Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 476 The villain raised, he blackened 11

Chapter 476 The villain raised, he blackened 11
Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time in Kongming City, there was an endless stream of people entering the city every day, and children accounted for a large proportion of them. The business of restaurants and teahouses was also in an endless stream, and they were overcrowded. The door sent to come.

Xia Yichu and An Rui have devoted themselves to cooking herbs in the guild for the past few days. Occasionally, Xia Yichu took An Rui out for a few laps when he had time.

When the day of March [-] comes, it is not only what Xia Yichu is looking forward to, but also the day that most people in Kongming City are looking forward to.

The places for the various sects to test had been selected long ago, and they were chosen in a bustling and empty square in a section of Kongming City, and a high platform was built there in advance.

On the morning of the tenth, Xia Yichu took An Rui out to watch.

It was still early in the morning, but the square was already crowded with people, and there were many small vendors selling their goods on the periphery of the square. All kinds of loud talking and shouting were intertwined together, making it very lively.

The monks sent by those sects to recruit apprentices have not yet come out, but the children who want to take the test on stage are already queuing up.

The major sects also have age requirements for recruiting apprentices, just like modern people recruit employees, the age range for the major sects to recruit apprentices is 10 to 15 years old.If you run into a good seedling with excellent roots, it's another matter.

Xia Yichu is thirteen years old this year, and An Rui is ten years old this year, both within the age range for recruitment.

There are too many people in the square, so Xia Yichu didn't take An Rui to squeeze in. Instead, he chose a high place to stand and watched for a while. After the monks appeared on the high platform and began to test the children, Xia Yichu saw After looking at the process, he took An Rui back to the guild.

The apprenticeship period lasted for ten days, and there were a lot of people in the first few days. Xia Yichu didn't take An Rui to join in the fun. It wasn't until the last day, when the number of people were already scarce, that Xia Yichu took An Rui into the short queue. .

The children who need to be tested are lined up in a row. On the high platform, there is something similar to a crystal ball placed on a shelf.One meter away from the shelf, there was a flat stone that seemed to be about the height of an adult, with an ordinary appearance.

When the child walked up to the test, he put his hands directly on the crystal ball.If you have a spiritual root, the color corresponding to the spiritual root will light up in front of the stone.If there is no spiritual root, the stone will not respond.

A few monks sat next to them. Those with spiritual roots would leave their mouths and record their names and other simple information, while those without spiritual roots would step down and not accept them.

Xia Yichu led An Rui and stood in the line, watching one after another children take the test, when the results came out, some were happy and some were worried, some cried and some laughed.

Soon, the children in front had all been tested, and it was Xia Yichu's turn.

Xia Yichu squeezed An Rui's palm, then let go of his hand, and walked up to the stage.

Xia Yichu looked at the crystal ball with calm eyes and steady breathing, and put his hands on it.

The crystal ball under his hand lit up, and then in front of the stone, two pillars of light suddenly appeared, red and green.

The red color is as bright as blood, and the green color is as deep as the emerald green of the mountains.

A monk sitting next to him stood up directly from his seat, and said with a shocked expression: "I didn't expect to meet a top-quality fire and wood dual spiritual root today. The thickness and color, God loves it!"

As soon as the monk finished speaking, the monk in charge of recording immediately surrounded Xia Yichu and asked her if she had any plans to join the sect.

An Rui's eyes were on the person surrounded by several monks. It was the same in her previous life. As soon as her talent appeared, she was immediately dazzling.

Dressed in rags, he was standing by the side. He looked up at her as he did now, but he got a look of contempt and disdain with a hint of warning from her, and then walked away amidst the stars.

But now...

An Rui saw the man come out from the monks' siege, with a slight smile on his face, his clear eyes fell on himself, and then he waved to himself, signaling him to go over.

An Rui walked up to the high platform in front of everyone's eyes, Xia Yichu pulled him to his side, and said to the monks: "This is my brother An Rui, we are dependent on each other, if he has spiritual roots and can enter the mountain gate , I have no problem here."

The monk in charge of recording was overjoyed when he heard the words, not to mention that this younger brother has spiritual roots, even if he doesn't have spiritual roots, he can make an exception and bring him back to the sect.

However, he didn't dare to say these words now, so he could only say: "Then try it, my sister is so good, my brother will definitely be no worse."

Xia Yichu and everyone retreated to the side, An Rui stood in front of the crystal stone, turned his head to look at Xia Yichu, but saw Xia Yichu nodded to him, his eyes were firm.

An Rui exhaled, and put his hands on it. After a while, a faint light glowed from the crystal ball, and then five colors of light, red, green, blue, gold, and gray, flashed in front of the stone.

Compared with the two powerful lights of Xia Yichu just now, An Rui's five colors not only have weak lights, but even the beams of light are thin.

It turned out to be the most useless pseudo-spiritual root.

After seeing the five spiritual roots of different colors, the monks next to them gradually dimmed their expectant eyes, and a trace of disappointment flashed in their eyes.

There are actually many kinds of spiritual roots. The less colored, the stronger the light, the thicker the beam of light, and the thicker the spiritual roots are, the best. Such spiritual roots will not only speed up the cultivation in the future, but will also encounter fewer bottlenecks.

As for the spiritual roots with messy colors and shallow beams, because the spiritual roots are not abundant, the speed of cultivation will be very slow, and generally they will not be noticed by people. Even if they are brought back to the mountain gate, they will start as handymen.

However, the monk reacted quickly, walked up to Xia Yichu and said, "Congratulations, if this is the case, both of you can follow us back to the mountain."

"Sister." An Rui withdrew his hand, walked to Xia Yichu's side, and reached out to grab her skirt.

"An Rui is so good." Xia Yichu smiled, took his hand and walked to the monk, thanked him, and told him the names of himself and An Rui.

It's getting late now, and there are not many children waiting for the test. The monks plan to leave tonight. After telling Xia Yichu the time to gather here later, Xia Yichu nodded and took the test with him. Leading An Rui back to the guild, he packed the few luggage of the two of them and planned to leave here.

(End of this chapter)

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