Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 465 Jun Zi Lin @李萌的笔外

Chapter 465 Jun Zi Lin @李萌的笔外 (End)
Time flies, ten years have passed.

In ten years, Jun Zilin can change from the child who had just been reborn, from the child who planned the future, to the young man who has secretly realized the future.

It also made Li Xiaomeng change from the little girl with baby fat in the past to the slender, fair-skinned, beautiful, tall sophomore in high school who is often stuffed with love letters.

"Oh oh oh~ Li Xiaomeng, it's amazing, you actually received a love letter again. Those people, they know that you are famous, but they still don't change their minds, tsk tsk tsk, it's all because of your face. It's your crime." Fang Yuan leaned closer, fixed his gaze on Li Meng's face, and said with great interest.

"What kind of famous flower has a master?" Li Meng stretched out her hand and pushed her face away, "I'm still single now, and Jun Zilin must only regard me as a younger sister in his heart."

"Sister?" Fang Yuan's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe what she heard. She said loudly, "If it's a younger sister, which brother have you seen would come to pick up your younger sister every day after school? And it's From elementary school to now, it has been ten years, rain or shine. Besides, if he didn't like you, why would he be so angry that every time someone confessed to you, he would ask those people to single out and beat each other until their noses and faces were swollen. Yes. Li Xiaomeng, tell me, he is not jealous, what is it?"

Li Meng's skin is thin, and she can't bear Fang Yuan's straightforward questions at all. She lowered her head and her eyes flickered: "Whatever you say, I'll go first."

As Li Meng said, he quickly packed his schoolbag, and put all the books that had homework today into his schoolbag. His eyes fell on the unopened pink envelope. Li Meng was stunned, and put it Also put it in together.

Fang Yuan looked at the back of the other party who was almost fleeing, sighed, and shook his head.Well, friends are always extremely timid and cowardly in this regard, let the two of them wear it off slowly.

Li Meng walked out of the teaching building, and when he was about to walk to the campus, he saw that slender and tall figure in front of the campus gate.

Li Meng couldn't help speeding up her steps, then restrained herself, and was slowed down by her master's restraint, and walked in front of Jun Zilin.

"Mengmeng, come up." Jun Zilin sat on the bicycle and smiled softly at Li Meng.

Li Meng sat on it, and Jun Zilin carried her towards home.

The breeze blew through the black hair of the two of them, and the rows of big trees on the side of the road kept retreating.

After going up a slope, Junzilin's smiling voice was suddenly brought to her ears by the breeze: "It's going downhill, Mengmeng, hurry up."

Li Meng couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the hem of his waist, and then, the rapid speed when going downhill, the cool breeze blowing the two people's hair fluttering.

Li Meng looked at the figure who was close in front of him, smelled the fresh breath from the other person, and thought about what Fang Yuan said just now, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Although she didn't know whether Fang Yuan's guess was true or not, just thinking of such a possibility made her feel sweet and joyful in her heart.

In the evening, Jun Zilin still had dinner at Li Meng's house.

Li's father, Li's mother, and Junzilin moved three years ago, and now they no longer lived there. Instead, they bought land in the capital at Junzilin's suggestion and built a house by themselves.

The price of land at that time was not as high as it is now. When Li's father and mother bought land to build a house, they also spent a lot of determination, but now it seems that the decision at that time was absolutely right.

After several years of development, the place that Junzilin chose for Li’s father and Li’s mother is now in a prosperous commercial stage. The house built by Li’s father and Li’s mother has people living upstairs and a small restaurant downstairs. Because of the location , the store business has been booming.

When Junzilin sent Li Meng back, it was the climax of eating, and the business in the store was booming. Junzilin and Li Meng consciously went up to help and acted as the shop assistants.

A guest looked at these two handsome men and beautiful women, and joked about their backgrounds: "Ma'am, this is your son and daughter? The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful. I also have a daughter who is about the same age in my family. How about I be your daughter-in-law?" OK?"

"You have to ask what Zilin means. If I had such a handsome son, I would probably wake up laughing from my dreams." Li's mother said with a smile, but the movements of her hands were not slow at all.

"Yo, if it's not a son, then it must be a relative, pretty boy, do you have a girlfriend?" the aunt said reluctantly, her eyes fell on Jun Zilin, obviously she liked him very much.

"Auntie, you said that wrongly. You said relatives are actually in-laws. I already have a girlfriend." Jun Zilin smiled flamboyantly. In front of the old lady, she smiled and continued: "My hor fun comes from special channels. Auntie, try it. It tastes absolutely delicious."

Don't slap a smiling face.

Even Jun Zilin evasively replied and changed the subject, so it was hard for the aunt to say anything more.

Jun Zilin was still helping in the store, and Li Meng swiftly cleaned up the leftover bowls after the customers left, but his brain, which was agitated by Jun Zilin's words, could not calm down in a short time.

Jun Zilin stayed here until Li's father and Li's mother closed the stall and had dinner here before leaving.

Li Meng was so preoccupied all night that he was absent-minded about eating, seeing Jun Zilin was about to leave, Li's mother pushed Li Meng out directly, and sent her to go for a walk before coming back.

Li Meng followed Jun Zilin's side, her movements were restrained and embarrassed. Now, her mind was full of the words Jun Zilin said to the guests in the afternoon, and she couldn't calm down.

Jun Zilin supported the bicycle, and the two walked slowly.

"Mengmeng." Jun Zilin called her, stretched out his hand and let the flow take her hand, but Li Meng quickly avoided it like a frightened bird.

Jun Zilin frowned, and stopped in his tracks.

He parked his bicycle aside, turned his head to look at Li Meng beside him who was bowing his head, and asked in a gentle voice, "Mengmeng, what's wrong with you?"

"I," Li Meng bit her lips tightly, as if it was difficult to say, but thinking of Jun Zilin's radiant expression when she spoke today, she said, "Is what you said in the store today true?"

Li Meng herself couldn't tell what was going on with her now, and she didn't know when her attitude towards Jun Zilin gradually changed.

When I see him, my heart throbs.

When I can't see him, I feel very missing.

Although she is in adolescence, she is very clear that her feelings for Jun Zilin now have gradually changed from her childhood playmate at that time.

After discovering this matter, she would often be attracted by the other party's smile or a simple sentence, worrying about gains and losses.

People who know Li Meng say that she has a gentle personality and is easy to handle, just like a white dumpling.But only a few people know that Li Meng's character is actually very decisive and resolute, but she doesn't care about many people and things, so she doesn't express much.

Just like now, after confirming his mind, although he was not very sure, although he knew that he might not be able to do it with the other party's friends after asking, Li Meng still asked.

She raised her head and stared at Jun Zilin closely.

But when Jun Zilin heard her question, he smiled, stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms: "Little idiot, it really isn't easy to get you to like me, I'm ready to wait for you all my life ready."

 [This is a parallel world, and there is no saying that it will change the future.The next story, go to Xiuxian~]

(End of this chapter)

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