Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 457 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 53

Chapter 457 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 53
The email sent by An Yi on the computer was quickly discovered by the people from the National Bureau.

An's family's status in the capital was considered to be that high.

In fact, An Chun has not been found these days, and An Haocheng has not stopped putting pressure on the police station. The superior is already planning to send someone from the National Bureau, and the email sent by An Yi has confirmed their thoughts.

The people from the National Bureau quickly verified the authenticity of the content of the email, and tried to contact Xu Zhengchang, but found that this person really couldn't be reached.

Moreover, after checking Xu Zhengchang's recent action location, the people at the National Bureau already had a bottom line in their minds.

The things An Yi gave them were very detailed. Not only did they say that An Chun was taken away by Xu Zhengchang, but he even wrote clearly why Xu Zhengchang took An Chun away, and where Xu Zhengchang and An Chun are now.

The people from the National Bureau acted very quickly. After checking, they immediately arranged manpower to arrest Xu Zhengchang.

I have to say that the location of the laboratory that An Chun chose at that time was actually very secretive. If An Yi hadn't told the National Bureau directly, I am afraid that even if the people from the National Bureau wanted to investigate, they would at least have to Half a month's time.

But now with An Yi's direct notification, people from the National Bureau planned to go up to encircle and suppress Xu Zhengchang, who had nowhere to escape and was arrested directly.

After all, An Chun is not a real nine-tailed cat. Even because of the liquid transformation that Xia Yichu exchanged from the system mall, his body is still in short supply.

Even if the people from the National Bureau changed him back to a human form, An Chun now is like an old man who has been sucked by a goblin, lifeless, with sliced ​​wounds all over his body, and he will never be able to recover at all. The former vigor and vitality.

An Chun's memory was wiped by people from the National Bureau, and then sent back to An's home.

Because Xu Zhengchang hated him for making noise at that time and cut off his tongue, so now An Chun can't speak at all.

Xu Zhengchang was taken back by the people from the National Bureau, and the memories of those research institutes were also washed away by the people from the National Bureau, just like in the previous life.

An Chun suddenly became like this. Although An Haocheng and Grandpa An felt heartbroken towards him, they were more lamenting that they had no heir.

An Haocheng started to stay out at night, but Yang Yiyi didn't pay attention to him at this time, so he didn't notice An Haocheng's strangeness.

A son doesn't think a bitch is ugly, a dog doesn't think a family is poor.

No matter what An Chun becomes, in Yang Yiyi's eyes, he is her son.

Moreover, although the police station brought An Chun back, they did not say who the prisoner was.

Yang Yiyi has been secretly investigating in private, and no accident, under An Yi's deliberate guidance, Yang Yiyi discovered that An Chun's appearance was related to those few researchers.

Although she went to test it several times, the reactions of those researchers were very calm, but with the evidence in hand, it doesn't matter whether those people admit it or not.

Yang Yiyi mentioned it to An Haocheng several times, saying that she wanted to seek justice for An Chun and make those researchers die.

However, her suggestion was scolded by An Haocheng.

Not only did An Haocheng not agree with Yang Yiyi's words, he even asked her not to investigate this matter in the future.

Of course, Yang Yiyi would not listen to An Haocheng's words. Yang Yiyi went to the police station to report the case, but they were all discovered by the person An Haocheng put beside her to monitor her, and then stopped her.

Moreover, even if Yang Yiyi was careful not to be discovered by the people An Haocheng placed beside her, An Haocheng had already colluded with the police. As soon as Yang Yiyi went to call the police, the police would immediately tell An Haocheng.

After several attempts to no avail, Yang Yiyi decided to avenge her son herself.Moreover, Yang Yiyi also had a trace of resentment towards An Haocheng in her heart.

An Yi has been manipulating all this behind the scenes. After seeing Yang Yiyi's thoughts a little bit bewildered, he smiled and gave his subordinates one thing.

 [Guess how they will come to dog bite dog, good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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