Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 529 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 7

Chapter 529 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 7
Xia Yichu didn't speak a lot along the way, even if Li Guoguang threw the topic to Xia Yichu sometimes, but Xia Yichu didn't say much, basically he was sloppy, or threw the topic back intact .

Occasionally, Xia Yichu would receive Li Guoguang's indisputable look, but she had the right to pretend that she didn't see it.

Even if the original owner, You Chujian, had the task of sleeping with Qin Shi, in fact Xia Yichu never thought about deliberately doing something in front of Qin Shi, or saying something to get him to look at him differently.

Anyway, when You Chujian talked about sleep, he didn't say what kind of sleep it was.

Sleeping is one word, but it has many meanings.

When forced to do so, even if she hugged Qin Shi's real person pillow, she still slept with him...

The task is very important, but Xia Yichu really can't accept this kind of thing, the two of them do that kind of thing without affection.

She couldn't accept it when she had no one in her heart before, and now that she has a bug in her heart, she can't do such a thing even more.

Xia Yichu thought about how to play rogue all the way, until he unexpectedly reached Li Guoguang's house, Xia Yichu rejected Li Guoguang's offer to go in and have breakfast together, and ran towards his villa .

"This girl is still so shy. We have known each other for so long, and I dare not even come in for breakfast." Li Guoguang shook his head and walked into the house.

And Qin Shi, who was behind him, couldn't help but look back at Xia Yichu's back again.

He doesn't think so.

Xia Yichu went back to his villa, washed up and had breakfast, sat down in front of the computer as usual, and opened the familiar web page, Xia Yichu was slightly taken aback, only to realize that she hadn't updated it today.

Xia Yichu glanced at the time at the bottom of the computer screen, it turned out to be the 16th
She always scheduled it for half a month every time, but yesterday, she actually forgot to upload the manuscript.

Xia Yichu swiped again, her daily update time is fixed, and she updates at that time every day.

That prodigal reader would show her the update as soon as she updated it every day, and then give a reward.

But today, she has been delayed for several hours... Why hasn't he moved yet?

Xia Yichu's mood was filled with a strange sense of loss.

She swiped the webpage resolutely for a while, and felt a little uncomfortable after seeing that there was still no reminder comment from Tianci.

She herself didn't know where the uncomfortable energy in her heart came from, but she just felt that the connection between them was suddenly broken.

Xia Yichu clicked the mouse, entered the author's background, looked at the empty manuscript storage box, Xia Yichu clicked on the folder, copied the original manuscript that he had revised once, and then pasted it in the new chapter of the author's background, and finished the chapter name, and sent it out.

But Xia Yichu didn't know that when she was doing all this, Qin Shi was in the bedroom where Li Guoguang went back to his room to rest. He didn't go into the bathroom to take a bath for the first time, but took out his mobile phone from his bag .

Unlocked, clicked on the penguin head, didn't look at the books with brightly colored covers on the front page of the book city, Qin Shi clicked his finger, and entered the bookshelf.

On his bookshelf, there are only a few books in total, and the others are all finished, and there is only one that he is chasing after every day.

After his phone ran out of power and turned off yesterday, he kept putting it in his bag and charging it with a power bank. He didn't know what she updated today?I really look forward to it.

Qin Shi's cold expression showed a slight smile.

It's just that this smile was stagnated in mid-air before it even bloomed.

...not updated?

Qin Shi's eyes were only on his mobile phone, his thin lips were pursed tightly, showing a trace of stubbornness and stubbornness.

He reached out his hand in disbelief and slid it down. After refreshing it several times in a row, Qin Shi really believed that the author hadn't updated it.

Qin Shi frowned, opened the book with some displeasure, clicked on the comments, and wrote: "●︿● Update soon."

After sending out the comments urging the update, Qin Shi withdrew from the comments, and gave the book three rewards of 10000 book coins.

After Qin Shi finished rewarding, he put his phone aside, took out a set of clean clothes from his bag, and went into the bathroom.

And Xia Yichu, after sending out the chapter update, she didn't go out to refresh it immediately, but continued to upload all the manuscripts for the next fourteen days in the background, after a good timing, and checked again to make sure there was no problem, Xia Yichu just quit the writer's background and refreshed his own books.

Then, Xia Yichu was blinded by three 10000 book coins.

However, what made her even happier was that she saw that familiar name again.

Moreover, looking at the comment sent by Tianci, even though there were only two words and one emoji, Xia Yichu felt so cute for no reason.

Tianci gave Xia Yichu a reward every day, and he was picked up by someone before. He is Xia Yichu's trumpet, saying that Xia Yichu gave himself a reward.However, before Xia Yichu had time to clarify, the person who said that slapped himself in the face.

In fact, Godsend is also considered a miracle among the readers of the website.

He started reading novels a few years ago, and at that time he was particularly obsessed with a male-frequent military novel, and he tipped the author almost regularly.Several times alone, I sent the author's book to the top ten rewards this week,
At that time, some people already suspected that he was the author's trumpet. After all, this is simply too rich and wealthy.

Even the author of that book was flattered and sent a private message to Tianci.

However, Tianci ignored it at all.

Then I don’t know who it is, and actually invited my hacker cousin. Originally, he wanted his cousin to come and kill Tianci, but his cousin found out the login IP address of Tianci, which is where the Kyoto Military and Political Special Operations Group is located. After the office address, his hands shook, and he didn't dare to look down.

However, he couldn't find it any further.

Then I don’t know what happened, the news that "Tianci is from the military and political area" was quickly spread, and Tianci was also on a hot search. At that time, many people were talking about Tianci, but Tianci still did his own thing. Read the article Rewards are correct.

There was no response from the military and political area on this matter.

But if there is no response, it is undoubtedly the default.

Now, looking at someone questioning that Tianci is a trumpet, Xia Yichu has not had time to speak, and the person who said this has been turned back by other insiders, and even popularized science.

(End of this chapter)

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