Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 512 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 9

Chapter 512 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 9
Xia Yichu didn't know, but when she and Ye Han were racking their brains thinking about how to make money, another person was also paying attention to them.

In the midst of steaming heat, the proprietress in the small shop cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks left by the guests at the last table. Seeing that the boss was still below, she was a little surprised: "There are no customers in the shop, what are you doing? Are you hungry? ?”

"No, look." The fat shop owner raised his head and gestured towards the proprietress in a certain direction.

The proprietress took a look and saw that there were people coming and going outside, but she really didn't see anything.

The boss gestured to her: "Those two children have been sitting there for a long time."

The proprietress was taken aback for a moment, and her eyes fell on the two children.

The two children, a boy and a girl, the girl was thin and small, she looked to be only six or seven years old, snuggling tightly beside the boy.

The boy is older than her, but in the eyes of adults, he is only a child of twelve or thirteen years old.

The two sat there clinging to each other, like two little lost animals.

At the stall where the proprietress was watching, the boss had already ordered two bowls of noodles. He pushed the proprietress next to him and said, "What are you looking for? Tell them to come in and eat. The two children sit at noon It’s there, I don’t eat or drink, it hurts to see it.”

The proprietress's heart is softer than the boss's. At first, she felt some sympathy when she saw the two children sitting there alone, but now after hearing what the boss said, she felt even more distressed.

She walked out of the shop, squatted halfway in front of the two children, and said to them: "Babies, are you waiting for mother here?"

Ye Han looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes were full of vigilance, he held Xia Yichu who was sitting next to him tightly, and said, "Auntie, yes, we are waiting for mother. But, I don't know Did mom go into the station, I'll take my sister in to have a look."

Ye Han responded, got up and pulled Xia Yichu and ran inside, but Xia Yichu held him back.

Xia Yichu was not unguarded, but she knew the middle-aged woman in an apron in front of her, who was the proprietress of the busy shop next to her.

"Little brother, don't rush away." Xia Yichu grabbed Ye Han, stood on the steps, looked at the woman in front of her with fixed eyes, and said crisply: "Auntie must know that we have been here for a long time, give us Something to eat, right?"

Surprise flashed across the eyes of the proprietress, and then she laughed again: "You are really smart, little doll, yes, my guy has watched you two sitting here for a long time, and he served you a bowl of noodles. Don't go in and eat? I won't charge your money."

"No need!" Ye Han refused, pulling Xia Yichu to leave.

"Little brother, don't get excited, the proprietress is a good person." Xia Yichu was staggered by him.

Hearing Xia Yichu's words, Ye Han looked a little annoyed: "How do you know that she is a good person, maybe she is a human trafficker again, first gave us something to eat, then made us faint, and then sold us to a small ravine! "

Just like the bottle of milk he drank that day...

Ye Han's eyes dimmed a bit.

"No no no, this proprietress must be a good person, just trust me once, okay?" Xia Yichu pulled him hard.

There is always a way out.

Since this is the mission world, it will definitely allow her to go on smoothly.

Just like the hundred dollar bills she picked up on the street before.

Xia Yichu felt that the proprietress who appeared here must also be an NPC in this mission world to help her and Ye Han's passers-by.

Ye Han looked at Xia Yichu, and nodded after a while, "Okay, I'll trust you once."

Xia Yichu smiled easily, and pulled Ye Han back to the position just now, where the proprietress was still standing there.

And Xia Yichu looked at the proprietress standing there, and a way to make money suddenly appeared in his mind.

Xia Yichu walked up to the proprietress, looking expectant: "Auntie, do you really have noodles?"

"Well, let's go." The proprietress nodded cheerfully.

"But my mother said that you can't eat other people's things for free. My little brother and I will wash the dishes for your house this afternoon, okay?"

Listening to Xia Yichu's words, the proprietress laughed in her heart.Apart from feeling that the child is very educated, he didn't take her words seriously in his heart.

After all, Xia Yichu himself is so small, as tall as a table in the store.

The proprietress nodded with a smile, and led Xia Yichu and Ye Han over.

The hot noodles were served with extra sour radish and sliced ​​meat specially added by the boss.

This was the first hot meal that Xia Yichu ate here in nearly half a month.

Although Ye Han would bring her food every day before, but it was all food that he secretly hid from the little fat man's family.Every time there are some cold leftovers or steamed buns, that can only guarantee that Xia Yichu will not die of hunger.

Xia Yichu ate the hot noodles with big mouthfuls, feeling like tears were about to fall down.

And Ye Han, who was sitting opposite Xia Yichu, was not much better, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the two of them ate voraciously.

The proprietress and the boss next to them looked at the eager actions of the two children. It was obviously a simple bowl of beef noodles, but in their eyes, it seemed like a delicacy from mountains and seas.

The hearts of the two were a little sour.

By the time Xia Yichu and Ye Han had finished the last bowl of noodle soup in the bowl, several customers had come to the store one after another.

The boss was serving the noodles, and the lady boss was there to help, greet the guests, serve the noodles and pass the bowls, etc., so busy that she couldn't care about the two of them at all.

Xia Yichu and Ye Han put the leftover bowls into the small room at the back of the shop by themselves. The small room was only the size of a bathroom, and there were two large pots in it. wash bowls.

Xia Yichu looked at the water pipe, then at the dishwashing liquid beside him, and thought that this should be the place in the shop specially used for washing dishes.

"Little brother." Xia Yichu said to Ye Han, "Let's help the proprietress wash these dishes."

"Yeah, this is what you said before, and it's what we should do." Ye Han nodded, he didn't know the plan in Xia Yichu's mind, he just thought it was not good to take advantage of each other for nothing.

Ye Han turned on the faucet, and water gushed out of the pipe immediately.

After Ye Han adjusted the water temperature, he began to pour water into the big basin. Xia Yichu smiled, took a cloth from the big basin, and pressed some dish soap into it.

After all the things the guests ordered were served, the proprietress heard the noise in the small room, went in and took a look, and saw two little guys squatting on the ground, trying to wash the dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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