Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 532 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 10

Chapter 532 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 10
Tianxiaju, this is a very famous restaurant in Beijing.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a restaurant than a restaurant.

Its architecture is completely in the style of ancient restaurants. Once you enter, you will feel like traveling through time and space.

But apart from its unique architectural style, what is more attractive is its food here.

The taste and texture, I don't know how the chef made it, it makes people want to eat it for the second time after eating it once.

However, the consumption of Tianxiaju is not something ordinary people can afford. Even a simple plate of fried rice costs five yuan there, but the price here is more than ten times higher.

Not only is the price expensive, but the portion of each dish is very small.

But even so, every day, the guests of Tianxiaju are still busy, and the business is booming.

Tianxiaju has many branches in Kyoto, one of which is on the commercial street next to the university.

After Cheng Ling and his group decided to come here for dinner, several of them tidied themselves up quickly. They took their wallets, mobile phones, and bags, and made a call at the school gate. The three of them quickly came to Tianxiaju.

Just like what Cheng Ling said, when facing a car now, there are usually many guests in the world, and now there are even more guests. Almost every table is filled with guests.And the box has long since disappeared.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Cheng Ling's people found a table in the hall and sat down. After the three of them ordered food quickly, they sat down and waited for the food to be served.

In the hall, although almost every table was overcrowded, the atmosphere was very quiet, and even when talking, they were all in a low voice, whispering.

The smell of food and people wafted in the air, and even Yu Xiaoqing, who had been sitting on the seat with her head bowed and swiping her phone, was not interested in swiping her phone anymore.

She put the phone on the table, raised her hand to rub her stomach, and said in a low voice: "My God, I didn't feel hungry at first, but now smelling the fragrance in the air, I feel so hungry. I should have known just now." Just order a few snacks before dinner."

"It's still snacks. I ordered four kinds of things just now, but I calculated in my heart, and it's close to one thousand and two." Wang Qian felt distressed and touched her own chest that was about to shrink by more than half. wallet.

"Don't feel bad, I'll treat you to this meal. What you ordered just now will be on my shoulders." Cheng Ling said.

Wang Qi looked happy, and immediately said: "Ah, really? Lingling, it's great that you have a rich father."

"Yeah, I'm really envious that Lingling has such a rich dad. If only my dad could make money like that." Yu Xiaoqing also looked envious.

"You two have such good academic performance and are so beautiful, won't you enjoy the same happiness when you marry a good husband in the future?" Cheng Ling said with a light smile, but in her heart she felt very happy because of the envious eyes of the two of them. comfortable.

Yu Xiaoqing and Wang Qian, hearing Cheng Ling's words, felt shy and happy at the same time.

And today, Cheng Ling had a treat again, and the two of them couldn't be in a better mood, chirping, and the three of them sat there talking in low voices, and the atmosphere gradually came alive.

Yu Xiaoqing glanced around inadvertently, and then, when she saw the two people sitting diagonally opposite each other at a table in front of the window, Yu Xiaoqing involuntarily let out an exclamation.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter with you? Did you see someone you know?" Wang Qian asked Yu Xiaoqing.

"No, take a quick look, it's a rich man and a beautiful woman." Subconsciously, Yu Xiaoqing directly said the title she saw on the forum.

"Burst rich and beautiful?" Wang Qian and Cheng Ling looked at each other, unconsciously.

Yu Xiaoqing looked at the two of them like that and knew that they must not have used the campus network. Yu Xiaoqing took her mobile phone, entered the school forum, found the post that had already been popular, and handed the mobile phone to them , stretched out his index finger, pointed in a certain direction with small gestures, and said:

"I also saw it on the forum. Today someone said that there was a combination of a rich man and a beautiful woman in school."

"When I saw the photo just now, I was still thinking, the necklace with the rich neck is so dazzling, and the skirt that the woman is wearing is so beautiful, but I didn't expect that we would meet it."

At this time, Wang Qian was already looking down at Yu Xiaoqing's mobile phone, and Cheng Ling's eyes followed the direction Yu Xiaoqing was pointing at. When he saw the two people sitting by the window, Cheng Ling's expression changed. Changed, his body froze, he never expected to meet his stepfather in this situation.

"Give me the phone." Cheng Ling stretched out his hand to Wang Qian who was opposite. Wang Qian was startled by the anger in her voice, and then seeing Cheng Ling's impatient expression and hurried and rude movements, she directly pointed the phone in front of her. His mobile phone was taken over.

After Cheng Ling took the phone, he swiped it up and down, with a gloomy expression.

Wang Qihe and Yu Xiaoqing didn't know why she suddenly lost her temper. Looking at Cheng Ling who was swiping her phone with her head down, Wang Qian and Yu Xiaoqing looked at each other, and then looked at each other. I saw the same meaning in my eyes.

Those two people probably knew Cheng Ling, right?
The people Cheng Ling and the others saw were naturally Xia Yichu and You's father. Xia Yichu didn't follow the campus network at all, so naturally he didn't know, because of the photos secretly taken by troublesome people, she and You's father were at N University The campus is on fire.

Papa You brought Xia Yichu here for dinner, and as soon as the two of them sat down, Papa You pointed out the special features of the menu.

Sitting next to him, Xia Yichu couldn't help but feel like laughing while watching his lavish behavior, but at the same time, a little warmth rose.

In fact, Papa You is not usually such a person, but before meeting You Chu, Papa You was always afraid that he would treat her badly by starving her.Not only wanting the best for her, but a lot of the best for her.

In life, if you can live like Papa You, you can treat someone well without hesitation and bottom line, and you can buy things without looking at the price, then you will truly live like a human being.

And in this world, it is really a blessing to have a father like You's father who holds his daughter in his palm and loves him for ten years.

Tianxiaju's food tastes really good. Although Papa You ordered a lot, the portion of each food is not much.

In front of delicious food, after Xia Yichu came to this world, he let go of his stomach completely for the first time, and the two of them paid the bill and left here when they were full.

(End of this chapter)

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