Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 422 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 4

Chapter 422 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 4
Although in Ari's memory, it was half a month later when she met An Yi.

But Xia Yichu didn't really plan to wait half a month before looking for him.

Thanks to the memories left by Ari, Xia Yichu now not only knows the address of An Yi's home, but also knows his daily itinerary very clearly.

Today is NO.19.

Therefore, the place where An Yi will be located should be... a hospital!
Xia Yichu took the unfamiliar catwalk and stopped in front of the bus stop.

She looked up at the tall bus stop sign, and after calculating the time it would take her to walk from here to the hospital, she decisively chose to take the bus!
So, the people waiting for the bus at the Ewha bus station that day were very fortunate to see the snow-white cat, squatting on the side reservedly, with its head raised high, looking at the direction the bus would come, and it would come when there was a slight disturbance. Let it can't help shaking those two same white ears.

This action is simply too cute.

Among the crowd waiting together, there were two youthful girls. After discovering Xia Yichu's existence, they first secretly took pictures of Xia Yichu with their mobile phones, and then took out the little fish in their bags. After tearing it apart, he put it in his hand and approached Xia Yichu.

Ignorant mortals.

Xia Yichu gave the two of them a cold look, then turned his head away.

"Ah, Mengzhen, she's really not afraid of us."

"Yeah, it's the first time I've met this cute and fearless cat. Do you think she's waiting for the bus with us here?"

"Pfft! How is this possible. However, why doesn't she eat this dried fish? Could it be that she doesn't like the taste of pickled peppers?"


The two girls squatted beside Xia Yichu, talking happily to themselves, looking at Xia Yichu with such fiery eyes that it almost made goosebumps rise all over Xia Yichu's body.

Just when Xia Yichu could bear it no longer, the bus she was waiting for finally arrived, and the bus stopped slowly at the stop, Xia Yichu moved his feet, and when everyone was getting on, he followed the last one People, as soon as their feet jumped, they jumped up.

This humane act of hers made the two girls hold their faces and scream like nympho again.

Xia Yichu found a slightly cleaner place on the bus, then pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the location on the bus radio, and after hearing the familiar name of the hospital, he got off the bus with everyone .

Xia Yichu's act of taking the bus by himself has already attracted the attention of many people.

Even, Xia Yichu found a man getting out of the car after him, looking at him with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Xia Yichu's heart was full of alarm bells. After getting out of the car, he used all his strength to run fast. The white dots shuttled among the many heels, and disappeared in the crowd of people on the street after a while.

Xia Yichu ran all the way to the hospital.

In the memory of the original owner Ahri, An Yi's health is not good, not only is he in a wheelchair all year round, but his face is also very pale, and he has to come to the hospital for an examination every month on NO.19.

Every time I leave the hospital, I take a bag of medicine with me.

Xia Yichu sneaked into the hospital with his tail between his legs.

In the hospital, the smell of medicine is very strong.

When he was still a human being, Xia Yichu hated coming to the hospital very much.

Today, a cat's sense of smell is on par with a dog's.

The smell was so strong that it made Xia Yichu dizzy, and he almost fainted when his feet softened.

"Host." The system spoke in Xia Yichu's mind, teaching Xia Yichu how to block out those smells he didn't like.

Xia Yichu learned it after a few tries. After shielding some unpleasant smells, Xia Yichu finally felt better.

She shook her head and continued on.

Every time An Yi sees a doctor, he is on the sixth floor.

Xia Yichu originally wanted to take the elevator, but after waiting for a long time at the elevator door, no one took the elevator upstairs.

With Xia Yichu's current cat shape, it is even more impossible to press that button with his claws.

Xia Yichu flicked her tail, and just when she was about to walk up the stairs next to her, a very clear and pleasant voice sounded: "Are you waiting for the stairs too?"

this sound...

Xia Yichu's ears twitched, but she didn't flick her tail. She raised her head to look at the source of the sound, and saw the sound of the wheelchair coming from behind.

When Xia Yichu was looking at him, An Yi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was also looking at Xia Yichu with a smile on his lips.

Ari grew up in the forest. Although he has never seen anyone, every goblin transforms into a form after a hundred years of cultivation. Which one is not as beautiful as a peach blossom, and looks better than a fairy.

But An Yi was able to see him at Ahri for the first time, and just a smile could make Ahri's heartbeat stall at that time, which shows that An Yi's appearance is against the sky.

And it was true that he appeared in front of Xia Yichu now.

The man in the wheelchair had black jade-like hair with a faint luster, and the skin on his neck was as delicate as porcelain.

Although that exquisite appearance is more morbidly pale than ordinary people, this trace of pallor not only does not make people think that he is decadent and soft, but because of the warm smile on his face and the blooming eyes in his eyes. The peace and tranquility that emerges make people feel no pity and sympathy in their hearts.

It seems that emotions of pity and sympathy are a kind of blasphemy and insult to him.

He is talking to himself.

Xia Yichu understood, but of course he wouldn't reply.

She was not waiting for the elevator but for him.

Xia Yichu flicked his tail, watching An Yi push the wheelchair from far to near.

Although An Yi asked that, of course he didn't expect to ask Xia Yichu for a reply.

He came to the elevator, pressed the door open button, tilted his head and looked at Xia Yichu next to him, and said, "I'm going to the sixth floor, if you're going too, then come in."

Xia Yichu flicked his tail, raised his head proudly, and walked in with reserved steps.

When he reached the sixth floor, An Yi pushed the wheelchair and walked out, Xia Yichu followed behind him step by step.

An Yi has an appointment every time, Xia Yichu watched him push his wheelchair into the room for consultation, then stood where he was and didn't follow in, but jumped onto the stool in the corridor, twisted his tail and pushed himself Shrunk into a ball, closed his eyes and began to sense the aura of this world.

Although there are monsters in this world, the places with strong spiritual energy are all in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are also enchantments. People who are not monsters can't find that place at all.

 [Eight thousand is over, there is no more in the morning, Jun Bao is going to bed, good night everyone! 】

(End of this chapter)

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