Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 530 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 8

Chapter 530 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 8
Xia Yichu was actually a little curious about Tianci's identity.

At that time, the place where the hacker found out was not the general military and political circles.

That place belongs to the military and political center of Kyoto, and the defense work is very strict. Unless the staff and superior leaders, ordinary people cannot enter at all.

Xia Yichu really couldn't imagine how anyone would like to read the president's novels in such a tight place.

Just think about it a little bit, a person who sits in a military office and goes to work with a serious face during the day, but secretly takes out his mobile phone to swipe the president's text after get off work or when he goes to work... Hahahaha, it can't be done, as long as the picture is in the brain , Xia Yichu wanted to laugh very much.

However, Xia Yichu was not very curious about that Tianci himself.

After all, it is on the Internet and cannot be confused with reality.

But Qin Shi, after running together that time, Xia Yichu could see him every day after that.

Li Guoguang wanted to deal with Xia Yichu and Qin Shi wholeheartedly. Although he was angry with Xia Yichu's elm head, Li Guoguang still told Xia Yichu a lot about Qin Shi.

Xia Yichu also found out that when Li Guoguang was young, he still had a lot of fame and power in the military and political circles, and he and Qin Shi's father were brothers.It's just that after he got old and retired, he stayed in this rich area and lived a retired life of raising flowers and grass wholeheartedly.

The reason why Qin Shi came here was that besides seeing him, Qin Shi's own private villa was also here.

Qin Shi is the same as Xia Yichu, even though the Qin family is a native of the capital, he seldom goes back.

The morning jog every morning has changed from a two-person walk with Xia Yichu and Li Guoguang to a threesome now.

Although Xia Yichu didn't intentionally show anything in front of Qin Shi, but because of the mission of the original owner, he couldn't help but pay more attention to him.

Qin Shi seldom speaks, and most of the time his expression is cold and hard, with an indifferent and alienated temperament on his body.

This kind of person usually seems to be a bit unattainable and noble, but Xia Yichu found that he is actually very patient. Every time Li Guoguang talks to him, he will listen carefully, even if sometimes Li Guoguang Guoguang kept asking questions non-stop, and there was no trace of impatience on his expression.

This is a person with a cold surface, but he is very patient and gentle towards his own people.

Xia Yichu silently made a conclusion in his heart.

Even if Qin Shi was her mission target, Xia Yichu had never chased anyone before. After thinking about it for several days, Xia Yichu decided to let nature take its course.

She showed her true self in front of him, and if he was interested in her, the two would definitely be together.

Then, the result of this natural approach was that until Qin Shi stayed here for half a month and then left, Xia Yichu didn't say a few words to him.

After Qin Shi left, Li Guoguang was so disappointed with Xia Yichu, he kept whispering in Xia Yichu's ear how much she missed such a good person for several days.

Li Guoguang lives here alone. His wife left a few years ago, and his son and daughter are already married. They have worked hard in other cities and rarely come back.

In fact, he is too idle.

Xia Yichu pursed his lips and smiled, and every time he heard Li Guoguang talk about this matter, he just smiled and didn't speak.

When the summer vacation passed, Xia Yichu had been in this mission world for more than half a year in the blink of an eye.

And Xia Yichu also changed from the fat girl who was [-] at that time to the girl who weighs about [-] now.

Xia Yichu is very tall, 1.7 meters. Although she weighs [-], she doesn't look like a person who weighs [-] at all.

Perhaps because of the six months of exercise, the fat and fat on Xia Yichu's body has gone away from her, and there are even two small pieces of flexible muscles on her body.

Although she hasn't thinned into a lightning bolt yet, her body has returned to a normal person's appearance.

She is tall and slender, and exudes a vigor and vigor from her body. Even if her appearance is not very enviable, but because of her calm and introverted aura, every time Xia Yichu goes out, she has become a celebrity in this community. Beautiful scenery.

In the past six months, Xia Yichu didn't go back to You's house once, every time it was Father You who came to look for her.

During the first few visits, Papa You didn't notice it, but felt that his daughter had grown up and became strong and assertive.

But when I came back after a few business trips and saw Xia Yichu who had changed greatly, even Papa You, who loves his daughter like a heart, couldn't believe it was him who weighed [-] and had one foot. You can trample dozens of ants' daughters to death.

Father You loves Xia Yichu very much, and every time he comes here, he brings big bags to Xia Yichu.

At the beginning, I was afraid that Xia Yichu would not be able to take care of himself, so I always wanted to find a cook and servant for Xia Yichu to serve him.But after living here for a few days, seeing Xia Yichu's healthy lifestyle and work and rest time, he was completely relieved.

After Xia Yichu's body shrank, Xia Yichu wasn't the most happy person, but Papa You was.

Although he loves Xia Yichu no matter whether Xia Yichu has lost weight or not, and has always held his only biological daughter as his little heart, but in fact, when he met You Chu, who was fat and fat and weighed 1.6 meters before, Papa You's heart Still a little worried.

You's father also thought about asking You Chujian to lose weight and so on, and planned to invite two private weight loss experts and nutritionists to help You Chujian throughout the process.

However, at that time, You Chujian was too inferior and sensitive because of his obese body.

As soon as Papa You talked about making her lose weight, she would cry and ask Papa You if he didn't like her anymore.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Papa You stopped talking about this issue over time.

Anyway, no matter what You Chu saw, it was his daughter.

He worked hard to make money, thinking in his heart that even if he left in the future, You Chujian would be able to live at home without worry if he didn't go to work.

But You's father didn't expect that in his lifetime, he would be able to see his daughter lose weight and lose weight successfully.

Every time he came to the villa and looked at the tall Xia Yichu, Papa You's elation flowed out continuously.

He couldn't help but want to take Xia Yichu out for a few laps, so that those old guys can take a good look at his precious daughter.

If it weren't for Xia Yichu's rejection of his invitation all the time, Papa You would not have known how many receptions he had brought Xia Yichu to.

[The reception is a very dangerous existence, without the approval of Major Qin, Jun Bao dare not let the heroine go out. 】

(End of this chapter)

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