Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 474 The villain raised, he blackened 9

Chapter 474 The villain raised, he blackened 9
Early the next morning, Xia Yichu packed himself up and brought An Rui to the place mentioned by the man who had dinner at the inn yesterday.

It was a medicine hall guild, and next to the gate, there was a recruitment notice posted, which was very conspicuous.

Xia Yichu pulled An Rui, walked up to have a look, and then walked in.

In the guild, early in the morning, there were not many people at this time.

As soon as Xia Yichu brought An Rui in, a guy came up to welcome him immediately.

Xia Yichu stood up straight, and explained his purpose to the boy.

Unexpectedly, the little girl came to look for a job, and to apply for a pharmacist apprentice. The boy's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he asked Xia Yichu to wait outside, and he went in to report.

Then, Xia Yichu was not asked to wait for a long time. The guy just came out from the inside and said that he was taking Xia Yichu in to have a look.

Xia Yichu knew that this was equivalent to an ancient interview, so she told An Rui to sit on the stool and wait for her, and she would come out in a while.

After finishing the instructions, Xia Yichu followed the boy and walked in.

Behind the trade union is a private courtyard.

Xia Yichu followed the boy through the waterside pavilion, and finally stopped in front of a person.

The man was over forty years old, with a simple and honest appearance, but there was a gleam in his eyes.

He glanced at Xia Yichu a few times, and then asked Xia Yichu a few questions.

These questions are all about herbs. Although Xia Yichu has never planted or learned about herbs in this world, Xia Yichu has learned a lot from helping old man Guan on a ship before.

The herbs in this world are the same as what she experienced in a certain plane before.

Moreover, herbal medicine apprentices are not very demanding, so the questions asked by the middle-aged man are also very simple, some introductory questions about herbal medicine.

After Xia Yichu heard this, he stood in front of him, opened his mouth slowly, and answered all the questions.

A gleam of joy flashed across the man's eyes, obviously very satisfied with Xia Yichu's answer.

Then, after the man was satisfied, Xia Yichu also stated his request. In addition to the meager salary, Xia Yichu also stated his request outside the door before.It's just that Xia Yichu is not alone now, and there is An Rui who has to be by her side, so Xia Yichu still has to make this point clear to him.

Moreover, there is still time for Xia Yichu to come here to work, she only works for ten days, and she doesn't want to stay here forever.

After listening to Xia Yichu's words, the man agreed to this matter without thinking too much.

Reaction is just a ten-year-old baby, who can't eat much food in the guild.

As for the ten days that Xia Yichu said, the middle-aged man knew the reason after thinking about it for a while.

The time for the major sects to accept apprentices is getting closer, and there have been more and more people in the city recently, and everyone is talking about accepting apprentices, even if they don't want to know, it's hard.

The disciples of all sects have to pass the test, and only those with spiritual roots can pass.Moreover, not everyone is born with spiritual roots, perhaps only one in a hundred people, the middle-aged man does not believe that these two siblings will be people with spiritual roots.

Moreover, even if both of them are people with spiritual roots, this will not have the slightest adverse effect on the middle-aged man.

Not to mention that he is helping the two future monks, and more importantly, if Xia Yichu and An Rui are really tested to be born in Huai Linggen, he can directly let the two go. The matter of the spiritual root has something to do with my guild, so I am not afraid that no one will not apply for the job.

The middle-aged man had a good plan in his heart, and his attitude towards Xia Yichu became much warmer.

There is a shortage of people in the medicine garden right now, and Xia Yichu will be able to take up the post immediately.

And Xia Yichu didn't have anything else to do now, she was relieved that her work was settled.

After Xia Yichu talked to the middle-aged man, he turned around and went out, took An Rui back to the inn to pack up the two people's things, then went to the shopkeeper to check out the room, took the refunded room and rent, and went to the guild .

The guy who received him already knew that Xia Yichu was about to become a new member of the guild, and happily led Xia Yichu and An Rui to their new residence.At the same time, he also told Xia Yichu some basic things here.

After watching Xia Yichu put his luggage away, the boy led Xia Yichu around the back of the guild.He not only took Xia Yichu to her work place to have a look, but also took her and An Rui around the back of the entire guild, pointing out the eating place and other places to Xia Yichu and An Rui one by one.

Although this young man is young and a man, he is as careful as mud.

Finally, after walking around up and down, Xia Yichu thanked him repeatedly with a feeling of gratitude.

The little guy had a simple and honest smile on his face, he touched the back of his head, and after seeing that there was nothing he could do to help, he said goodbye to the two siblings, and walked away to the front.

Xia Yichu and An Rui returned to her work place.

The place where she works is a herb garden, which is full of various herbs. Xia Yichu's duty is to take care of these herbs, weed them, catch insects, loosen the soil, and if necessary, Remove any dead leaves from the herbs.

Cooking these herbs is actually a very troublesome thing, and the pay is so low, it would be strange if someone came back for an interview.

But for these herbs, Xia Yichu is very patient.

She moved a stool out of the room, let An Rui sit on the side, and then went to the next room to find some tools, and weeded the herbs and loosened the soil bit by bit in the field.

She squatted on the ground, and when she was doing this, her expression was focused and serious.

However, what An Rui noticed was Xia Yichu's movements that gradually became familiar from the initial jerky when he took care of the herbs.

From jerky to familiar, it is only a short period of time.

This is not something that a beginner should have, it's like someone who has taken care of herbs before, but hasn't taken care of herbs for a long time.

His sister, it seems that since the strange things happened to her, something strange happened to her.

An Rui smiled, the little boy looked exquisite, with picturesque features, but there was no warmth or smile in those dark eyes, instead there was a cold sense of interest.

It was like a beast hiding in the dark, and suddenly something happened that interested him.

 [The long-lost Wan Geng, Jun Bao touched himself so much... Good night~]

(End of this chapter)

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