Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 268 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 25

Chapter 268 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 25
There has always been a rule of "buy and leave" at the gambling table. The young stall owner looked at the huge pile of money on Su Wanru's side, as if seeing the joy of the money running into his pocket after the game was over. up.

But just when he was secretly happy, a figure came, stretched out his hand silently, and put the money bag in his hand on Su Ran's name.

The stall owner glanced at the other party, who came dressed in brocade clothes, standing upright, exuding an indifferent and cold aura, like a sword waiting to be unsheathed.

The other party's appearance is extraordinary and handsome, but it's a pity that the aura exuding from him is too strong, making it easy for people to overlook his outstanding appearance.

The person who put the money bag was Ge Han.

The stall owner stretched out his hand to open the money bag, and what lay inside were all glittering gold coins, shining brilliantly.

The stall owner swallowed his saliva, and asked Ge Han involuntarily, "How many gold coins are there?"

"Not many, five hundred." Ge Han said lightly, his voice, just like his impression, was indifferent and cool.


As soon as Ge Han said this, there were a lot of gasping sounds from the side.

Five hundred gold coins is simply a huge sum of money.

This person can take it out as a bet at will, I don't know if he is stupid or not.

"Boss, you're lucky." Someone next to him gave the stall owner a "you know" look.

But no one knew that the young stall owner was about to vomit blood.

Hehehe, I hope that after this competition, he didn't go bankrupt.

Everyone's eyes once again fell on the ring.

Xia Yichu is having a hot fight with Su Wanru.

At least the people below looked like this, but no one knew that Su Wanru was about to vomit blood in her heart.

Just now, she obviously felt Xia Yichu's attack on her, and his moves were fierce, obviously with the meaning of a quick fight.But for some reason, just when she couldn't bear it, her moves suddenly weakened again, and even the coercion brought to Su Wanru by the dragon beard whip disappeared.

Su Wanru didn't know the reason, but thought that this was a good opportunity to pursue and suppress Xia Yichu, and the attack was ruthless without mercy.

And Xia Yichu was just like what she said, just blindly dodging, but not attacking, which made Su Wanru's heart suddenly regain the confidence that she could beat Xia Yichu to the point of bleeding and looking for teeth everywhere.

But before she could be proud, Xia Yichu returned to her previous appearance again.

With a cold heart and a cold heart, his moves are fierce.

Su Wanru was hit by Xia Yichu's whip, and a burning pain came from her arm instantly.

She looked at Xia Yichu, and wanted to speak when she opened her mouth, but Xia Yichu didn't intend to give her this chance. She directly pulled Su Wanru's whip out with a whip, wrapped herself around one of Su Wanru's feet, and pulled Su Wanru hard. Just fell to the ground.

The wrestling posture was still the ugliest dog crawling style, Su Wanru was so embarrassed that she wanted to sit on the ground and cry.

But what made her even more embarrassing was still behind, Xia Yichu didn't give her too much time to react at all. After watching Su Wanru fall to the ground, Xia Yichu didn't let the whip loosen around Su Wanru's feet, but directly followed the whip. The whip wrapped around Su Wanru's left foot was pulled and flicked hard, and Su Wanru was thrown flying.

Su Wanru was thrown into a group of men by Xia Yichu. The group of men watched Su Wanru fly towards them, and in the end Su Wanru directly landed on the two men.

The men next to her immediately gathered around one by one, like salty pig's hands, while greeting Su Wanru with feigned concern, they stretched out their hands to touch her body.

How could Su Wanru have thought that not only did she lose to Xia Yichu, but she was also treated so disgustingly.

A mouthful of blood choked up from her heart, her face turned black, and she fainted from the anger.

When Xia Yichu saw all this from the high platform, she was actually a little surprised in her heart.

At that time, she just casually threw Su Wanru in that direction.

But I didn't expect that there were actually a group of such wretched men sitting there... and those people seemed to be in the same group, and the appearance of a few of them showed an expression of excessive indulgence.

Seeing Su Wanru's maid hurriedly leading the guards to bring Su Wanru out of those men, Xia Yichu felt no pity or guilt in his heart.

There is no doubt that Xia Yichu was declared the winner of this competition by the referee.

And Ge Han got five thousand gold coins amidst the pained look on the young stall owner's face.

Xia Yichu came down from the ring, and Ge Han immediately walked to her side.

"Congratulations." Ge Han smiled at Xia Yichu, his eyebrows were picturesque, his whole person looked like the sunshine in winter, warm, without the slightest indifference and coldness in front of other people just now.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Xia Yichu said to Ge Han.

The two didn't go back immediately, but went to the other rings to take a look.

The group Xia Yichu and Su Wanru ended first, and the other seven groups are still going on.

However, it didn't make Xia Yichu wait for a long time. It didn't take long for the seven groups of competitions to end one after another.

As soon as the winner's name was announced, Xia Yichu not only saw his own name on it, but also Su Yueyan's name.

But what made Xia Yichu a little regretful was that it was not Su Yueyan who would fight her tomorrow, but another stranger.

On the second day, it was a four-in-two game.

Xia Yichu's opponent this time was very young, a 13-year-old boy, but Xia Yichu felt very tricky.

Because the other party is a Phantom Beast Master.Although his grade was young, his phantom beast, which resembled a pangolin, severely hindered Xia Yichu's actions.

Xia Yichu didn't summon Ge Han, but defeated the pangolin little by little, by grinding.

Once the pangolin was defeated, the little boy had nothing to rely on, and Xia Yichu easily defeated him.

Although this match was a victory, Xia Yichu did not win it easily.

Suddenly, there was a loud cheer from the next ring. She turned her head and saw a man fell off the ring next to her. Su Yueyan, who was wearing a pink skirt, was standing on top of the ring. .Seemingly aware of Xia Yichu's gaze, Su Yueyan suddenly turned to look at Xia Yichu.

Su Yueyan wore a light pink scarf on her face, which covered her face, but revealed her big and bright eyes.

How should I put it, Xia Yichu felt that Su Yueyan looked at him with an inexplicable contempt, as if he was looking at an insignificant ant.

 [Thank you, Xia Yuchuqing, for your reward, yum~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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