's family is very poor. She is the eldest child in the family, and she has two younger brothers and a younger sister.

The six members of the Su family live in Sujia Village with their grandmother who is over [-] years old.

Su Ningyao's this year was a turning point in her life, because this year, Su's father was seriously injured when he went hunting in the mountains. Even after he recovered from the injury, he was unable to do farm work or go hunting because of a lame leg.

Once Papa Su fell down, all the heavy responsibilities of the family fell on Mama Su. The family was originally poor, and in order to treat Papa Su's illness, all the savings of the Su family were spent.

Moreover, the burden of a family of seven is now on Mama Su's body. Mama Su is just a woman who only knows how to do farm work, how can she support such a large family.However, just at this time, a nobleman in the city came to choose a girl who wanted to be his son's wife, and the bride price was [-] yuan.

The other party picked and picked, and finally took a fancy to Su Ningyao.

Su's mother and Su's father discussed it, and finally decided to agree to the marriage.

However, Su Ningyao quit. She is now a young girl. Although the other party is rich, but the person who is going to marry is a dying person, and she is bought to celebrate the son who is about to die.

No matter what Su's father and Su's mother said, Su Ningyao just didn't want to, and finally even wanted to escape, but was discovered by Su's father, and finally locked Su Ningyao in the house.

However, Su Ningyao still ran out to find her cousin, and was taken outside by his cousin.

Su Ningyao always thought that her cousin was her salvation, saving her from the tragedy of being bought for joy, but she never thought that it was the cousin who treated her with kindness and enthusiasm, who pushed her into hell on earth .

It turned out that her cousin was actually a middleman, an idler who specialized in abducting country girls who had never seen the world, and finally tricked them into a brothel. By the time Su Ningyao knew the truth, it was too late and she had already been imprisoned. In the kiln, he was forced to receive guests.

At the beginning, Su Ningyao was unwilling, and tried all kinds of resistance and escape, but every time he was caught by the people in the kiln, he would be beaten severely until Su Ningyao completely obeyed.

In the last half of Su Ningyao's life, she lived a very miserable life.

He was forced to receive all kinds of guests all day long, and was finally directly played to death by some rude guests.

And the Su family, because of Su Ningyao's escape, was asked to return the betrothal gift by the other party. The life of the Su family was getting worse day by day. Mother Su, who was only in her early 40s, looked like she was 60 under the pressure of life. Like an old lady, skinny.

And Papa Su, who became a cripple, was also under the pressure of life, and the pressure in his heart gradually accumulated.Because of Su Ningyao's escape from marriage, it caused a lot of criticism in the village. No matter where Su's father and Su's mother went, they would be pointed at.

In the end, the desperate family committed suicide by taking pesticides.

But this time Su Ningyao did not hesitate to sell her soul to make a deal with the system, in fact, she came to repent.

She wanted Xia Yichu to protect her family well, marry that sick man, Chongxi, and finish her unfinished studies.

After reading this message, Xia Yichu felt sour in her heart. Su Ningyao was already 22 years old when she died. She must have known that she had sold her soul to make a deal. , can never enter reincarnation.

But even so, she still sacrificed herself in exchange for the peace of the Su family. Although such a girl went wrong in her previous life, her heart is not bad.

Moreover, Xia Yichu paid a little attention to the end of the sick young man, two months after Su Ningyao ran away from home, he died.

Presumably, Su Ningyao also blamed herself in her heart, that's why she added the matter of making the other party happy into this transaction.

"Elder Sister," just as Xia Yichu was fascinated by his thoughts, a little girl's voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Eldest Sister, are you awake? You can come out for dinner."

"Well, good boy, tell your parents, I'll come out right away." Xia Yichu recognized the voice of Su Ningyao's younger sister, and immediately responded to the outside.

After hearing Xia Yichu's response, the little girl outside the door let out a cute eh, then turned and left.

During dinner, all seven of us sat on a wooden square table to eat.

There are only two dishes tonight, one is fried cabbage and the other is fried radish leaves.Both of them are vegetarian dishes, and there is no trace of meat, but this is indeed the normal meal of the Su family. Only during the New Year and festivals, will Su's mother buy some meat from the market.

The lights were dim, and firewood was added to the stove next to it, and a large pot was set on it, and hot water was boiled in it for the whole family to take a bath.

The meals tonight are cooked by two brothers, Su Cheng and Su Yan. The two brothers are twins. They look exactly the same. They have dark skin and a thin body. It may be because of malnutrition that they are shorter than children of the same age.

The two brothers are only ten years old, and they have already started to help the family and do housework.

At the dinner table, no one spoke, only Mother Su, who kept persuading the four children to eat more, and from time to time, brought food to Grandma Su who was over [-] years old.

Xia Yichu had never experienced the simple mud house, but she didn't feel disgusted at the moment, instead, after listening to Mother Su's laughter urging her to eat more and her younger siblings, she felt a sense of warmth in her heart .

After Xia Yichu ate, he took the initiative to wash the dishes, brought hot water for his younger brothers and sisters to take a bath, and after taking a bath himself, he put the changed clothes in the tub and planned to go to Xiaohe the next day while washing.

Only the next day, Xia Yichu heard about a nightmare from Su Yuanyuan early in the morning.

 [The previous chapter has been changed a bit, adding a skill to the heroine.Tonight at [-] o'clock, a chapter will be dropped for rewards and updates~]

(End of this chapter)

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