Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 533 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 11

Chapter 533 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 11
It is worth mentioning that after Xia Yichu and You's father had eaten their fill, and when You's father went to the bathroom, Xia Yichu sat on the seat and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

When I was eating with Papa You just now, several eyes fell on her and Papa You.

Papa You wore such a thick gold necklace around his neck, he simply didn't want to attract attention, so Xia Yichu didn't care much about being watched.

But there is a gaze that has been staring at her all the time, and the gaze is hot.

Xia Yichu looked over, and his eyes fell on the three women who were eating with their heads down.

She kept rejecting them, and since Yu Xiaoqing could recognize Xia Yichu and Papa You at a glance, then Xia Yichu could see the appearance of the three of them clearly at a glance.

Xia Yichu's eyes swept over Xiaoqing and Wang Qian, and finally landed on Cheng Ling.

Oh, it turned out to be the stepmother's daughter.

She didn't expect to be an acquaintance, no wonder she felt that someone was staring at her all the time.

Just when Xia Yichu's eyes fell on Cheng Ling, Cheng Ling also happened to raise his hand and look in Xia Yichu's direction.

In fact, Cheng Ling didn't recognize Xia Yichu. After all, Xia Yichu had changed so much that it would be strange if she could tell it at a glance.

Cheng Ling only recognized Papa You just now, and not only did she not recognize Xia Yichu's identity, she even regarded Xia Yichu as a mistress who poached people's corners.

Now, seeing Xiaosan so blatantly looking at him, it was simply provocative, Cheng Ling grabbed the knife and fork in his hand, looked at Xia Yichu with disgust, lowered his head aggrieved, and continued to eat steak.

After Papa You came back and asked the waiter to settle the bill, the two walked side by side and slowly left Tianxiaju.

When Xia Yichu and Papa You walked out, there was Lu Chengling at their table.

In Cheng Ling's heart, he really wanted to call Papa You to stop, since he already had a mother at home, but he was still stealing someone outside, and the other party seemed to be from the same school as her.

You Xiong is shameless and she wants shame!
Moreover, that mistress just now was so blatantly provocative to her.

Cheng Ling felt so aggrieved, she really wanted to stand up and confront You Xiong, but she was looking at Papa You's not-so-great figure, and the vulgar gold necklace and The gold ring, Cheng Ling felt in his heart that having such a father was really embarrassing.

Xia Yichu and You Papa went to the car together, because You Papa had other things to do, so they didn't come back with Xia Yichu, after watching Xia Yichu drive her new car for a few laps, You Papa said goodbye to her , The two father and daughter drove away in their own cars.

For Xia Yichu, meeting Cheng Ling in Tianxiaju today was just a short meeting.

At the same time, in Xia Yichu's heart, he was even more sure that Cheng Ling might be the one who pushed the original owner You Chujian on the road and was hit by a car to death.

In You Chu's memory, both mother and daughter Cheng Ling and Su Yueyun were of the same type. Both of them had good personalities, very gentle, and they seemed to be the kind of people who were patient with everyone.

After Su Yueyun entered You's house, she didn't treat You Chujian harshly just because she successfully entered the house. On the contrary, she treated You Chujian very well, even better than her own daughter Cheng Ling.

However, You Chujian has always disliked their mother and daughter.

After Su Yueyun and Cheng Ling came to You's house, You Chujian seldom went back, usually staying at school or in his own villa.

You Chujian's age and experience are not enough, she just feels that she doesn't like Su Yueyun and Cheng Ling, but she can't tell the reason, but Xia Yichu, who has read her memory, can see it very clearly.

At that time, the reason why Papa You married Su Yueyun back was not only because Papa You wanted someone to be tender by his side, but also because he also wanted someone to accompany You Chujian well.

At that time, Su Yueyun was gentle and kind-hearted, and had a daughter who was as old as You Chujian.

At that time, You Chujian was already very introverted because of her low self-esteem, and You's father was eagerly looking forward to having someone to accompany You Chujian, so that her personality would become cheerful.

And what satisfied Papa You the most was that during the dinner for four that he carefully prepared, neither Su Yueyun nor Cheng Ling showed any disgust or other disgusting emotions towards the obese You Chu.

And when Su Yueyun was halfway through the meal, she would show You Chujian to eat more vegetables with a gentle expression.Cheng Ling is also very sensible. If he wants to eat lobster or something, he not only picks it up for himself, but also picks it up for You Chujian.

From the outside, it really looks like a family.

But that's just what it looks like on the outside.

Seeing the peaceful expression, Father You was overjoyed. Finally, after asking You Chujian's consent, he picked a good day to marry himself and Su Yueyun, and the two even exchanged a marriage certificate.

But You's father didn't know, in fact, when You Chu saw Su Yueyun and Cheng Ling for the first time, he didn't like them.

It's just that she thinks that Papa You likes, Papa You loves and loves You Chujian, no matter how ignorant You Chujian is, her feelings for Papa You are no less than Papa You's for her.

She is completely, and it is because of Papa You, that's why she endured it.

Otherwise, just because Cheng Ling didn't ask about her preferences, and just served her food, even if You Chujian seldom gets angry, it's not like he won't get angry.

Su Yueyun's patience is very good, like a leopard waiting for its prey in the forest, full of patience.

She must not like You Chujian in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't even make a phone call when You Chujian was staying.

But in front of Papa You, she still pretends to be a loving mother, which shows how deep this person is.

When Xia Yichu received the original owner's memory at that time, he had some guesses in his heart, thinking that Cheng Ling and Su Yueyun were probably behind the scenes. Whether it was the timing or the motive, both of them were very suspicious.

But there is one more thing that cannot be missed, that is, it is Qin Shi's crazy followers who may push You Chujian off the road.

After all, there was so much trouble with You Chujian on the Internet at that time, Qin Shi's followers were all over the world, and You Chujian's figure was so recognizable.

It is not impossible to be recognized first, then followed by others, and finally pushed off the road as revenge.

Although this happens very rarely.

(End of this chapter)

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