Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 508 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 4

Chapter 508 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 4
Covered by a white mist in front of him, Xia Yichu almost thought of the system's voice prompting him to fail the mission.

However, when her feet landed on the ground, and the warm sun shone on her body, Xia Yichu blinked, looking a little confused.

There seems to be a small park around, and there are many children playing and playing.

There are also many adults sitting on the side, blocking the sun.

Xia Yichu blinked, not knowing what was going on.

Obviously she was still in that haunted villa just now, and it was still late at night.But in the blink of an eye, he came to the amusement park at dusk.

Moreover, Xia Yichu also found that she was no longer that sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, with small black paws and a short figure, her body seemed to be a child?
She... failed the mission and went to the next world?

Xia Yichu was full of doubts, and tried to call the system in his mind: "System, what's going on now? Did I fail in the previous mission? What's the situation now?"

The system didn't respond to her.

Xia Yichu stood on the edge of the lawn, a little dazed.

However, Xia Yichu is not a real little girl after all.

She carefully recalled some things after she came to this mission world this time. When she was just now, she didn't hear the system saying that the mission failed, which meant that she hadn't failed this mission yet!The hero and heroine must still be alive!

And she is like this now, it should be the wraith.

Perhaps, from the moment they stepped into that villa, they had already fallen into the surveillance and trap of the resentful spirits.

Xia Yichu thought, his expression suddenly became firm.

And at this moment, two golden characters appeared in front of her: Ye Han.

This seems to be a personal name?
Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment, the two words appeared in front of her within three seconds, and then drifted away with the wind.

Xia Yichu's current body looks like he is only about five or six years old, too young, and he doesn't know if he has any relatives in this world.

Xia Yichu walked around the small playground like a walk, but unfortunately no one called her.

Xia Yichu felt a little frustrated, so he found a seat beside him and sat down.

The sun was setting from the west mountain, and the twilight was falling, and the children in the playground were taken away by their parents one after another.

Until the end, only Xia Yichu was left sitting on the bench.

The last ray of hope in Xia Yichu's heart also fell.

Xia Yichu's stomach didn't know how long he hadn't eaten, and it was growling. Xia Yichu walked to the side of the faucet and took a handful of water to drink. After feeling that his stomach was no longer so noisy, he slowly moved towards that place. The children played on the slide and walked.

Homeless, if she sleeps on the bench with her small body, it would be fine if someone with good intentions saw her, but if someone with good intentions saw her, she might sell her for money.

Xia Yichu retracted her small body into the slide.

And at this moment, a few footsteps suddenly came from the originally quiet playground.Then, it became the sound of fists hitting people, and a muffled hum could be heard from time to time.

Xia Yichu opened his eyes, moved his body carefully, and looked outside. About five meters away from her, there were several boys in school uniforms, facing the boy who was pushed to the ground by them. The child punches and kicks.

"Smelly beggar! Who allowed you to go to our school to pick up trash? Didn't I tell you to stay at home and don't come out to embarrass yourself?"

"Why did my parents buy such a stinky thing like you! It's a shame!"

"Beat, beat, beat! You all beat me hard! Anyway, my parents bought him to make me happy. If you kill him, you don't have to pay for it."


One of the teenagers who was committing violence spoke, constantly urging everyone to punch and kick the person who fell on the ground.

Xia Yichu hid in the dark, she really wanted to go out and stop those people, but with her weak body, going out might be useless.

Xia Yichu looked down, and then his eyes lit up.

In it, I don't know which child forgot to take the slingshot.

Xia Yichu picked up the slingshot to test its elasticity, then grabbed the small stones on the ground, aimed at the little fat man who spoke loudly just now, then pulled hard and let it go.

"Ah!" The little fat man screamed, and immediately fell to the ground, stretching out his hand to touch his waist just hit by the pebble.

"What's the matter?"

The others looked at the little fat man unknowingly.

"It's okay, I fucking thought someone was sneaking up on me from behind." The little fat man rubbed his waist, stood up from the ground, and then kicked the man on the ground fiercely: "Unlucky!"

Looking at his movements, Xia Yichu's eyes darkened, and immediately, several stones shot towards him and the people beside him.

Several boys screamed again and again. They looked around, but they didn't see anyone.

The night is coming, and the wind blowing at night is a bit cool.

"We...couldn't have encountered a ghost?" One of the boys said.

We are all junior high school students, half-grown children, and few of them are not afraid of ghosts.

After the boy spoke, everyone swarmed and ran away.

Xia Yichu huddled inside and waited for a long time. After realizing that the children hadn't come back, he cautiously got out of the slide.

She leaned over to see that the child who was beaten by everyone was lying on the ground.

He looked like he was only twelve or thirteen years old, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and there were even several wounds that were bleeding.Wearing patched clothes and pants, his whole body was dirty, like a homeless wanderer.

Xia Yichu thought of his current status as a vagrant, and felt a little pity for him in his heart.

Xia Yichu walked to his side, stretched out his hand to poke him, and said in a crisp voice: "Little brother, are you alright?"

Ye Han rolled his eyes. In fact, his body was in pain, not to mention sore all over his body, and it was burning hot.

Before, he couldn't help but yell out loudly, but after he found that the more he yelled, those people would fight harder and more aggressively, so he stopped yelling.

And after he stopped barking, those people would generally feel bored, beat him up quickly, and then go home with their schoolbags on their backs.

And he lay on the ground for a while, and then dragged his bruised body back to the home that wasn't his.

Those people didn't notice it just now, but Ye Han saw it. The little girl hid in the space where the slide slided and saved herself with a slingshot.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. Thank you for saving me just now. My name is Ye Han. What's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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