Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 473 The villain raised, he blackened 8

Chapter 473 The villain raised, he blackened 8
Kongming City covers a vast area and is located at the junction of the sea and the land. Every day, many businessmen come from overseas, and people from the mainland go out from here.

Although Kongming City is a city, its prosperity is no less than that of the capital city.

Xia Yichu took An Rui, bid farewell to old man Guan and the crew, and walked to the shore.

The time for those sects to accept disciples is ten days after March [-]th.

And now, it's only March [-]st, and it's still so long before the time for the major sects to accept apprentices.

Xia Yichu took An Rui into Kongming City and found an inn to stay. Because there was not much money left in the bag, Xia Yichu directly asked for a room.

Fortunately, in this world, the style of writing is open, and the two of them are half-grown children, living together, did not cause any gossip.

During the half month of sailing on the boat, there was no place to take a bath with water. After Xia Yichu returned to the room, the first thing he did was to ask the waiter to bring some buckets of hot water up, and then he hid in the screen to take a bath.

The whole body was wrapped in warm water, this feeling of complete relaxation made Xia Yichu sigh comfortably.

At the same time, leaning on the bathtub, looking at the decoration above his head, Xia Yichu was also thinking about his future plans.

Don't talk about the distance, just talk about her now.

There are still ten days before the sect accepts disciples. During these ten days, she and An Rui need to spend money to live, eat and buy things.

When she just paid the rent, after paying the rent and the deposit for three days in one go, there were only a dozen or so copper coins left in her pocket.

If you don't make money, let alone live in a few days, you can't even afford food.

Xia Yichu sighed, and she didn't come out until the water in the bathtub was cold, and took clean clothes to change into.

After Xia Yichu came out of the shower, he troubled the waiter from the shop just now, asking him to take out the water after taking a bath, and then bring in two buckets of clean hot water for An Rui to bathe in.

While An Rui was taking a bath, Xia Yichu stayed in the room and had nothing else to do, taking advantage of the early time, Xia Yichu walked out of the inn and went shopping on the street.While looking to see if there is something suitable for me to do, I also asked about the things when those sects came to recruit apprentices.

Although he didn't find a suitable thing, but Xia Yichu knew a lot of things that he wanted to inquire about, so it wasn't like returning empty-handed.

When Xia Yichu went back, An Rui had already showered and was sitting on the stool, obediently waiting for Xia Yichu to come back.

He is only ten years old now, and his already thin body has lost some weight due to the rush of the past few months.

Xia Yichu went over and touched his head: "Is An Rui hungry? What would you like to eat tonight?"

An Rui was not used to being touched by her like this at first, but after touching his head along the way, he has changed from being uncomfortable before to being indifferent now.

"I don't care, I like whatever my sister orders."

An Rui's answer was so understanding, Xia Yichu patted his head again, pulled him to sit in front of the dressing table, took out the bottles and jars in the bag, and wiped his face and himself with ashes After his appearance became unremarkable, Xia Yichu let him go: "Okay, let's go downstairs to eat."

Since ancient times, teahouses and inns have been one of the places where you can hear the most gossip.

Xia Yichu took An Rui downstairs, it was time for dinner, and it was also the peak time for guests in the inn.

Xia Yichu took An Rui to find a corner seat and sat down, then ordered three dishes, and then waited patiently for the food to arrive.

While waiting for the food, Xia Yichu raised his ears. Although his eyes didn't look around, his ears paid attention to what everyone said.

An Rui'an sat quietly beside her, his dark eyes fell on her body, when Xia Yichu didn't notice, what appeared in those dark eyes was a look that didn't belong to his age at all .

There were many people in the inn and there were many topics, Xia Yichu heard nothing interesting.But just when she felt that her interest was fading, a guest at the next table said:

"Passing by West Street today, I saw that there are actually recruiting herbalist apprentices there. Although they are cooking herbs, the salary is too low. There are only two low-grade spirit stones a month. You have to get your head kicked by a donkey to do it. .”

Cooking herbs should be done by people who are familiar with various herbs.

Alchemists have a high status in this world, but there are very few famous alchemists. This also leads to the status of alchemists not only high but also precious, and attracts everyone's attention wherever they go.

And the herbalist apprentice is the alchemist's early stage of torment and transformation. Even if he has not reached the position of being able to make alchemy, the monthly salary is only two low-grade spirit stones, which is indeed a bit low.

The people at that table did not discuss too much on this matter, and quickly shifted the topic to other matters.But Xia Yichu, who heard this from the side, opened his eyes.

Coincidentally, at this time, the food was served by the waiter in the shop. Xia Yichu put a bowl of rice in front of An Rui, and then put some meat and vegetables from the dish in his bowl, urging: "An Rui eat quickly!" .”

The two siblings had driven for so long, and even though they rested at night, they were still a little tired on the way.In addition, he didn't have much money in his pocket, so Xia Yichu didn't take An Rui out for a stroll, but took him back to the room after eating, and after washing the clothes that the two of them took a shower this afternoon, Just go to bed early.

During the period, An Rui originally wanted to lay the floor, but was rejected by Xia Yichu.

She hugged An Rui on the bed, and said: "We have shared the same bed all this way, are you afraid that I will eat you up?"

And many years later, when Xia Yichu recalled what she said now, he knew how naive she was. He was not afraid that he would eat him, he just wanted to pounce on him and eat him so that he could turn over and suppress Eat yourself dry and wipe yourself clean.

But at this time, Xia Yichu still didn't know the darkness in the little guy's body in front of him. After Xia Yichu's words came out, An Rui's slender and thick eyelashes blinked, and then said: "Why, I'm just afraid that my sister will dislike me. I sleep It's different, I have to do it when I'm on the road, but now I'm not in a hurry, I don't want to disturb my sister's sleep."

"Sleeping phase difference? How come, if you sleep phase difference, there will be no one who sleeps better than you." Xia Yichu lovingly patted his head, lifted the quilt, and placed him on the inside of the bed, Then he lay down himself.

 【Good evening~】

(End of this chapter)

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