Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 467 The villain raised, he blackened 2

Chapter 467 The villain raised, he blackened 2
There was no warning at all, when Xia Yichu met those dark eyes, Xia Yichu's heart trembled, but there was no emotion on the surface.

It's too much to say, but now she hasn't figured out what's going on, so why not just pretend that she just woke up.

Xia Yichu walked out of the room with a dazed expression, and left all the people in the room behind.


Time flies, and a few days pass in the blink of an eye.

The sky was white, golden sunlight seemed to break through the clouds, and the breeze was blowing.

At this time, it was only six or seven o'clock in the morning. After An Shi had sorted out the household affairs early in the morning, she put the bamboo basket on her back and said to the girl who was doing laundry next to the press water machine in the yard: " Jin'er, I'm going out first, remember to go in and see your brother later, if there is anything unusual about your brother, please go and ask Doctor Zhang to come over right away, I have put the copper plate in the second drawer of the cabinet."

The girl sitting on the low stool washing clothes looks like she is only in her teens, she is small but she does the laundry very neatly.

Facing An's instructions, she complied with all of them in a gentle voice, and also thoughtfully asked An's to be careful when going up the mountain, so as not to hurt her body.

An's got her daughter's instructions, not to mention how happy she was. It just so happened that other women who had agreed to go up the mountain with her came to remind her at this time, so she lifted her feet and left.

Several women carrying bamboo baskets walked side by side, and someone said, "Mr. An, the one who was squatting there washing clothes just now is your Jin'er, right? I haven't seen her for a few days, and she has become so capable?!"

"Jin'er is indeed much more capable these days than before, which should be the reason for Rui'er's accident, as a big sister, she seems to have grown up suddenly.

In fact, it’s more than just growing up. Since the day Rui’er’s accident happened, my daughter’s whole person seems to have changed in an instant. From the bad-tempered and violent girl before to the current personality A gentle, capable girl who is proficient in all household chores.

If it weren't for the birthmark on the other party's body that was born at that time, An's would have thought that this was not her daughter at all, but a counterfeit who came from somewhere.

Xia Yichu, who was sitting next to the press machine to wash clothes, didn't know that An Shi and others were talking about her.

It has been more than three days since she came into this world.

After Xia Yichu woke up that day with a tingling sensation in his mind, he never noticed any traces of the system.

Without the system, Xia Yichu would not be able to accept the memory of the original owner and her mission in this world.

Xia Yichu was very flustered that night.But when she was sleeping alone in the bed, she gradually calmed down again.

Although I don't know what's going on now, and I don't know what's going on in the system.

However, while she was planning for the best, she was also planning for the worst.

Regardless of whether the system returns or not, she will live her life as the original owner.

After several days of observation, Xia Yichu has almost figured out her current situation and current environment.

The world she traveled to this time was an ancient fictional dynasty, which was different from the several ancient mission worlds she traveled through before.

In this ancient world, it is actually possible to cultivate immortals.

However, these are just what Xia Yichu saw from the few dusty books at home in the past few days.

And where she is now, she is above a township.

The original owner's name is An Nianjin. Although she is thin and small, she is already 13 years old this year.

And just before going out, An Shi, who kept telling her, was the mother of her body.

And that day, the day she just crossed over, the two people who came in first, the sturdy man was her father, An Guocheng, with this body, and the child that was carried in her arms was named An Rui.

An Rui is three years younger than An Nianjin, and he is exactly ten years old this year.

As the saying goes, if you rely on mountains to eat mountains and depend on water to eat water, An Guocheng's career is a hunter.

There are ferocious beasts and cowardly wild birds on the nearby mountains. Every time An Guocheng goes hunting on the mountains and comes back, he sells the prey in the town to maintain the family's expenses.

And An Rui was picked up by An Guocheng when he was hunting in the mountains.

He was only a few months old at the time, and he had been abandoned in the mountains for an unknown amount of time, his face turned blue, and he couldn't even scream.

At that time, even if he was not eaten by wild beasts in the mountains, he would freeze to death and starve to death.

Although such a small child appeared inexplicably in the deep mountains, it was still a small life. An Guocheng couldn't bear to hug him back, and then became a member of An's family, named An Rui.

On the side where Xia Yichu came, An Rui was originally playing outside, but for some reason, he suddenly fell to the ground and passed out.

Although the doctor Zhang said that he was in good health, Xia Yichu had been here for three days, and An Rui had been lying on the bed for three days.

For the past three days, An Rui was in a daze, and he neither had a fever nor moaned in pain.

An Haocheng and An's were a little worried before, but after Doctor Zhang's two doses of medicine, and An Rui's expression returned to normal even though he was lying on the bed, they gradually felt relieved.

Although she didn't receive the memory of the original owner and her mission in this world, looking at the Heping family, she thought about what she heard from An Shi in the past few days. The cheap brother who picked it up didn't like it too much.

Xia Yichu has done tasks so many times, although she can't be 100% sure, but past experience tells her that the original owner's wish is probably that the family can live in harmony.

While scrubbing the clothes in his hands, Xia Yichu was thinking about his plans for the future.

One after another, ways to make money and improve the family emerged from her mind, but in the end they were rejected one by one because of her current age or other reasons.

At the end of the day, none of the solutions in my head could work.

Xia Yichu changed a bucket of water, threw the clothes into the clear water and floated them, then wrung them dry and hung them on a branch beside them.

By the time all the clothes were hung up, the sun, which was only shining with light, had all emerged from the clouds.

Thinking of what An Shi said just before going out, Xia Yichu raised his sleeves and wiped the thin sweat from his nose, then turned and walked towards the room where An Rui fell asleep.

 [I saw someone asking about the group number, Junsheng Xiaozhu 538811579.However, yesterday’s red envelope was sent out in the group at 08:30 tonight~]

(End of this chapter)

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