Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 438 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 27

Chapter 438 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 27
"what happened?!"

"How is this going?!"




Messy, anxious, and flustered voices yelled from the mouths of those white coats, and finally turned into a scream, and there were a few more corpses in the dark laboratory.

An Yi came out of the nutrition warehouse. He pulled a white coat hanging beside him and put it on his body, waved at Xia Yichu, and said softly, "Ari, let's go."

"Yeah." Xia Yichu nodded, followed closely beside him, and ran out one by one.

Although An Yi took care of those white coats so easily just now, Xia Yichu was worried.

She always felt that if An Yi wanted to escape, it might not be that simple.

This laboratory is located under the ground.

It doesn't matter whether it's day or night on the ground, it's always dark down here. If you want to do things inside, you have to keep the lights on all day long.

And just now, after An Yi destroyed all the lights here, although those people were easily dealt with, but at the same time, the person sitting in the monitoring room on the other side quickly discovered the strangeness here.

The laboratory suddenly went dark, and several monitors were destroyed by An Yi. The screen was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

After the person sitting in the monitoring room found out about this scene, he immediately contacted the other people An Chun arranged here.At the same time, as soon as he raised his hand, he pulled down a red switch gate.

The darkness can't stop Xia Yichu and An Yi's footsteps, needless to say Xia Yichu, she can go through even a wall.

As for An Yi, it was because of his practice, which made his body senses more acute.

Moreover, because of cell reorganization, his current physical fitness is very strong.

Suddenly a piercing alarm sounded in the dark laboratory, and the red light flashed, and An Yi was found by the light.

The furnishings next to him seemed to have moved by themselves. Xia Yichu just wanted to hold An Yi, but he looked at An Yi as if he had already prepared, and approached the laboratory door with a flexible and light pace.

Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that the sense of crisis that arose in her heart just now came from the red laser line.

Although I don't know how An Yi saw it, Xia Yichu was very happy in her heart. She was not afraid of the invisible laser line, and followed An Yi nimbly, her ears trembling, and she paid attention to the people around her from time to time. movement.

After An Yi passed the red laser line, he was already very close to the gate of the laboratory.

And at this moment, the ever-shrinking red light and the harsh siren stopped suddenly, and the emergency lights in the laboratory were turned on. Although the lights were not as bright as the incandescent lights that An Yi had just destroyed, they were still enough to make people outside See the situation inside through the side monitor.

The originally clean laboratory is now in a mess, with debris falling all over the ground, and the researchers who fell on the ground and whose lives are unknown can still be seen vaguely.

However, the person who should have been lying obediently in the nutrition warehouse without any resistance is now standing in front of the experiment door/below the monitor~!

Seemingly knowing that someone was watching over the monitor, An Yi raised his head, looked straight at the monitor, and suddenly smiled.

This smile is like a spring breeze blowing on the face.

An Yi's face was magnified and presented on the screen in the monitoring room. It was obviously a handsome and angelic face, but the coldness emanating from his body was like a demon from hell who wanted his life.

This feeling is like the feeling of being stared at by a demon. Although there is a screen in the middle, it frightens the three of them.

"What, what should I do?" One of them pushed the companion sitting next to him.

"What else can I do? I just called An Shao. When he built the laboratory, An Shao spent a lot of resources. He, he will definitely not be able to escape." Another person stammered. with.

Even though he said that, anyone could hear the fear in his tone.

The screen suddenly went black, it was An Yi who destroyed the monitor.

An Yi walked to the door of the laboratory, he reached out and quickly pressed on the input keyboard next to him, a green light flashed on the screen indicating that the password was correct, and the door of the laboratory was opened.


A male voice came from outside.

Immediately, countless bullets shot in.

They should have installed silencers on the muzzles of their guns, but they didn't make a sound when they fired.

The people outside looked at the empty doorway for a moment, obviously they didn't expect that after An Yi opened the door, he didn't come out.

Xia Yichu was hugged by An Yi and hid on the ceiling of the laboratory door, feeling a little worried.

After all, An Yi only has one person, no matter how he leaves, he will not be the opponent of so many people outside.

Moreover, the other party had a gun in his hand.

As if feeling Xia Yichu's anxiety, An Yi patted her on the head lightly, "Don't be afraid, I'll be fine. I still want to save my life to save you, right?"

After An Yi said this, Xia Yichu's mood began to recover again.

After all, in his previous life, An Yi not only escaped, but also went to the laboratory to rescue Ari.

Xia Yichu restrained his mind and focused on the matter that the two of them had to face now.

She moved her claws to let An Yi let go, and then jumped directly from An Yi's arms to the ground.

Xia Yichu stood at the door and turned to look outside.

The outside of the laboratory is at the corner of the stairs. There are more than a dozen people around the outside. Everyone has a gun in their hand. If An Yi doesn't show up, they stand still.

The two parties formed a secret confrontation, but Xia Yichu felt that the matter might not be so simple.

If An Yi wants to get out of the laboratory, he has to go this way.

And if An Yi showed up on his own initiative, such a big person and such a small space here would undoubtedly be a target for them.

No matter how fast An Yi healed, he would be shot to death by these people as a target.

Just when the atmosphere is quiet and tense.

"Where is that person!?"

Xia Yichu heard such a shout.

This voice sounded full of energy, and the other party sounded like a practitioner!He is also a person in the channel of practicing martial arts!

Xia Yichu's heart was pounding.

People arrive before they say anything.

After the man's voice fell to the ground, a black figure floated down from above.

The person who came was an old man in his 50s, with an immortal demeanor and a thin figure, wearing a black Taoist robe.

If he didn't know that this is the era of technology, Xia Yichu would have almost thought that someone from the rivers and lakes had entered here.

But after Xia Yichu saw him, his mood sank.

Xia Yichu felt a strong sense of dread from this person.

 [After so many more, my fingers are about to be knocked off, I am crazy, why are there no bubbles...subscriptions have also plummeted...Ben Junbao doesn't want to talk anymore]

(End of this chapter)

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