Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 477 The villain raised, he blackened 12

Chapter 477 The villain raised, he blackened 12
Everyone in the guild already knew that Xia Yichu and An Rui both had spiritual roots, and when they returned to the guild, they were overwhelmed by all kinds of congratulations.

Especially that middle-aged man, when he paid Xia Yichu at the end, even though she only stayed here for nineteen days, he gave her one month, that is, two low-grade spirit stones.

Xia Yichu was short of money at this time, and she had done her best to take care of the medicine garden for the past nineteen days, so she didn't show any courtesy to him right now, and just took the two low-grade spirit stones over, saying goodbye to everyone in the guild , and then took An Rui to the square to gather.

The sky dimmed until night fell. After everyone had arrived, an elderly elder took out an object from his ring and threw it into the sky. Suddenly, a strong wind blew.But after the strong wind passed, what appeared in front of everyone was a lonely boat.

This move of his made the other people standing on the square look envious, and voices of astonishment came from their mouths.

Everyone boarded the lonely boat together, and then flew away with the wind.

This lonely boat doesn't look that big, but it can actually accommodate hundreds of people.

The two lone boats sailed side by side, and quickly merged into the vast night, disappearing from the eyes of the people on the ground.

After boarding the boat, two groups of two people share a room.

Xia Yichu and An Rui shared a small room, many children stayed in their own room, they couldn't sleep at all, and the chirping sound was heard all night.

Until the sky was bright and everyone was allowed to leave the room, there was a burst of exclamation from outside, and Xia Yichu pulled An Rui out of the room.

The lone boat flew in mid-air, and everything below became a microcosm.

Not far ahead, you can vaguely see the place covered by white clouds on the high mountain. In the verdant green, there are traces of houses exposed. The monk in white silhouette now looks like an ant. .

The sun was just rising in the sky, and through the clouds, countless golden sharp arrows fell down, gradually shining on every inch of the land.

Xia Yichu led An Rui and stood on the deck. Although he didn't look envious like the other children, his bright and clear eyes were full of brilliance, and he was full of expectations for the future.

The lone boat did not bring these children up the mountain, but put everyone at the foot of the mountain.

The old monk stood on the ground, and after everyone on the boat got off, he waved his hand and put the two huge boats into his long sleeves.

"Listen up, everyone, the Qingyun Sect is on the top of this mountain. Later, our people will give each of you a piece of food and a piece of talisman. In one day, those who climb from the foot of this mountain to the top of the mountain will be considered as passers-by. If you can't bear it or want to give up during this process, just tear off the talisman paper in your hand, and our people will pick you up immediately and send you back to your respective homes. If you don't climb up within a day , it is also regarded as a customs clearance failure.”

The elder's words were undoubtedly a bomb. As soon as his words fell, everyone looked at the path behind him. Some children were eager to try, while others were already timid.

There is almost no extra time for everyone to think, and some monks have already started sending things.

Each person has a small burden.

Xia Yichu opened the bag and took a look. Inside was a bamboo tube of water, some steamed buns, and a piece of talisman paper.

Xia Yichu opened An Rui's bag again and took a look, the contents inside were all the same.

And after everyone lowered their heads to look at the things in their bags, all the monks who were standing with everyone disappeared.

Some children stood there and cried, some stayed where they were at a loss, and some children who reacted quickly ran towards the trail.

It was a long stone step, spreading all the way up from the foot of the mountain, and finally hidden among the green plants.

"Let's go too." Xia Yichu said to An Rui, and pulled An Rui up the stone steps.

Xia Yichu and An Rui did not walk fast, many children passed them from behind, but Xia Yichu and An Rui walked in a leisurely manner.

After walking for an hour or two, on the stone steps, one could see a child sitting there panting and sweating. Although Xia Yichu and An Rui were also tired, they did not stop.

Until noon, when the sun was scorching hot, Xia Yichu wiped the sweat from his neck, took An Rui to rest on the spot, drank some water, and ate some steamed buns to replenish his strength.

After resting enough, the two continued on their way.

Later, Xia Yichu and An Rui walked a little fast, surpassing many people along the way.

However, the front seems to be endless.

An Rui, who had been held by Xia Yichu all this time, suddenly stopped in his tracks. Xia Yichu was a little puzzled, looked back at him, and asked, "An Rui, what's wrong?"

"Sister, don't you think the person we surpassed just now looks familiar? In fact, we have surpassed him three times, and I just threw this steamed bun here." An Rui said calmly, lowered his head, and stretched out his hand To Xia Yichu, he pointed to the piece of steamed bun beside the stone steps.

Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment when he heard An Rui's words, and then patted himself on the head.

Before she was about to walk up the stone steps, she actually knew that the stone steps would not be easy.It's just that, as I walked back and forth, I forgot what happened. Now that An Rui reminded me, Xia Yichu remembered the path the two of them walked when they first came here. deep.

So after walking for so long, maybe she and An Rui have been hanging around in the same place all the time?
Just thinking of this possibility, a cold sweat ran down Xia Yichu's back.

However, she is not a person who is afraid to face her mistakes, Xia Yichu pulled An Rui to sit on the spot, after a long while, no one came up.

This scene made Xia Yichu even more determined that he and An Rui might have lost their way.

Xia Yichu calmed down her brain, and scenes flashed through her mind.

In the end, Xia Yichu suddenly remembered a story she heard when she was young. It said that there was a doctor who lived in the village. One night, he suddenly received a call and asked him to save someone.

The doctor grew up in the village, but the address given by the owner on the other side of the phone was actually a wasteland in his memory, and no one lived there.However, the person on the other end of the phone confirmed that he lived there. It was a matter of human life. The doctor didn't dare to be careless, so he packed himself up and went with the medicine box.

In the darkness of the night, there was actually a yard in the wasteland he thought it was.

 【Ghost story starts~】

(End of this chapter)

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