Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 177 The Zombie King's Only Favorite

Chapter 177 The Zombie King's Only Favorite (15)

Although I don't know where I offended An Zhixia, but since the heroine has already disliked her, it won't be long before the male protagonist Qin Yileng dislikes her.

Xia Yichu stopped his thoughts of finding fault with the two of them and intentionally creating a bad impression, and began to focus on the current process.

His legs were broken, he was thrown into a group of zombies, and was rescued by the Zombie King.

Xia Yichu lowered his head, thinking carefully about the short and not so warm life of the original owner and the Zombie Emperor in his previous life, not knowing how he should behave at that time in order to be able to get the qualification to stand beside the other party.

Everyone stopped halfway, and An Zhixia took out the food and water in the space and distributed them to everyone.

Xia Yichu sat on the side eating delicious instant noodles, she put the bread and water aside.

However, she suddenly took the bread and water away with both hands, and when she looked up, she saw Zhang Linlin's face with vicious eyes but bright smile.

Zhang Linlin held Xia Yichu's bread and water, straightened her waist and smiled at Xia Yichu: "Qing Huan, brother Zhang didn't have enough to eat just now, anyway, I think you have always had a small appetite, why don't you give this to second brother Zhang?" ?”

As Zhang Linlin said, she turned her head and glanced at someone.

Seeing this, a man who was sitting not far away from him grinned at Zhang Linlin, then looked at Xia Yichu with gloomy eyes.

"If you want to eat, take it." Xia Yichu nodded casually, anyway, she put it there on purpose, waiting for Zhang Linlin to take the bait.

Otherwise, food is so precious in the last days, how stupid she is to release the food and water brazenly.

It's a pity that Zhang Linlin didn't know all of this.

Zhang Linlin thought that she had gotten a great deal, so she returned to the man with the bread and water in her hand.

The man's name was Zhang Tie, and he was Zhang Hu's younger brother.

Before the apocalypse, they were a group of rough men who worked hard all day long. Now that the apocalypse has awakened their abilities, Zhang Hu is the leader of everyone, Zheng Tie is his younger brother, and he has awakened the fire ability. Everyone calls him Brother Zhang.

Although Zhang Tie and Zhang Hu are brothers, he is more handsome than Zhang Hu, and Zhang Linlin's appearance is not bad.

Zhang Linlin walked over, originally intending to sit beside that Zhang Tie, but was grabbed by him with a big hand, and the whole person sat directly on his lap.

Zhang Linlin smiled coquettishly, and handed the bread and water to Zhang Tie directly.

Zhang Tie's appetite has always been large, and with the end of the day approaching, although he can't get hungry every day, he won't be full either.

He took the food that Zhang Linlin handed over, unpacked the bread, and chewed it.

And An Zhixia was dragged away by Qin Yileng just now, the two were making out, and they didn't know that Xia Yichu had given the bread to Zhang Tie.



A high-pitched soprano sounded.

Zhang Linlin, who was sitting on Zhang Tie's body, screamed loudly, and quickly jumped off Zhang Tie's body.

"What happened?"

Everyone put their eyes on the two of them, and even Zhang Hu who was not far away came over.

"Brother Zhang," Zhang Linlin stepped back a few steps, looking as if she had received some great panic. She looked at Zhang Hu who was walking towards here, and shook her lips, but she couldn't say anything. come out.

On the contrary, on Zhang Tie's side, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhang Tie had a problem.

Zhang Tie sat there trembling, his eyes were slightly scarlet, and saliva flowed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

This is a harbinger of becoming a zombie.

However, because he was not directly scratched and bitten by the zombies, and because he was a supernatural being, he had strong resistance and did not lose his mind directly.

"Hey, what's going on here? When did Brother Zhang get caught and bitten by a zombie? Didn't everyone face a zombie head-on today?" One of the men said in a rough voice.

Zhang Tie had also noticed his strangeness. He opened his mouth, but not only could he not utter a complete sentence, but the saliva in his mouth flowed out uncontrollably. It looked like he was disgusting to death.

Moreover, he looked at everyone who was some distance away from him, and actually had a faint thought of eating everyone in his heart.

Everyone involuntarily took a few steps back and looked at Zhang Tie with fearful and cautious eyes.

And Zhang Hu finally stepped forward and saw Zhang Tie's appearance as he was about to turn into a zombie.

"Tiezi! What's the matter with you?!" Zhang Hu looked suddenly, and was about to approach Zhang Tie to check his situation, but was grabbed by several other men.

"Brother Zhang, you can't go there! Tie Zi is about to turn into a zombie... If he gets caught, it will be good or bad..."


Zhang Hu is just such a younger brother. Both brothers have not yet married a wife, and their relationship has always been good.

Even knowing that Zhang Tie has turned into a half-zombie now, Zhang Hu still has no idea that he is dangerous in his heart, he still wants to go forward, and even directly asks those people to let him go with a gloomy face, otherwise He's about to start.

Zhang Tie's abilities are very aggressive, and, in order to match his abilities, he carried a lot of copper, iron, and gold with him all over his body, whether on the surface or in the dark. cold weapon".

very dangerous.

As soon as he said this, the people next to him hesitated and gradually let go.

However, Zhang Hu, who was in a rage, was stopped in place by a sentence uttered by a person next to him:

"Brother Zhang, the one on the opposite side is no longer your younger brother, but our enemy, a zombie! Your younger brother has already been killed. If you pass by now, you will at most be caught or bitten by him Turn into a new zombie in one fell swoop. Both brothers are useless dead, it is better to give Brother Zhang a pain, and you also live well to find out who is the murderer who killed Brother Zhang!"

"After all, we haven't fought a zombie head-on today! Being bitten by a zombie usually turns into a zombie within two hours. Among them, someone must have framed Brother Zhang!"

In the crowd, I don't know who said such a long paragraph, but Zhang Hu suddenly woke up.

His eyes fell on Zhang Tie. Although he was a few steps closer, he was still a few steps away from Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie fell to the ground trembling non-stop, his face turned blue, his nails turned black, showing the state of a zombie.

"Brother, kill, kill."

He fell to the ground, speaking to Zhang Hu with indistinct syllables, but there was a hint of pleading in his scarlet eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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