Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 423 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 6

Chapter 423 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 6
Although An Yi lived outside alone, Xia Yichu felt it was necessary to introduce his family.

The An family's status in the capital is not low, and it belongs to a century-old family. At the time of reform and opening up, the An family also gave a lot of help to the party.

In the first few years when the economy was just developing, the person in charge of the An family at that time was very shrewd and invested a large amount of money into the business.

Now, the properties under the name of Anjia are spread all over the country, and the chain stores are not only all over the country, but also sold in many foreign countries.

An Yi is the son of An Haocheng's first ex-wife, Mu Wenwansheng, who is now in charge of the An family.

At that time, Mu Wenwan and An Haocheng were considered a commercial marriage, and there was no emotion involved in it.

Mu Wenwan's health is not good, and she suffers from palace cold. She married An Haocheng for five years before she gave birth to a son like An Yi.

Moreover, after An Yi was born, he completely inherited Mu Wenwan's frail and sickly physique, making it difficult to support him.

Due to his frail body, after An Yi was born, he spent two months in the hospital before being picked up by An's family.

And Mu Wenwan was not much better. After giving birth to An Yi, she had been seriously ill, and died when An Yi was three years old.

Less than half a year after Mu Wenwan left, An Haocheng married his current wife Yang Yiyi back.At the same time, marry one and get one free, and bring back An Chun who is only two months younger than An Yi.

An Yi and An Chun both look exactly like their father, and the difference in age between the two can be seen by a discerning eye.

An Yi had a car accident when he was five years old, and his life was saved, but he never had the chance to stand up again.

He has been relying on a wheelchair to live, and when he was full, he moved out of the Anjia by himself.

Every month on NO.19, bodyguards would take An Yi to the hospital for a physical examination. Usually, An Yi lived alone in the villa.

The time Xia Yichu came to this world today happened to be NO.19. After An Yi brought her back, it was already noon.

An Yi went to the kitchen to cook something casually, and cooked a small bowl of rice porridge for Xia Yichu.

He carefully added some minced meat into the broken rice porridge.

What shocked Xia Yichu was that An Yi actually put her cat bowl on the table and asked her to step on it to eat!
Even Ahri from before didn't have this kind of treatment!

Xia Yichu's eyes widened in shock, she turned to look at An Yi next to her, wondering if this person knew something.

But An Yi just stretched out his hand and patted her on the head with a gentle face, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and eat, I will take you out to buy good things for you in the afternoon."

He spoke with great interest, and Xia Yichu's curiosity couldn't help being aroused, and the doubt that had just protruded from his heart was lost in the blink of an eye.

Xia Yichu lowered his head and concentrated on licking the food in the rice bowl.

After she finished eating, An Yi had already finished eating.

He cleaned up the leftovers from the meal of one person and one cat, and then brought the used dishes into the kitchen and washed them separately.

Xia Yichu squatted on the dining table, looking at the man who was busy in the kitchen.

There is a faint smile on his face all the time, and there is no impetuousness at his age, nor the loneliness of living alone.His brows and eyes are soft, and the corner of his mouth is smiling. From his body, he can only feel a sense of tranquility and comfort.It is like the ringing of a bell in a temple. Every time it is struck, the ancient and distant ringing sound goes away and spreads among the mountains.

No matter what this person does, he looks like he is enjoying it.But he didn't know that no matter what he did or didn't do anything, in the eyes of others, his every move was a good splash-ink painting.

When An Yi came out of the kitchen, what he saw was his cat lying on the dining table, flicking its fluffy tail and focusing on him.

"Go, I'll take you out to play." An Yi stretched out his hand.

Because of the scene where he intentionally scared her just now in the car, Xia Yichu's heart was slightly shadowed. She bared her teeth at him pretending to be fierce, and then put her front paws on him.

An Yi held her in his arms, and laughed dumbly: "Little thing, with such a small body, he has a big temper."

An Yi took Xia Yichu out, and Xia Yichu didn't understand what the "good thing" he was talking about was until after he went out.

Cat villas, cat beds, cat toilets, cat bowls, cat food, cat toys, etc. A series of food for cats, don’t forget to buy several packs of dried fish with different flavors in the supermarket.

It is actually rare for a teenager in a wheelchair to take a cat out to the supermarket, especially when the person in the wheelchair is so exquisite and beautiful.

Many people were amazed by An Yi's outstanding appearance and the smile on his face, but after seeing the wheelchair under him and the feet that could not stand up, there was a look of pity and sympathy on his face.

Even when An Yi was picking things, there were two girls beside him who were peeking at An Yi and whispering something.

They thought their movements were secretive and their voices were subtle, but they didn't know that Xia Yichu saw and listened to everything.

Xia Yichu's sharp cat eyes looked straight at them, and a sense of unreasonable anger suddenly arose in his heart.

Many people do this all the time.

It's like being on the bus, seeing a cement worker, you can't help but look aside to avoid showing disgust on your face.

When I saw an old man picking up rubbish on the street, I looked over with sympathetic eyes, as if this could make me feel better.

But in fact, they did nothing.

Those scrutinizing and whispering that they think are secret will only make people more disgusting.

It's so disrespectful!

The hair on Xia Yichu's body exploded and seemed to stand on end.

"Hey, don't make trouble." An Yi, who was picking out products, noticed the strangeness of Xia Yichu's feet, lowered his head and said softly to her, and reached out to pat her on the head.

Xia Yichu paused, and the hair that was originally erected suddenly fell down obediently.

Xia Yichu raised his furry head and rubbed against An Yi's thigh, yes, what are you fussing about with those people.

After An Yi finished picking things, he took Xia Yichu to check out.

There were a lot of people queuing at the checkout, and there were a lot of people looking at Xia Yichu and An Yi, but An Yi seemed to be unable to feel the gazes of these people around him. He lowered his head and looked at the napping cat lying on his lap, and poked it with his hand. He poked Xia Yichu's furry body.

Xia Yichu opened his eyelids, looked at the slight smile on An Yi's face, and suddenly felt in his heart that, in fact, sometimes, rather than saying that he is magnanimous, it is actually a kind of indifference.

 【This is a story without conception, outline and framework. Jun Bao has not yet figured out what to do next, so write it wherever you think of it. QAQ, let’s let it fly with me. 】

(End of this chapter)

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