Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 472 The villain raised, he blackened 7

Chapter 472 The villain raised, he blackened 7
Time flies, and two months pass in the blink of an eye.

In the vast sea, ships sailed on the sea, with various flags flying.

On the deck of one of the ships, among the many stout men, one of them was a thin boy with unusual eyesight.

"Xiao Jiu, old man Guan is calling you, you go downstairs, I will take your place here." A strong man came out from inside and said to the boy.

"Hey, okay, thank you Brother Zhang." The boy responded with a smile, just like the rough coat he was wearing, his face was also dark, as if it was stained with the bottom of the pot. , I couldn't see his original appearance clearly, but those eyes were clear.

Brother Zhang met his bright eyes, was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Xiao Jiu, how long has it been since you washed your face? Go down and wash later."

"Hey, don't go, anyway, I will help later, and I will get dirty." Xiao Jiu responded, jumped off her seat, bypassed Brother Zhang, and walked into the boat nimbly.

This thin boy with gray clothes and gray face in everyone's eyes is actually Xia Yichu.

At that time, Xia Yichu didn't have enough money, and after driving An Rui for half a month, she finally came up with this method.

On land, follow the mercenary group that is doing the mission. If you cross the waterway, ask which ship needs to be hired.

Although the process was a bit bitter, it also saved a lot of trouble.After all, if you help out there, not only will you not be charged tolls, but you will also be in charge of food and housing.

Because her daughter will inevitably cause some trouble when she is outside, Xia Yichu dressed herself up in such a dusty, tomboy look.

Fortunately, her current body has not yet developed, and her chest is flat.Moreover, after Xia Yichu traveled through so many planes by herself, it was not a problem for her to abandon her daughter's reservedness and pretend to be a boy.

However, because Xia Yichu is too young now, people look at her slender arms and legs, not only can't do much work, but also carries a small oil bottle, those people won't accept it at all, even if she doesn't Remuneration is required, as long as food and housing are included.

Along the way, Xia Yichu asked many people along the way, and finally only the captain of this ship agreed to take her and An Rui along.

Moreover, the captain of this ship is not interested in the meager strength in her body, but old man Guan, who is interested in Xia Yichu's ability to distinguish herbs.

Old man Guan was over sixty years old, and his status as a doctor on the ship was quite high.If he asked, the captain didn't mind bringing two extra carrot heads, so he nodded and agreed.

There were two new members temporarily, Xia Yichu and An Rui were arranged in a grocery room below the deck.

An Rui may have been seasick these few days, his face was pale, and he looked very uncomfortable, so Xia Yichu never let him out.

Usually, as long as there is something to do with the old man, Xia Yichu will go to help.After finishing working with old man Guan, Xia Yichu went to the deck to help the sailors.

Although she couldn't help anything with her meager strength, it made the crew on the ship have a better impression of her.

Xia Yichu found the room where old man Guan was staying with ease.

The door was not closed, old man Guan was sitting inside, holding a magnifying glass, facing a parchment scroll, wondering what he was researching.

Xia Yichu raised his hand, curled his fingers and knocked on the door, "Grandpa Guan, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Jiu, come here." Old man Guan put down the things in his hands, turned his head and waved at Xia Yichu, and when she approached, he pushed the things in his hands aside, and said, "When you get old, your eyes are too old." It’s gone, help me see, what’s written on it?”

"Yes." Xia Yichu replied, holding the parchment and reading it.

The parchment roll looked like it had just been fished out of the water, it was dripping wet, but the characters on it were not blurred by soaking in water

Even though the parchment scroll in his hand is very old and the font is a little hard to read, but if you look closely, you can still read it clearly.

Xia Yichu lowered his head and carefully looked at the parchment in his hand. After looking carefully for a while, he found that it was actually a parchment full of alchemy recipes.

I don't know where old man Guan got it, but there are roughly a dozen alchemy recipes on it.

When Xia Yichu was in a mission world before, she learned the art of alchemy. Although she didn't know the name of the elixir mentioned above, it didn't hinder Xia Yichu's understanding.Although some of the more than ten prescriptions above are common prescriptions, there are also a few that are probably very rare and precious.

After Xia Yichu looked at it for a while, he truthfully told old man Guan about the above.

"What? There are twelve pill prescriptions, what are they?" Guan old man was breathing a little short of breath when he heard Xia Yichu's words.

Xia Yichu looked at the words on it, and told Old Man Guan the names of those pills. After hearing this, Old Man Guan was so excited that he quickly opened the pen and paper, and asked Xia Yichu to copy down the prescriptions of the pills above.

Xia Yichu obeyed, sat on the side, and copied all the things on the parchment for him.

As soon as Xia Yichu finished writing, Old Man Guan hurriedly took the paper she had written on and read the prescription on it, then laughed heartily, and didn't stop until a while later.

"Dragon Blood Pill, there is actually a Dragon Blood Pill in it, it's a blessing from God." Old Guan Guan looked at the prescription in his hand, and after a while, he restrained the excitement in his heart.

Old man Guan carefully put away the piece of paper that Xia Yichu had copied, and then gave the previous parchment to Xia Yichu.

This thing is very precious if you think about it, if it was in the past, Xia Yichu would never accept it, but thinking that old man Guan has a backup, and after he kept it and couldn't read the writing on it, Xia Yichu thanked him and took the sheepskin scroll. , received in his arms.

After finishing the matter, old man Guan was busy trying the alchemy recipe just now, he waved at Xia Yichu casually, and kicked her out.

Alchemy can be regarded as the privacy of an alchemist. When many alchemists are alchemy, they always look for a place where no outsiders will be around and will not be disturbed. Of course Xia Yichu can understand and retreat decisively.

Going out to close the old man's room, Xia Yichu had nothing else to do, thinking about the parchment in his arms, it was a windfall, Xia Yichu's lips curled up, and he simply moved towards the place where he and An Rui stopped Go to the location of the grocery room.

The ship sailed on the sea for about ten days, and on a sunny afternoon, it finally arrived at Kongming City, which was also the place Xia Yichu originally planned to come to.

(End of this chapter)

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