Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 513 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 10

Chapter 513 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 10
The proprietress replied at the time, it was really a joke.Unexpectedly, after the two little guys finished eating the noodles, they actually ran inside to wash the dishes.

When the proprietress found out, it was too late to stop her.

The proprietress checked some of the dishes that the two of them had washed, they were very clean, and it wasn't because they were young that they couldn't do things well.

The proprietress happily boasted about Xia Yichu and Ye Han, and she wanted to take over their affairs by herself, but the boss outside yelled loudly and called her out.

It turned out that another guest came, and the boss asked the proprietress to go out to help.

From four o'clock in the evening to eleven o'clock in the evening, there are cars coming in and out of the station non-stop.

The train station and the bus station are very close, and the business in the small shop is even more booming.

The proprietress and the boss were busy, Xia Yichu and Ye Han stayed inside to wash the dishes, and it took them all night.

Sometimes, when the proprietress didn't have time to clean up the table, Xia Yichu went out to help clean it up, and brought in the dishes and chopsticks on the table. The proprietress only needed to wipe the table before the guests came.

The two little guys lightened the boss and the boss's wife a lot.

When the shop was about to close at eleven o'clock, the proprietress apologetically called Xia Yichu and Ye Han out. The boss even cooked a portion of beef fried rice for them. It was delicious and delicious.

After everyone had dinner together, it was almost twelve o'clock.

The proprietress spoke to Xia Yichu and Ye Han, asking where they lived, and asked the boss to drive them back.

In Xia Yichu's heart, he has been waiting for these words from the proprietress.

Now, when he finally heard the proprietress's question, Xia Yichu glanced at Ye Han beside him, who was stiff, and burst into tears.

"I, I don't know where my home is. We are looking for my little brother's home, but my little brother's home is so far away, we don't know how to get back..."

She spoke incoherently, but the expressions on the faces of the boss and the boss's wife were a little dignified.

When the two sat outside for so long before, the boss and the boss's wife thought they were simply lost in the station, but they didn't expect that the truth was much crueler than they imagined.

The proprietress took out a tissue to wipe Xia Yichu's tears, and comforted her softly.

Xia Yichu didn't know that she really wanted to cry. In fact, she was still very embarrassed. Xia Yichu followed the trend, took the tissue from the proprietress's hand, wiped her own tears, and then stopped crying.

And Ye Han was still a child of twelve or thirteen years old, and after two meals, he had already lost his guard against the boss and the boss's wife.When Xia Yichu was crying, Ye Han had already explained to the proprietress that he was kidnapped and sold by human traffickers, then met Xia Yichu, and ran out of there with Xia Yichu.

The proprietress did not expect that the two children were facing such a cruel predicament.

She hugged Xia Yichu and Ye Han, one in each hand, and said angrily that she was going to call the police!Let the police punish those villains.

However, as soon as the proprietress said this, she was stopped by the boss: "Report? What kind of case?! Let's send these two little guys home first, so that these two children will not be homeless. The family members are also thinking about them. As for the report, it will not be too late after sending them back."

The boss looks honest and honest, but the weight of his words is quite heavy.

When he said this, the proprietress thought about it, and it was indeed such a rationale, then she lowered her head and asked Xia Yichu and Ye Han. After getting their consent, the proprietress had no choice but to suppress the idea of ​​calling the police in her heart.

After asking the address of Ye Han's home, the boss and the proprietress decided to send the two of them home tomorrow morning.

Xia Yichu's initial thought was that the boss and the proprietress would provide her and Ye Han with a place to stay, and then let her and Ye Han help wash the dishes and do some chores here, and then make up enough travel expenses.

But I didn't expect that I could get such a big surprise.

She looked at Ye Han, who was so excited but still sullen, and smiled with her eyes bent.

Xia Yichu and Ye Han stayed with the proprietress.

Below is the noodle shop, on the second floor of the noodle shop is where the proprietress and the others live.

Although the area is not large, there are three rooms.

Xia Yichu and Ye Han slept together. At night, after the proprietress turned off the lights for the two of them, the room was plunged into darkness, only the sporadic lights from outside poured in from the window.

Ye Han next to him was moving around, Xia Yichu reached out and poked him: "Little brother, even if it's because you're happy to go home tomorrow, you still have to sleep."

"Well, I'm going to sleep now." Ye Han nodded, and suddenly remembered that Xia Yichu couldn't see his movements in the dark, so he grabbed Xia Yichu's hand and said softly, "You should go to sleep too."

"En." Xia Yichu responded, her current body was still a child's body, she was a little sleepy and dazed, and fell asleep after a while.

The next day, neither the proprietress nor the boss opened the shop. Early in the morning, after the four of them had breakfast together, the boss drove the car himself, and the proprietress sat in the passenger seat, taking the two of them to City H.

The two cities are adjacent to each other, but in fact they are still far away. When we set off in the morning, the boss drove all day, and we didn't arrive in City H until after ten o'clock in the evening, near dusk.

After arriving in City H, Ye Han told the boss the address of his home, and the boss turned on the navigation and searched all the way there.

The destination is a very luxurious and wealthy community. The boss' car was stopped by the security guard and he couldn't go in.

In fact, coming here is already at the door of the house.

Ye Han used the boss's mobile phone to dial the number he remembered so badly, the phone rang several times, and then he was connected by someone who was connected by the housekeeper. Ye Han called the person Uncle Wang.

"Uncle Wang, yes, it's me. I'm back now. I'm at the door. Yes, the security guard is right next to you. You can call the security guard."

As Ye Han said, he passed the phone through the car window.

The security guard held the phone, listened to the people over there, and after confirming it, returned the phone to the boss and put them in.

The boss drove to the parking lot of his home under Ye Han's guidance.

The butler was already standing at the door waiting for him. Along with the butler, apart from a maid, there was another woman with a graceful figure in a nightgown.

Ye Han was sitting in the car, and when he saw the woman, he immediately waved to her happily: "Mom, I'm back!"

 [Update six thousand first, tomorrow at noon, there are still four thousand.Congratulations again to baby M, happy birthday~ Good night, little angels~]

(End of this chapter)

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