Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 435 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 21

Chapter 435 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 21
"An Yi, you are really kind to this cat." Yang Yiyi looked at this scene, feeling very uncomfortable.An Yi didn't mind eating by himself, but even used a dish to feed the cat.

What An Yi did made Yang Yiyi deeply feel that she had been insulted.

"She has been by my side for a long time." An Yi played with her lips, her expression soft.

As soon as he said this, no matter whether it was Grandpa An or An Haocheng, the expressions on their faces were not necessarily very good-looking.

Before An Yi lived in An's house or moved out, An Haocheng and Grandpa An didn't mind.

Even, I think it's better for him to move out.

With both legs disabled, he was doomed to miss the successor of the An family.


After An Haocheng and Grandpa An thought of something, they both sighed in their hearts.

"An Yi, come with me to the study." Grandpa An said to An Yi.

"When? Now?" An Yi asked back.

"After your cat finishes eating, I'll wait for you inside first." As Grandpa An said, he got up from his seat first, left the dining table, and walked to the study.

An Yi looked down at Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu is now a kitten, and she doesn't eat fast when she eats. After she finished eating the big piece of fish, it was already a little while later.

After watching her finish eating, An Yi put the plate on the dining table, rubbed her stomach, and patted her hairy butt after digesting the food.

Xia Yichu knew that he was urging him to go down, but Xia Yichu didn't want to.

She also wanted to go in with An Yi and hear what Grandpa An would say to An Yi.

She pretended to be dead and lay on An Yi's lap, her fluffy tail curled up around An Yi's wrist like a vine with a hint of flattery.


Xia Yichu didn't even know how to write the four characters of being cute and shameful. She rubbed An Yi's thigh, then went back to rub his hand.

"Hey, don't be coquettish, you can lick as much as you want when you sleep at night." An Yi slipped his Adam's apple, patted Xia Yichu's head, and said to Xia Yichu with a doting face.

His voice was not high, but it was not low either.

Almost as soon as his words fell to the ground, more than N lines of sight fell on Xia Yichu's body.

Xia Yichu's heart at the moment is ignorant, plus a capital grip.

Even after beating her to death, she never thought that An Yi would say such a sentence.

This sentence, even if it is said to a single person, is too dirty, too imaginative.

And he actually said to a cat...

Sensing those stares that were obviously wrong on her, Xia Yichu looked ashamed (although her furry cat face couldn't see any expression), stretched out her claws and patted An Yi vigorously, then jumped off his body go down.

An Yi chuckled, and didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with what he just said. He pushed the wheelchair under him and slid towards the study.

Xia Yichu just had a flash of white light and didn't know where he went, but everyone's eyes were back again.

Yang Yiyi was caught by An Yi's words just now, she withdrew the disgusted and shocked look on her face, looked at An Haocheng with a flat face beside her, and said to An Haocheng: "Master, An Yi, he... ...he must have been infected with some bad behavior?"

"Mom, isn't this obvious? Otherwise, why would he be so affectionate to that cat, and even pick her bones after eating? Have you ever seen an owner who would hug a cat all day long, and Even serving dishes for her to eat? No wonder when I went to him last time, he poured water for the cat himself and handed the dried fish to the cat’s mouth. I heard that today, he still I brought that cat to school." Sitting next to Yang Yiyi, An Chun immediately spoke.

"Okay! Eat quickly before you finish eating, and go back to your room if you want to whisper something after eating. What's the point of discussing your own family here!" An Haocheng spoke heavily, Yang Yiyi and An Chun Didn't dare to speak any more.

Xia Yichu just slipped away, but actually ran outside directly.

It's just that Xia Yichu didn't sneak far away, she just watched Grandpa An go into the study, so she ran out, actually along the wall, trying to find the location of the study, to see if she could hear something in the corner .

Xia Yichu walked along the wall with a cat's pace, until at a certain place, she suddenly stopped.

Inside, Grandpa An and An Yi seemed to be talking, but there were only sporadic sounds coming from inside. Even if Xia Yichu stretched out his ears and pressed his ears against the wall to listen, he couldn't hear anything.

The soundproofing effect of this room is really good.

Xia Yichu shook his ears in frustration, raised his head, and looked around.

Next to this villa is a path, one side of the path is the villa, and the other side is the garden.

This is the middle rear of the villa area.

In the garden next to it, there are not only flowers and plants, but also trees.

And it's the big tree growing outside, not to mention the thick branches, like mushrooms, branching and growing in all directions.

It is obviously not tall, but there are many branches, and the branches and leaves are luxuriant. I don't know if it is because the gardener forgot to repair it, or because the people who settled down want to keep it. The branches of this big tree extend to two feet. Up to the balcony of the building.

Xia Yichu's azure blue cat eyes looked at this overgrown tree, turned around, and suddenly had an idea.

Xia Yichu doesn't know if cats can climb trees, but she knows she can.

Xia Yichu climbed up from under the tree with a vigorous posture, and then got into the dense leaves.

Her figure is not big, and her weight is also light. The trunk can fully support her weight, and the lush branches and leaves can just cover up the conspicuous white on her body.

Xia Yichu stood on the tree trunk, moved forward cautiously, and finally heard the conversation between Grandpa An and An Yi in the study.

The dialogue between the two seems to have reached a fever pitch at this time.

When Xia Yichu crawled over, he just heard Grandpa An speak, his voice was full of anger: "If you didn't do it, who else would stare at that thing!"

"But grandpa, how do you think I should do it? With my legs that can't walk? Or with the two bodyguards outside the villa?" An Yi sat in a wheelchair and looked directly at Grandpa An with a calm expression. light.

At this time, Grandpa An's face was showing a bit of anger and a threatening aura, but An Yi still had that gentle and jade-like appearance.

Xia Yichu chose a secret location where he could see the inside clearly, and slowly lay down on the tree trunk, quietly looking at the two people in the study.

(End of this chapter)

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