Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 269 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 26

Chapter 269 The Beast Silver Dragon Strategy 26
Regarding Su Yueyan, Xia Yichu actually had a little doubt in his heart.

Among the previous memories she received about the original owner, there was no memory about Su Yueyan finally awakening the Phantom Beast Master.

However, it may also be because the original owner passed away early and did not live long enough for Su Yueyan to awaken the Phantom Beast Master.

However, just now on the high platform, the way Su Yueyan looked at her was too strange.

Xia Yichu shook his head, put aside the doubts in his heart, took Ge Han, the two went to have a big meal, and waited for tomorrow's finals.

Silent all night.

The Qingyun competition is actually a high-profile event.

Especially on the day of the finals, there will be royal people here in person.

Today, Xia Yichu came earlier.

But even so, when she arrived at the competition venue, there were already many people around.

Su Yueyan has arrived. Unlike Su Wanru's heavy makeup, Su Yueyan's clothes today are very simple and elegant, with light makeup on her delicate and pretty face.

By Su Yueyan's side, there are many people surrounding her, it can be said that there are many stars around her.

Compared with Su Yueyan's high-profile, Xia Yichu seemed to be much lower-key. She walked out of the crowd silently, and no one noticed Xia Yichu's arrival until she stepped onto the high stage.

Under the arena, several tables of gambling were set up by different stall owners.

If you lose, you will not get a point back, and if you win, you will take double.

Ge Han's family walked over, betting all the money in his hand on Xia Yichu.

Looking at his actions, Xia Yichu suddenly understood in his heart why Ge Han suddenly paid so much more money these days.

Xia Yichu didn't let Xia Yichu wait on the high platform for too long, when the time came, the gong sounded, and the young referee immediately asked the two to take their positions.

Su Yueyan strolled up the steps amidst cheers.

Standing face to face with Xia Yichu, Su Yueyan's delicate and beautiful face evoked a confident smile: "Su Ran, I'm not that idiot Su Wanru, today, let me experience your strength!"

Su Yueyan's words brought back the sense of strangeness that had been suppressed in Xia Yichu's heart again.

Xia Yichu looked at her steadfastly, remained cold and did not answer.

That Su Yueyan hit a cold nail, her expression was not bad.

It's just that, waiting for the referee's voice next to him, Su Yueyan's attack galloped like lightning, with a sharp posture, and attacked Xia Yichu.

Su Yueyan's weapon is a long sword, Xia Yichu today, it is rare that he didn't use the dragon beard whip, but also picked out a cold sword from his ring.

Anyway, with the foundry master Gehan around, the weapons in her ring have never been short. There are all kinds of weapons, and they are not bad.

The two weapons collided, making a bang bang sound.

Although Su Yueyan is a Phantom Beast Master, she also has a lot of actual combat experience.

Xia Yichu fought her for several rounds, and the two were evenly matched.

However, Xia Yichu's face was relaxed and calm.

But Su Yueyan's expression was not very good-looking, and she couldn't hold it anymore.

Xia Yichu didn't try his best because he wanted to test Su Yueyan's strength.

But Su Yueyan directly wanted to quickly knock down Xia Yichu, but he didn't expect that he was still vaguely at a disadvantage.

Su Yueyan looked at Xia Yichu with a gloomy expression, and with a thought, he quickly summoned his contracted beast.

A pleasant phoenix cry sounded, and a fiery red figure suddenly flew fast from a distance.

Although this figure is small, its whole body is shining with the light of flames, bright red and gorgeous.Especially the feathers of different colors on her long tail attracted everyone's attention.

This is Su Yueyan's contracted beast - the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix.

As soon as this sixth-order nine-colored phoenix appeared, there were a lot of exclamations from the audience.

The contracted beast of the Phantom Beast Master!

And it's still a sixth-order contracted beast!

The profession of Phantom Beast Masters is extremely rare, and even if there were, those Phantom Beast Masters must have found support behind them.

Usually, he rarely summons his contracted beast in front of everyone.

As a result, everyone has always been curious about the Phantom Beast Master.

Now, watching Su Yueyan summon the sixth-order nine-tailed phoenix in minutes, many people looked at Su Yueyan with fascination and eagerness.

The contracted beast and its master have the same intentions.

As soon as the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix came, it flew towards Xia Yichu directly, opened its mouth and spit out flames at her, Xia Yichu quickly dodged to avoid it.

Contracted beasts are divided into nine levels. The larger the number of words, the greater the strength and potential of the contracted beast.

This sixth-order nine-colored phoenix is ​​actually considered to be the most powerful among the contracted beasts.

When Su Yueyan summoned it to come out, she directly ordered her to die, and must let Xia Yichu die.

Therefore, after the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix came out, it has been attacking Xia Yichu without stopping.

She can emit flames, fireballs of various sizes, and even summon tornadoes by flapping her wings.

However, fortunately, there are quite a few monsters in the Sumeru Realm.

When Xia Yichu was in the Xumi Realm, besides fighting Ge Han, he often found all kinds of large monsters to fight.

Invisibly, Xia Yichu also gained a lot of experience while increasing his strength.

It's just that Xia Yichu has never met this kind of opponent flying in mid-air.

As a result, even if Xia Yichu was able to avoid the attack of the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix, it was not easy.

Su Yueyan stood aside, stuffed a few pills into her mouth, a cool feeling swam through her whole body in an instant, and the exhaustion in her body was swept away.

Seeing Xia Yichu dodging the attack of the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix in a panic, Su Yueyan smiled, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with using contracted beasts to deal with Xia Yichu.

She had even seen the glory she received after winning the game and the rewards presented by the emperor himself.

Su Yueyan smiled, looking at Xia Yichu who was being surrounded by the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix, she held her own weapon, and planned to go forward to help the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix.

But at this moment, Xia Yichu, who was supposed to be in a mess and avoiding the sixth-order nine-colored phoenix, suddenly turned his head to look at Su Yueyan.

When facing Xia Yichu's appearance, Su Yueyan was slightly taken aback.

But Xia Yichu suddenly laughed.

The smile that bloomed on that pretty face, although not dazzling, has a trace of indescribable beauty.

But in the blink of an eye, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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