Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 447 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 42

Chapter 447 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 42
The news that the white cat left with a male cat spread quickly in the villa.

Xia Yichu was hugged by An Yi and sat on the sofa, with an angry look on his face, he reached out to poke An Yi's chest in dissatisfaction, and said: "It's all right now, what you said at the dinner table that day, now everyone in the An family , we all know that cat ran away with other male cats. If I can recover as a cat in the future, how do you tell me to go out and meet people."

"See you as you like. If anyone dares to say a word about you, I will fire them." An Yi patted Xia Yichu's head.

When the two of them were alone in the room, it was as if An Yi was not in a wheelchair, and Xia Yichu wasn't wearing a hat either.

Among the smooth black hair, the fluffy cat ears just popped out, and because of her mood swings, the two cat ears would tremble accordingly.

When Xia Yichu heard these words come out of An Yi's mouth, it really didn't fit his gentle and jade-like painting style.

Xia Yichu smiled, a thought flashed in her eyes, she raised her head, and said to An Yi with a cute expression: "But I don't want to stay in the villa all day, I want to go out and play."

It has been several days since she became a human, but Xia Yichu has stayed in the villa and never went out.

Not having money is one of them, but more importantly, it is because she has no ID card.

A few nights earlier, Xia Yichu had seen what An Yi had brought back. In addition to the newly bought clothes for her, there was also a new ID card for her.

Xia Yichu didn't know how An Yi did it, but he seemed to have just got it and was looking at it in his hand, and Xia Yichu appeared from behind him, so he also saw the ID card.

The person above looks exactly like her current appearance, not to mention, even the name written on the column of the name above is——An Ali.

Age is 19 years old.

"So you want to go out?" An Yi lowered his eyes and looked at Xia Yichu.

"Yeah." Xia Yichu nodded quickly.

An Yi smiled evilly, "Please, I promise you when I'm happy."

If it was other powerful and close people, Xia Yichu would definitely have spoken without saying a word when he heard this.

But the other party was An Yi, who looked as gentle as jade on the outside, but inside was a very possessive pervert. Xia Yichu reached out and grabbed his wrist, and quickly filtered his question in his head.

"hurry up."

An Yi may be a gentle person in front of others, but in front of her, he is less and less able to hide his true inner feelings. Seeing Xia Yichu's slow opening, An Yi still can't sit still.

Xia Yichu was hugged and sat on his lap, looking at the handsome face who was close at hand with reddish eyes, the reddish color, the whole person leaned forward, and even climbed up his neck with both hands.

"Master, please, I want to go out." Xia Yichu said this to him with a blushing complexion.

The girl's face was flushed and her eyes were shy. The two got closer, and the warm breath she exhaled sprayed on him.

The fragrance of her body also penetrated into the tip of his nose.

Occasionally, a trace of scarlet flashed quickly in An Yi's eyes, he smiled, his Adam's apple slipped, and he said to Xia Yichu: "Hey, I will take you out tomorrow."

 [Good evening, everyone~ This chapter has two hundred more characters, and there is no meat, the next chapter is the next day~]

(End of this chapter)

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