Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 436 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 23

Chapter 436 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 23
"Have you grown up? How dare you do bad things behind my back?" An Yi lifted Xia Yichu in mid-air, one person and one cat looked at each other.

What is it like to not only try to escape but also be caught by the parents on the spot after doing something bad?
Xia Yichu felt a lump in his heart when he met An Yi's eyes.
Immediately, but in an instant, there was only innocence and ignorance left in those azure blue eyes.


Xia Yichu raised his head and looked at An Yi innocently.

On the second floor of the villa, An Chun's screams had stopped, and Xia Yichu seemed to have heard Yang Yiyi's angrily saying that he would find his dead cat and skin it.

An Yi seemed to have heard it too, his eyes darkened slightly, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Putting Xia Yichu on her lap, An Yi took out a wet wipe from the phone, lowered her head, and patiently wiped Xia Yichu's two evil little paws.

Under the sharp claws, the two front paws were stained with traces of blood. When Xia Yichu's two claws were placed on it, the originally clean wet wipe was immediately stained with traces of bright red.

An Yi was wiping Xia Yichu carefully, when a servant ran out of the villa, and seeing Xia Yichu and An Yi under the tree, his expression changed slightly, he turned around and ran in again.

A car drove in from outside the villa, and a man got out of the car with a medical kit in his hand. He came so quickly, it should be An's personal doctor.

The private doctor ran in quickly with the medicine box in hand, his footsteps flying like flying.

An Yi carefully wiped Xia Yichu's two claws, even the gap between her claws.

Xia Yichu just got into trouble, and although he was happy, he couldn't show it in front of An Yi at this time.

She obediently lay on An Yi's lap, allowing him to wipe her claws, and from time to time rubbed them flatteringly on his hands.

When An Yi wiped Xia Yichu's two front paws very clean, a servant from the villa also ran out, and in front of An Yi, said to him: "Master, madam, please come over."

An Yi pushed the wheelchair into the villa, and Yang Yiyi was making noise in the hall at this moment. Seeing An Yi coming in with Xia Yichu in his arms, she immediately wanted to rush up, but was held back by the servant.

"Let go of me! This broken cat dares to scratch my Chun'er, see if I don't skin her! If you don't let me go, I will fire all of you one by one!"

Yang Yiyi roared angrily and used her trump card.

And it was after she said the last sentence that the servants who had stopped her gradually let go.

"Whoever doesn't stop her, I will resign now!" An Haocheng behind him said.

As the head of An's family, An Haocheng's words are more important than Yang Yiyi's. As soon as he said this, those people immediately surrounded him again.

Yang Yiyi was out of breath, turned her head to look at An Haocheng, and shouted angrily: "Haocheng, what do you mean? Chun'er is still lying on it now, her face was scratched to pieces by that stray cat, you don't care at all. Do you feel bad?!"

"Mrs. Yang, Ali is not a stray cat." An Yi put Xia Yichu on his lap, and said to Yang Yiyi.

Yang Yiyi was in a fit of anger at this time, and turned to look at An Yi, not even pretending to be fake on the surface.

She sneered, and said to An Yi: "I don't know what the young master means. In the past few years when we didn't come back, our family settled down smoothly, and our business was booming. When we came back, something happened to my Chun'er immediately. I'd rather I want to ask the young master what kind of heart is this!? Chun'er has always regarded you as an older brother in his heart, even if the young master doesn't like Chun'er in his heart, he shouldn't treat him like this!"

"Ms. Yang's words are really funny. Since you believe that I did it in your heart, then treat him as a person. You can also find a cat to come out and let it scratch me." An Yi smiled It's just a smile without the slightest warmth.

Yang Yiyi was so angry that she could hardly speak.

At this time, the door of the study room was opened from the inside, and Grandpa An walked out.

Although he has stepped down from the position of chairman for many years, he still has the prestige on his body.

He looked around with sharp eyes, and then said lightly: "What's the trouble? Go back to your room and stay in front of so many servants, don't be afraid of shame! Didn't An Chun's face be scratched?" Is it hurt? When he takes care of himself and applies the medicine well, I don’t think that cat looks like a troublemaker, so ask An Chun if he made a mistake.”

Once Grandpa An spoke, Yang Yiyi naturally had no room to speak again.

She cast a resentful glance at Xia Yichu who was crouching on An Yi's lap, her eyes were cold, as if poisoned.

She glared at Xia Yichu before turning around and going upstairs.

And, as if to vent, every step is very heavy.

Xia Yichu looked at her stilettos, opened her mouth and blew, Yang Yiyi who was going up the stairs didn't know what happened, her left foot tilted, and she rolled down the stairs directly, the sound of her body hitting the stairs made a thumping sound .


"How are you, ma'am?"

"Are you all right ma'am?"


The servants standing below who hadn't dispersed immediately surrounded them, and even An Haocheng stepped forward anxiously, picked up Yang Yiyi who had fallen unconscious, and strode upstairs.

It is estimated that the family doctor upstairs has not finished the treatment, and will come to check this again.

Xia Yichu pursed his lips and secretly smiled in his heart.

"Have you had fun today?" An Yi looked down at the instigator on his lap, with a smile spreading in his eyes.

Xia Yichu felt guilty when he heard his words, and simply lay on his lap and pretended to be dead.

An Yi didn't seem to intend to confront Xia Yichu to the end, he slid his wheelchair and went directly to the room next to the study.

Logically speaking, the rooms on the first floor should only be available to the older generation.

When An Yi was a child, his room was also on the second floor. It was not until he had an accident with his feet that he couldn't go up the stairs because of his inconvenient legs, so he moved to the first floor.

An Yi opened the door, and the room had changed a lot from when he left, and it didn't match the room in his memory at all.

An Yi just took a look and then backed out.

The housekeeper came over from the side and said to An Yi: "Master, this is your room, but the villa was rebuilt at that time, so the things in your room were also changed. Everything in the room is clean , often someone takes care of it, just waiting for you to come back."

"Well, I'll go back to my villa first, and come back at night." After An Yi nodded slightly, he spoke to him.

(End of this chapter)

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