Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 178 The Zombie King's Only Favorite

Chapter 178 The Zombie King's Only Favorite (16)

With a gloomy face, Zhang Hu raised his hand, and a thin blade grazed Zhang Tie's throat, killing him with one blow.

Zhang Tie kept his eyes open until his death.

Zhang Hu walked over and reached out to close his eyes.

"Zhang Linlin, I want you to be buried with Tie Zi right now!" Zhang Hu stood up abruptly, without warning, and directly activated his supernatural ability.

Countless large and small, thin and sharp blades attacked Zhang Linlin.

Zhang Linlin, who was originally pale, did not expect that Zhang Hu would attack her so quickly, without warning.

She stood there with a pale face, looking at the blades flying towards her, fear occupied her whole mind, and even made her forget that she has supernatural powers, even her feet don't listen Called, the footsteps are heavy, and I can't take a step.

However, just when Zhang Linlin thought she was going to die here today, Qin Yileng appeared.

With a wave of his hand, a thick block of ice appeared in front of Zhang Linlin, like a shield erected in front of her.

Those blades all shot at the ice shield, leaving deep marks.

Zhang Linlin's legs went limp, and she knelt directly on the ground.

"What's going on here?" Qin Yileng's eyes swept across Zhang Linlin, and finally fell on Zhang Hu. When she spoke, there was even a sense of apology: "Brother Zhang, I don't know where she offended you? My younger brother is here to make an apology for you."

Zhang Hu usually has a very talkative appearance in front of people, especially his simple and honest appearance, which makes people feel that this person is very simple at first glance.

But now, many people suddenly knew that Zhang Hu's gloomy expression was actually so terrifying.

He was originally tall and tall, but usually because he seldom gets angry, everyone didn't notice.But now, when he stood there with a gloomy expression, the hostility emanating from his body, the strong sense of oppression, made people dare not look directly at him.

Zhang Hu sneered a few times before turning to Qin Yi and said coldly: "Little Brother Qin, it's not that I don't give you face this time, but that the people on your side are really deceiving people too much. I'm just such a little brother." , Now that it’s gone, it’s gone! What do you think should be done about this?!”

Zhang Hu turned his body sideways, and Zhang Tie, whose throat had been cut by a blade, had completely lost his body, and appeared in the video of Qin Yileng and others.

Standing beside Qin Yileng, An Zhixia even opened her mouth in surprise, but soon she raised her hand to cover her mouth and swallowed the slightest bit of sound.

"This is..." Qin Yihan's eyes fell on Zhang Tie.

A boy next to him stepped forward and said something in Qin Yileng's ear.

Qin Yihan listened, watching Zhang Linlin's video gradually become colder.

The boy explained the matter with a few words, that is, Zhang Linlin and Zhang Tie got tired of being together, somehow, that Zhang Tie suddenly turned into a zombie, and Zhang Hu thought that Zhang Linlin was the one who killed him. Yes, he will be killed and buried with Zhang Tie.

None of Zhang Hu's actions were too absurd. No one knew how Zhang Tie turned into a zombie. He was about to kill Zhang Linlin.

Although Qin Yileng didn't think much of Zhang Linlin in his heart, he was a fire-type supernatural being after all, so he felt a little bit reluctant to kill him like this.

Therefore, after hearing what the boy said, Qin Yihan lowered his head and said to Zhang Linlin, who was already limp into a ball beside him, "Zhang Linlin, don't you have anything to say? For example, why did the second brother suddenly become Zombie? Why on earth did you want to murder him?"

Qin Yi spoke to Zhang Linlin in a cold voice. Although he questioned each sentence, it also gave Zhang Linlin a chance to defend himself.

Zhang Linlin is usually careful and thoughtful, but now, she suddenly heard the hidden meaning of Qin Yileng's words of wanting to save herself. She was overjoyed, and instantly raised a little hope, forcing herself to calm down, and directly Kneeling on the ground and crying out in pain:
"I, I don't know, I was just sitting there playing and talking with Brother Zhang, and I didn't do anything else."

"I just felt the danger all of a sudden, but seeing Brother Zhang's fingernails suddenly grow long and black, I was startled, so I screamed loudly, pushed him away, and then he became Zombies."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I really don't know anything!"

Zhang Linlin cried so heartbreakingly that she sat directly on the ground, snot and tears flying as she talked.

At this time, almost no one present would believe that her words were false.

Except for Zhang Hu.

"Hehe, besides you little bitch who surrounds my brother all day long, who else would cling to my brother for so long? How dare I say that I wronged you? If it wasn't for you, could it be that my brother feels like a zombie? It's fun to be beheaded, and you turn yourself into a zombie?" Zhang Hu sneered again and again, speaking in a very aggressive tone, and his gloomy expression never eased.

Zhang Linlin didn't answer any more, just knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

I don't know if other people sympathize with Zhang Linlin or what, but Zhang Hu's heart is only full of irritability and infinite killing intent towards Zhang Linlin.

Zhang Hu raised his head to look at Qin Yileng, his gaze was more cold and indifferent than when we first met in the supermarket.

He said directly to Qin Yileng: "Brother Qin, do you want this person or our cooperative team? I'm telling the truth, I have to kill her! Even if you stop me today, if you have a chance , I will definitely smash her body into thousands of pieces, leaving no bones left!"

Zhang Hu's words were resounding, and it seemed that there was a sinister and vicious air that directly spread throughout Zhang Linlin's whole body.

Zhang Linlin sat on the ground, her body trembling all the time and never stopped.

Suddenly, something flashed in Zhang Linlin's head.

She raised her head, showing her crying face, pointed at Xia Yichu who was behind the crowd, and said, "It's her, it must be her. Brother Zhang ate her bread and water at that time, so after that It will turn into a zombie!"

Those people pointed out by Zhang Linlin quickly spread out towards both sides, finally revealing Xia Yichu standing behind the crowd.

"Who are you?" Zhang Hu's dark eyes fell on Xia Yichu.

It's no wonder that Zhang Hu didn't know Xia Yichu after walking together for so many days. Xia Yichu was too low-key and boring, and he didn't have supernatural powers, so Zhang Hu would notice her.

(End of this chapter)

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