Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 456 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 52

Chapter 456 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 52
As soon as An Yi, Xia Yichu and other teachers and students came back, several cars parked at the gate of the university, their mighty size was very eye-catching.

There was no need for anyone else to remind her, Yang Yiyi knew they were back.

Xia Yichu and An Yi also got out of the car, but when they got out of the car, Xia Yichu felt a person approaching quickly.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Yang Yiyi striding towards her and An Yi.

Yang Yiyi's expression was very bad. Looking at An Yi's eyes, it was as if he was looking at an enemy who wanted to kill his son. His eyes were so vicious that he wished he could just swallow An Yi alive.

"An Yi! Where did An Chun provoke you? How dare you treat him like this?! In fact, you were responsible for his disappearance last time. If you don't tell Chun'er's whereabouts today, I will It's not over with you!"

Standing in front of An Yi, Yang Yiyi even reached out impulsively to grab him, but was stopped by the other two bodyguards.

Yang Yiyi's act like a shrew swearing at the street, although it didn't hurt An Yi close up, it attracted the attention of many classmates and teachers.

Especially the voice she just spoke, as if on purpose, she spoke very loudly, and she didn't lower her voice at all.

Hearing this, it is inevitable that other people's hearts will fill their brains with a bloody drama from a wealthy family.

Yang Yiyi chose such a position and such a time period to say these words, in fact, she wanted these students to stand by her side, but she miscalculated this time.

It would be fine if she was facing someone else, but it was An Yi who was sitting in front of her.

That campus male god who is still unbelievably gentle in front of people even though he is in a wheelchair.

An Yi's reputation in the university is no worse than anyone else's, so everyone's tacit understanding about his identity and the fact that he has been away from An's family and living outside by himself all these years.

Just like now, An Yi is sitting in a wheelchair with a warm expression and drooping eyelashes. She doesn't respond to her words at all, but no one thinks that An Yi's reaction is disrespectful or wrong.

What rose in everyone's heart was only distress for him and anger towards Yang Yiyi.

An Chun is such a big person with sound limbs, what does his disappearance have to do with An Yi?
Even if An Yi wanted to do something to him, it would be impossible with his disabled legs.

And it's only been how long since An Chun disappeared, Yang Yiyi didn't ask indiscriminately, and just came up with such stern words, as if he had already confirmed that An Chun's disappearance was what An Yi said.

With such a family, it's no wonder that An Yi moved out at that time.

"Auntie, when An Chun disappeared, it was late at night. We were all sleeping at the time, and there were students who were watching the night. If other people wanted to do something to An Chun, when An Chun called, all of us would Woke up. And senior An Yi's legs and feet are not convenient, if he gets out of the tent, we will definitely be discovered by our classmates who watch the night." One of the round-faced girls spoke out.

When she opened her mouth, many people immediately echoed her.

All of them are helping An Yi to speak, and the meaning behind the words is that An Chun's loss this time has nothing to do with An Yi.

Yang Yiyi was annoyed by what these people said, but it was inevitable for one person to be defeated by many people.

In the end, Yang Yiyi was forcibly taken back by the people sent by An Haocheng.

Everyone go back to school and continue class.

The police searched all night, but An Chun was never found.

The next day, there were policemen in the school questioning everyone who participated in the outing yesterday, even Xia Yichu and An Yi were no exception.

It's just that An Yi's body in a wheelchair is there, even if he is the most suspected of this group of people, it has to be ruled out because of this.

Several days passed in a flash, but An Chun was still not found by the police.

When An Yi and Xia Yichu went back from school, or when they didn't have to go to school, Yang Yiyi looked at the two of them, saying some accusing words all day long.

Xia Yichu didn't bother with her at the beginning, but after watching her keep beating himself and An Yi, he exchanged some potion directly from the system and mixed it into the water Yang Yiyi drank.

This potion will not kill a person, but it will make it as uncomfortable as a bad cold.

Sure enough, the second day after Xia Yichu mixed her water with potion, Yang Yiyi collapsed on the bed and couldn't get up.Even if he came out of the room, his whole body would still be awkward.

The news of An Chun's disappearance has already spread in the school.

Everyone guessed and guessed, but they couldn't understand how he disappeared at that time, but more people thought that An Chun sneaked out by herself.

And An Yi, seeing that the time was almost up, sat in front of the computer late at night, and sent an anonymous letter to the special forces of the national bureau.Moreover, after the email was sent, An Yi also cleared the traces on his side, so that no one else could find out, until the email was sent by himself.

An Chun was awakened by electricity, opened his eyes, he looked at the dark ceiling, his eyes were filled with dead silence and despair.

He didn't know how long he had been imprisoned here by Xu Zhengchang. This basement was originally intended to be used to study Xia Yichu after he captured Xia Yichu.

The location of the laboratory is very secretive, and most people can't find it at all.

But now, it has become a cage that traps him.

After Xu Zhengchang captured him, he contacted those researchers who had signed confidentiality contracts with him before.

Because Xu Zhengchang thought his voice was too loud and unpleasant before, so he cut off his tongue directly, and now An Yi can't make any sound.

What's more, Xu Zhengchang didn't know what he had fed him. After some bone-breaking pain, An Chun found that she had turned into a gray nine-tailed cat.

This has been the case until now.

Those researchers who were originally contacted by him were like a lunatic, they didn't recognize him at all, and they took blood slices from him all day long for experiments.

Wounds appear again and again, and then heal quickly again and again.

And now he is being imprisoned in a cage with talisman paper attached, let alone running out of this laboratory, he can't even escape from this cage.

Every day here is life in the dark, like a year.

An Chun was almost driven crazy by this life of being a guinea pig.

But those researchers couldn't see the pain in An Chun's eyes. After taking a rest, they saw the nine-tailed cat woke up again, and then devoted themselves to a new study.

 [What happened to Ahri in the previous life, has happened to An Chun again, so it can be regarded as retribution. 】

(End of this chapter)

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