Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 439 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 28

Chapter 439 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 28
After the old man appeared here, those people with guns locked their eyes on him, obviously not knowing who he was.

Afterwards, the person who appeared at the corner of the stairs was known to everyone—An Chun.

"Where's the person?" An Chun asked as soon as he came out.

One of the men with a gun responded: "Young Master An, that man is inside and hasn't come out yet."

"Grandpa Xu, this person is up to you." An Chun walked up to that person, and said to him with a respectful expression.

The man named Xu nodded, "Don't worry, Chun'er, since I promised you, I will definitely take care of this matter. It's just..."

When Mr. Xu was halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped.

"Just what?" An Chun asked, but she didn't get a response from Mr. Xu.

Elder Xu's eyes fell on a certain direction, and he suddenly grinned: "I didn't expect there to be a demon spirit here."

An Chun and the others couldn't tell what Mr. Xu was laughing at, but Xia Yichu's heart was full of alarm bells.

Because, when Mr. Xu said this, the direction he was looking at was where she was now!

Xia Yichu raised his head, looked at Mr. Xu vigilantly, raised his claws and stepped back.

But Mr. Xu didn't give her this chance. Instead, he reached out and quickly took out a piece of light yellow talisman paper from his pocket, sandwiched it between the two, and said something quickly in his mouth, and the ball of talisman paper burst into the air immediately. set fire.

He threw the piece of talisman towards Xia Yichu, Xia Yichu turned around and ran, just when the burning piece of talisman was about to stick to Xia Yichu's body, a wind blade hit and directly knocked the ball of talisman back.

The talisman paper was burned, and the ashes fell to the ground.

"Ah! Cat?!" In the crowd, someone yelled and pointed in Xia Yichu's direction.

Xia Yichu stopped, only then did he realize that the old Taoist didn't want to attack her, but wanted her to show her true colors.

Xia Yichu crouched there, but fortunately he did not escape.

After seeing her appearance, other people may not recognize her, but An Chun does.

"Nine-tailed cat?" An Chun turned pale with shock, his eyes fell on Xia Yichu: "Why are you here?"

"Is this the nine-tailed cat in the laboratory?" Elder Xu glanced at Xia Yichu and asked An Chun.

"No, that's not right." An Chun stared at Xia Yichu, and shook his head: "I just came from the laboratory just now, and the nine-tailed cat was locked in the cage half-dead, and couldn't escape at all. I'm afraid it's another nine-tailed cat. Grandpa Xu, why don't you catch her together? Our people have confirmed that the blood on the nine-tailed cat can rejuvenate people, and the healing ability is also very fast, just right The one in the lab is about to die, and with this one, the longevity medicine will definitely be researched."

An Chun said, looking at Xia Yichu's eyes, full of greed.

Xia Yichu frowned in disgust.

"Isn't Changsheng yours enough?" Elder Xu glanced at An Chun, and then turned his head to look at Xia Yichu, with the same expression as An Chun, with a greedy look and bright eyes, which was also so disgusting.

Old Xu said: "This nine-tailed cat is not comparable to that. If it is used for refining, it will definitely be a great help in cultivation."

Is it not enough for these two scumbags to capture Ari?Still want to catch her?

A sneer flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes.

The old man had already taken his sword out of thin air and attacked Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu squatted there, and jumped to the side neatly, the sword that the old man struck did not miss, but was blocked by another sword.

When the two swords met, there was a piercing sound.

Xia Yichu saw that it was An Yi who blocked the old man with a sword.

"An Yi!" An Chun's cold eyes fell on An Yi, and he said to the old man, "Grandpa Xu, kill him for me!"

"I didn't expect it to be such a nanny." Mr. Xu took a quick look at An Yi, and a flash of light flashed across his eyes, and he said to An Chun: "You take your people out first, So as not to hurt innocent people when we fight."

An Chun is no better than those other people. After meeting Mr. Xu by accident, he knew that in this world, there are not only people, but also monsters, ghosts, and other cultivators.

When Xu Lao made a move just now, he wanted to run away, but he couldn't hold back his face.

Now, after hearing Mr. Xu's words, An Chun immediately responded: "Yes, Grandpa Xu, I will leave this place to you! Let's go!"

An Chun's last words were addressed to those people standing on the stairwell. Those people were stunned by Xia Yichu's sudden appearance just now and Xu Lao's hand. After listening to An Chun's words, Instinctively retracted their guns, and everyone retreated together.

Soon, besides An Yi and Xu Laodao who were confronting each other, there was Xia Yichu next to them.

Old man Xu moved his hand, and the two retracted their weapons and took a step back.

Standing at An Yi's feet, Xia Yichu stared at Xu Laodao with wide eyes, fearful in his eyes.

But after Xu old man took back his long sword, he looked at Xia Yichu and An Yi who were standing side by side, but he laughed, and said: "That idiot An Chun, who has such a good product in his hand, can't tell the difference. A pure spiritual body that is rare in a hundred years is actually used as an experimental product, it really blinded his dog's eyes!"

Xia Yichu and An Yi looked at him quietly without speaking.

Xu Laodao didn't mind, after scolding An Chun, he said to Xia Yichu and An Yi: "It's hard for you two, you have been locked here for so long, if I knew that you have such a good physique, I would definitely I won't let him do whatever he wants. An Yi, are you An Chun's elder brother? How about following me? Anyway, the An family has abandoned you. If you want revenge, I will go up and arrest An Chun to vent your anger. How about it?"

He said it as a matter of course, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his indiscriminate killing.

An Yi's hand holding the sword tightened, as if he couldn't hold back anymore and was about to strike, Xia Yichu jumped out first, spoke to him, and said in a sticky voice: "Okay, you catch An Chun and torture him well He, we will follow you. Anyway, we have nowhere else to go now."

"Is this true?" Xu Laodao looked at Xia Yichu.

"Of course, our Nine-Tails clan never lie." Xia Yichu raised his head slightly and proudly.

That Old Taoist Xu narrowed his eyes, and quickly went up the stairs.

But in the blink of an eye, Xu Laodao lifted An Chun off from above.

(End of this chapter)

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