Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 509 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 5

Chapter 509 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 5
Xia Yichu did not expect that this little boy was actually Ye Han.

When confronted with his questioning, Xia Yichu instinctively wanted to say his name, but after thinking that this place is the mission world, Xia Yichu's eyes flashed, and he said to him: "Chuyi, my name is Xia Chuyi."

"It's so late, why don't you go back?" Ye Han got up from the ground and sat next to Xia Yichu.During the period, perhaps because of his vigorous movements, he touched the wound on his body, and he gasped.

Xia Yichu didn't notice his grinning from the pain, but lowered his head in frustration, and he didn't know what to think, tears fell down: "I don't know, when I woke up, I was here gone."

So, take me back quickly.

Xia Yichu blinked, and tears the size of beans fell to the ground.

Ye Han was only an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, he suddenly cried when he saw Xia Yichu talking, he was so flustered and at a loss what to do.

But at the same time, Xia Yichu's words aroused infinite anger in his heart.

"I see, you must have been abducted by those traffickers just like me." He raised his hand and touched Xia Yichu's head as he said: "Do you remember where your home is? Wait for me one day After returning to my own home, I may be able to help you find your own family."

Xia Yichu knew that he had no home in this world and couldn't find it.She was thinking about how to change the topic, but she didn't expect Ye Han to take the initiative to pass the topic over again.

The little girl squatting beside Ye Han shook her head, sniffed her nose, raised her hand to touch the teardrops in her eyes, and said, "I don't remember where my home is, I only know that my name is Xia Chuyi. The little brother is also like me, do you want to find a new home?"

"No." Ye Han shook his head and said firmly, "I have a family, and you have a family too. We were all abducted by those traffickers. When I return to my own home, I will take you to find yours." Home."

"Okay, then I'll go home with my little brother." The little girl squatting on the ground wiped her tears and smiled happily.

After all, Xia Yichu is not a real child, and Ye Han is not her opponent at all. The two sat in the playground, and during less than half an hour of conversation, Xia Yichu knew about Ye Han's life experience.

Ye Han was originally a rich second generation, but he was suddenly abducted by human traffickers to this backward and poor town.

The family who bought him with money were the parents of the little fat man who just asked someone to beat him up.

The little fat man's family opened a small rice noodle shop, and they bought Ye Han back, just using him as a clerk, and he was the kind who could be beaten and scolded without salary.

That family didn't treat Ye Han well at all, they not only fed him the leftovers eaten by the guests, but also beat and scolded him all day long.

It was because the couple didn't treat Ye Han as a human being, so the little fat man was also influenced by his parents. Whenever he saw Ye Han, he would do something to him, taking pleasure in bullying and beating him.

Ye Han has always remembered the address of his home. It's not that he didn't think about calling the police, but even if he called the police, the police would not only ignore him, but also send him back, so that the couple should watch him more carefully, don't let him He goes out and talks nonsense.

Ye Han also thought about running away, but every time he escaped, he would be caught and beaten again and again by the couple. They also hung him from a tree and didn't give him food for a whole day.

Ye Han finally calmed down gradually, and did not want to run away.

Everyone thought he was scared of being beaten, but in fact only Ye Han knew that he just suppressed the idea of ​​running away, and only waited for one day to escape from this dark and sinful prison with one breath.

After Xia Yichu learned all this, he fell into a long silence.Perhaps, she knew where she was now.

This place is the same as the mission world where she turned into a cat at that time, and she came to the world of the wraith.

Ye Han in front of him was the wraith in the villa.

And this world is the world where the wraith was alive.

Perhaps, only by following Ye Han's side and knowing what he has experienced, can he know how to resolve the resentment in his heart.

Xia Yichu stretched out his hand to hold Ye Han's clothes tightly, and said: "Little brother, this is a secret between us, you must remember to take me with you when you leave, I am not noisy, I am very good."

"Yeah!" Ye Han smiled and nodded heavily, his eyes were filled with expectations and determination for the future.

Dreams are good, but reality is cruel.

Because Ye Han is currently living under someone else's roof, naturally he can't take Xia Yichu back.

And that family is so bad, taking Xia Yichu back is tantamount to pushing her into hell.

Xia Yichu stayed under the slide at night. Ye Han was afraid that something would happen to her alone, so he would sneak out every night after the little fat man and his family fell asleep, and the two children huddled together on the slide. Underneath, keep each other warm and sleep in each other's arms.

Then when the sky was slightly bright, Ye Han sneaked back again.

During the day, because Ye Han had to help the little fat man's family, he could only sneak out in the afternoon.

Every time he came out, he would bring some food for Xia Yichu so that Xia Yichu would not starve to death.

The two had only been together for a few days, but Xia Yichu's heart really felt sorry for this little boy.

Xia Yichu once secretly followed Ye Han and hid in the corner of the street. After watching him go back, he was scolded by the couple with fierce faces, and even stretched out his hand to pull his ears, and directly pinched his flesh through his clothes. .But Ye Han didn't say a word, just stood there and cursed at them casually.With a lifeless appearance, he doesn't look like a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy at all.

At that time, Xia Yichu thought in her heart that if Ye Han encountered a disaster in the future, then she would be desperate to block it for him.Let him live to see more of the beauty of this world, instead of being subjected to such cruel encounters at a young age, and bearing so much suffering that he shouldn't have to bear at his age.

He deserves the tender treatment of this society.

[X﹏X woke up at 03:30 in the morning for some reason, and climbed up to update everyone, (?_?) Meh~~ At 19:0 on the 45th of this month, Jun Bao will update 50 to 19 chapters, on the same day A total of 0 characters have been updated. Everyone, prepare the book coins, and remember to read them on time ~ [-]:[-] am on the [-]th.What~]

(End of this chapter)

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