Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 534 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 12

Chapter 534 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 12
Xia Yichu had to lament the ape dung between her and Cheng Ling.

Obviously just met in Tianxiaju, I didn't expect that on the way back from the car, she just bought a tiramisu in the nearby cake shop, and unexpectedly ran into Cheng Ling and the other three.

When Cheng Ling and the others first lived in the world, in order to save money, they didn't order too many things, and the portions were so small that they couldn't get enough to eat.

So, at Wang Qi's suggestion, the two came to this dessert shop.

When Xia Yichu saw them, the three of Cheng Ling also saw Xia Yichu.

"Go back first, don't wait for me." Cheng Ling said to Wang Qian and Yu Xiaoqing, and then walked straight towards Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu looked at Cheng Ling's angry appearance a little funny, she raised her hand to hook the Liuhai that she fell down, and asked Cheng Ling, "I don't know why classmate Cheng is looking for me?"

"You know me?" Cheng Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then thought that she should also be a student of N University. Looking at Xia Yichu in front of him, Cheng Ling looked disgusted, as if he regarded Xia Yichu as a bedbug. Yes, Cheng Ling quickly looked away, and said to Xia Yichu: "Come out with me, I have something to tell you."

Xia Yichu actually knew in his heart that she regarded him as a mistress, Xia Yichu smiled, but he knew it in his heart but didn't point it out, but followed her out of the cake shop with the things he bought.

Cheng Ling took Xia Yichu to a nearby alley where no one passed by, looked at Xia Yichu with a contemptuous expression: "Tell me, how much will I give you to be willing to leave that man?"

"That man?" Xia Yichu raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her for the first time, with a hint of coldness and coldness in his tone: "Cheng Ling, You Xiong is earning money to raise you to this age, so you don't have to worry about eating and drinking, and the food is good too." The clothes are for you. He treats you like his own daughter, in your heart, he is just that man?"

For a moment, Xia Yichu felt worthless for Papa You.

Cheng Ling didn't expect that Xia Yichu, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly changed his breath, and his whole body became fierce, which made her feel a little afraid.

However, this fear came and went quickly.

After Cheng Ling was astonished, she quickly reacted. To Xia Yichu's question, she looked very righteous, even a little contemptuous: "What does it matter to you who I think he is? One hundred thousand, leave him. "

"10 yuan?" Xia Yichu smiled as if he heard some funny joke, and smiled charmingly, as if he was really a seductive mistress.

"Are you going to send a beggar? Huh?" Xia Yichu reached out and poked Cheng Ling's shoulder. His long nails made Cheng Ling frowned deeply. She looked at Xia Yichu, gritted her teeth, and said, "15, No more."

15 is indeed a lot. For an ordinary family, it may not be able to save this money for several years.

But does Xia Yichu care?

She doesn't value money, she just wants to look at Cheng Ling's heart.

Xia Yichu smiled, and a flash of light flashed across his eyes: "Tsk tsk, obviously Xiong is spending a lot of money, why is his daughter so petty, I didn't expect his adopted daughter to be so unable to get on the stage."

Cheng Ling looked at Xia Yichu with a gloomy expression and resentful eyes.

If there was anything Cheng Ling hated the most, it was her status as an adopted daughter.

"So, how much do you want to leave my dad?" Cheng Ling stared at Xia Yichu, like staring at an annoying vampire that he had to face.


"You are a lion with a big mouth!"

30, Cheng Ling himself has never seen so much money.

"Do you know how much your father's property is?" Xia Yichu spread his hands helplessly, "You are the one who asked me to leave, and you are the one who refused to pay me to leave. You know, if I If you stay by Xiongzheng's side, you will get much more than what I want today."

Cheng Ling didn't speak again.

In other words, she couldn't answer anything.

What the woman in front of me said is correct, if she continues to stay by Papa You's side...

Thinking of the dazzling scene she saw during the meal today, Cheng Ling felt infinite anger towards Papa You in his heart.

Because in these years when you first met and rarely went home, although You's father didn't say anything on the surface, it could be seen that he actually regretted marrying Su Yueyun back home.

Although Cheng Ling lived in the school like You Chujian, she would go home once a week.

Before Cheng Ling, he always thought that Papa You was an elder with a lot of money, a lot of money, and a generous and hearty personality.But today, she met a brand new Papa You.

She never knew that Papa You still had such happy moments. When eating with the woman in front of her, he not only kept smiling, but also picked up food for her with chopsticks, his eyes slowly pampering her. Serving each other.

Even when she went out, when there were many people on the street outside, she saw Papa You's caring and gentle behavior, protecting the woman in front of her in his arms, just because she was afraid that she would be hit by passers-by.

Is this still the father You who is gentle and caring towards his mother, but very alienated?
Cheng Ling's eyes turned red when he thought of the scenes he saw today, and his expression was a little hideous.

This woman is a scourge. If she is allowed to stay with Papa You, Papa You divorced Mom, and it will be a matter of time before she is married. She must not let this woman stay with Papa You any longer!

After thinking about all this, Cheng Ling said coldly: "Up to 20, I only have so much!"

"Okay, 20 is 20." Xia Yichu chuckled inwardly, but he said it regretfully.

Cheng Ling took out her mobile phone from her bag, looked at Xia Yichu, and said, "How should I trust you? What if you take the money and continue pestering my dad?"

"Now you know he is your father?" Xia Yichu smiled.

Cheng Ling frowned, and felt that Xia Yichu's words were a bit strange, but before she could figure out what was strange, Xia Yichu said again: "Well, let me write you a note, press your fingerprints, Lest you worry."

Hearing Xia Yichu's words, Cheng Ling felt that this method was good, so he immediately agreed.

The two walked out of the alley and went to the small shop next to the street to buy paper, pens and ink pads.

Xia Yichu wrote two identical copies, and showed the contents to Cheng Ling. After Cheng Ling directly transferred 20 to Xia Yichu with his mobile phone, both of them put their fingerprints on it, and one left a copy.

"Why didn't you write your name?" Cheng Ling was a little puzzled.

Xia Yichu smiled coquettishly: "So, do you want to leave another contact information?"

Cheng Ling's face darkened when he heard Xia Yichu's words. After folding the paper and putting it in the bag, he turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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