Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 448 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 43

Chapter 448 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 43
In short, the exercise that afternoon was not without rewards.

When Xia Yichu saw the ID card that An Yi gave her with the words "An'a Li", tears were about to flow out.

However, on the second day, An Yi not only gave Xia Yichu her ID card.Moreover, Xia Yichu was given the status of a student studying at the school.

The school that An Yi runs for Xia Yichu is the same school as himself.

However, the age assigned to Xia Yichu at that time was one year younger than his, so when Xia Yichu was in school, he was also one level lower than him.

Xia Yichu was wearing a new school uniform, carrying a bag and went to class with An Yi.

Although he has memories of his previous life, An Yi knows that this is a cat demon who has never been to school from the beginning to the end.

So, on the way to school, An Yi kept talking to Xia Yichu while the two were sitting in the back seat of the car.

Xia Yichu tried her best to show that she was looking forward to and curious about the school, so even though she knew what An Yi said, she still nodded with a curious face.

An Yi was originally a famous figure on campus, and wherever he appeared in a wheelchair, he would definitely attract countless eyes.

But now, he, who has always been a loner, is accompanied by a girl in school uniform!
Although this girl wore a school uniform and had a hat on her head, judging from her slender waist, her waist-length black hair and her temperament, she was definitely a little beauty!
Wang Susu looked at the backs of Xia Yichu and An Yi, and then walked around quickly from the side path to look in front of them.

When she saw Xia Yichu's delicate face with bright eyes and white teeth, she was even more stunned, the golden light in her eyes was as hot as the sun... It cannot be ignored.

Classmate Wang Susu looked at the two obsessively, thinking in her heart, she didn't expect Senior An Yi to be so gentle and find a girlfriend so beautiful.

It's just that I don't know what class the other party is in. I feel like I'm unfamiliar, as if I've never seen it before, but the other party is clearly wearing my school uniform.

Not only Wang Susu had such an idea, but even other people who saw Xia Yichu's appearance were as puzzled as she was.

Logically speaking, Xia Yichu is so beautiful and outstanding, no matter how low-key he is, but with that face, he shouldn't be ignored.

But, no matter how you look at it, how unfamiliar...

Xia Yichu pushed An Yi into the elevator.

An Yi's classroom is on the fifth floor, while Xia Yichu's classroom is on the sixth floor.

An Yi originally wanted to take Xia Yichu to report to the principal, but Xia Yichu refused to let him go with him.

Xia Yichu is not afraid of anything, but he just doesn't want An Yi to be so tired and run up and down with him.

Moreover, in the entire school, only the teaching building has elevators, and the other buildings do not.The principal's office is on the second floor of other buildings.

An Yi had no choice but to give up. Xia Yichu was brought to the classroom by An Yi when he was a cat before, so he was no stranger to his classroom. After pushing him into his classroom with ease, Xia Yichu was in An Yi's " We'll meet here the first time after class." In the voice, he nodded and went out of the room.

Xia Yichu went to the principal's office alone.

An Yi had already greeted her before.

Although An Yi is now the not-so-favored grandson of the An family, his surname still bears the word "An".

After Xia Yichu went to the principal's office, the principal received her politely, asked her a few questions casually, and then handed her over to another 40-year-old with black-rimmed glasses, who looked very discerning. female teacher hands.

The female teacher's surname is Tao, and her first name is Hongyue.Tao Hongyue will be Xia Yichu's class teacher from now on.

After Tao Hongyue took over Xia Yichu from the principal, she took Xia Yichu to collect the new textbooks.

At this time, it is already class time.

The campus was originally overcrowded. At this time, everyone is studying in it, and the campus is empty.

Tao Hongyue took Xia Yichu to the teaching building, and after going up to the sixth floor, she took Xia Yichu in front of a class with a loud reading voice, and pushed the door in.

The class, which was originally full of books, suddenly became quiet because of Tao Hongyue's entry and her gestures.

Tao Hongyue stood on the podium and said to everyone: "Students, I am here to tell you something simple. Today, a new student will be transferred to our class. Everyone applauds and welcomes."

There was thunderous applause in the class, Xia Yichu pushed the door open amidst the applause.

In his own feelings, Xia Yichu walked to the podium unhurriedly.

But in the eyes of others, the slender and beautiful girl came at a leisurely pace, like a lotus growing every step of the way, and there seemed to be a different demeanor in every gesture.

However, many people recognized her. She was the girl who got out of the car with An Yi today and pushed An Yi's wheelchair.

I didn't expect her to be a transfer student, no wonder she was so unfamiliar.

This is what Wang Susu and many others are thinking deep in their hearts today.

Xia Yichu introduced his name very succinctly on the podium, and took the teacher's writing pen to write his name on the blackboard - An'a Li.

The people are beautiful and attractive, and the names are nice and weird.

Everyone's eyes fell on Xia Yichu, especially those girls in the class, looking at Xia Yichu's eyes slowly exploring.

There is only one... with fiery eyes, like her most loyal believer.

Xia Yichu glanced over, and then landed on the round-faced girl sitting in the fourth window seat in the first row.

Xia Yichu was silent for a while, and then when Tao Hongyue asked where she wanted to sit, Xia Yichu sat next to her.

An Susu was so excited, she secretly looked at the exquisite and beautiful new deskmate next to her, and then repeated in her heart over and over again: take a deep breath, inhale, exhale...

Xia Yichu sat next to An Susu, but before, she clearly looked at this chubby bun and looked at her very passionately, but after she sat down, An Susu never looked at her again. Look here.

Even when get out of class was over, Xia Yichu wanted to talk to her, but her answer was in a low voice.

Xia Yichu knew that she was shy, but he didn't have so much time to talk to her patiently.

Because every episode after class, Xia Yichu will be surrounded by other girls in the class.

No matter what Xia Yichu said, he has gone through many trials and hardships. It is not difficult to see that the girls who came to find her are all interested in An Yi.

He came to find her just to find out the identity between her and An Yi.

[PS: The sun in the last chapter means this: the sun = day.Someone asked what kind of business Junbao's family does, hehe, Junbao's family sells alcohol, and his own family sells shochu.rice wine. 】

(End of this chapter)

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