Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 466 The villain raised, he blackened 1

Chapter 466 The villain raised, he blackened 1
The feeling of floating, after several missions, this feeling has already made Xia Yichu very familiar.

The feeling of lightness didn't last long, and the soul seemed to enter a new body, and then slowly settled.

It wasn't until Xia Yichu felt that his soul had merged with this body, before Xia Yichu opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment, a tingling sensation suddenly came from his brain:

--alarm!alarm!Unknown energy is coming quickly!alarm!alarm!
In the brain, the harsh mechanical sound of the system kept ringing in Xia Yichu's head. Xia Yichu frowned tightly, and couldn't help reaching out to hug his head.

If it wasn't for his sanity, Xia Yichu would even have bumped his head against the wall directly.

It took a while for the system's alarm to stop, and the pain in Xia Yichu's brain quickly disappeared as the system's sound stopped.

Xia Yichu opened his eyes, before she could ask the system what happened just now, Xia Yichu heard a rush of footsteps approaching from outside.

Afterwards, Xia Yichu saw that the closed door was pushed open vigorously from the outside, and then a muscular man walked in with a child in his arms.

Xia Yichu looked around, and found that the only bed in the room was the bed under him, so he immediately jumped off the bed.

The man carried the child in his arms to the bed where Xia Yichu had just slept, and put him on the bed. The man's expression could not conceal the anxiety and worry.

Xia Yichu put on his shoes and stood quietly aside.

Then, another woman came in, followed by a middle-aged man carrying a medicine box behind her.

"Doctor Zhang, come and take a look. The dog was playing outside just now, and suddenly he fainted, his forehead was hot." The man standing by the bed turned his head and said to the middle-aged man who came in from outside.

"Brother Li, don't worry, I'll see what's going on." The middle-aged man nodded, walked to the side of the bed, put his medicine box aside, and began to treat the unconscious person on the bed. The boy takes his pulse.

Xia Yichu quietly stood by and watched this scene. She didn't receive the system information, so she couldn't tell what was going on.

What's even more unfortunate is that Xia Yichu called the system several times in his mind, but he didn't get a response from the system.

Thinking of the pain in his brain just now, and the alarm sound from the system just now, Xia Yichu felt faintly worried.

Without the system, she would not be able to accept the memory of the original owner and the tasks of this world, Xia Yichu didn't know what to do at all.

What worries Xia Yichu even more is, if the system doesn't come back, won't she live here for the rest of her life and then die?Or after death, can I go back to the white Three Thousand Worlds?
Xia Yichu felt fruitless, and called the system's name several times in his mind, but still did not get a response, Xia Yichu calmly analyzed the current situation and calmed himself down.

When Xia Yichu was thinking about what to do now, that doctor Zhang had already checked the body of the boy who was sleeping on the bed.

Dr. Zhang dug out a pen and paper from his medicine box to prescribe the medicine, and at the same time asked the Li family couple whether the child on the bed had some serious illness before, and now he might be relapsed.

Xia Yichu glanced at the child on the bed, his face was flushed, his brows were tightly frowned, even if he was unconscious, he seemed to be in pain.

Then, he suddenly opened his eyes, and without warning, his dark eyes met Xia Yichu's gaze.

 【Good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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