Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 537 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 15

Chapter 537 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 15
Here, Cheng Ling had calmed down on the way back.

Cheng Ling felt a little regretful in his heart. Thinking that he had just transferred all his money to a woman who had only met twice, Cheng Ling's heart was bleeding.

The distress of losing money came up belatedly at this time.

Cheng Ling went back to You's house with a gloomy expression.

Su Yueyun was sitting on the sofa eating fruit salad and watching TV.Seeing Cheng Ling coming back, Su Yueyun immediately smiled softly: "Lingling, why did you come back so early today? Didn't you mean to go out with your classmates and come back later?"

Cheng Ling ignored Su Yueyun's words, just lowered his head, went upstairs in a muffled voice, and went back to his room.

"Madam, do you want to go up and have a look?" A servant came over and asked.

"No need." Su Yueyun shook her head, and responded gently, "I'm afraid she got into trouble with her classmates at school today. Let her stay alone for a while."



As soon as Cheng Ling returned to his room, he brushed himself heavily onto the big bed.

At this moment, Cheng Ling really has 1 regrets in her heart, 20, which she got with great difficulty.

20 is not a small amount, no matter how much Su Yueyun and You Papa loved her, they would not give her that much money.

Cheng Ling got it from Papa You and Su Yueyun in her own way. She lied to Su Yueyun that there would be a certain fee in the school, and after getting the money from Su Yueyun, she went to Papa You to use the same money. For the reason, I went to ask for it once.

Both Su Yueyun and You's father had never been to college, so they didn't know what fees to pay in college.And they probably never thought that Cheng Ling would use this method to cheat money from them.

So, over time, the money in Cheng Ling's card gradually increased.

But now, the money she had worked so hard to save before was like making a wedding dress for others. After a while, the card was empty.

Cheng Ling only felt that her heart was bleeding. She took out the note Xia Yichu had written from her bag and took a look at it, her hands tightly clutching the sheet under her body.

Cheng Ling really didn't expect that he would use 20 to exchange for such a useless thing.

Cheng Ling felt that she seemed to have been deceived by that woman, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was somewhat impossible.

After all, at that time, he took the initiative to find the other party, and the initiative has always been in his own hands.

Just like that sentence, the words and ideas that I gave her money to make her feel like leaving Papa You were all thought up and said by myself.

Cheng Ling lay on the bed sheet and cried for a long time. The 20 that was given to Xia Yichu was like someone took a knife and dug out a piece of flesh from her heart.And looking at the bloody wound, she didn't dare to find someone to treat it, so she could only hide secretly and cry while looking at the wound.

It can be said that she cheated from Su Yueyun and Papa You for the money. If she went to talk to Su Yueyun or Papa You now, don't say that Papa You and Su Yueyun knew what would happen to this matter, let alone that woman, just say She herself will definitely be discovered by Su Yueyun and You's father that the money came from an improper source.

In case Papa You separated her from Su Yueyun because of what she did... Su Yueyun cried even more fiercely when she thought of Papa You's appearance after being with that woman today.

Now she just hopes that that woman can really abide by the agreement, and don't go to Papa You in the future.This also gave her money the last and only value.

Su Yueyun lay on the bed alone and cried for a long time, and when she was tired from crying, she fell asleep unconsciously.

When she woke up again, it was already late afternoon.

Su Yueyun lay on the bed, thinking of what happened to her today, and thinking of the 20 yuan she traded, she felt bitter.

She tried her best not to think about the 20 yuan, took her mobile phone and clicked on the school forum.

Because when she saw those photos on Yu Xiaoqing's phone today, she remembered the title of that post by the way.

Putting the two names of big beauty and nouveau riche together is really eye-catching.

Now after a whole day of fermentation, that post has become popular, almost as soon as you enter, you will see that popular post.

However, it was not that post that caught Cheng Ling's attention, but another high-hanging post.

That post seems to have fewer people discussing it, but it is different from other posts in that this post was actually sent by someone from the student union.
Cheng Ling became curious, and opened it to take a look.

At the very beginning of the post, there is a paragraph, to the effect that the relationship between the big beauty and the sudden wealth is actually very pure. The campus network is a place for people to learn and communicate, and also pay attention to protecting the privacy of those students who like to take sneak shots. It has affected the atmosphere of the school.

Below this passage are a few pictures.

The first picture is when you were a freshman, You's father drove You Chujian to sign up, and the two of them were walking on the college trail.

The second picture is Xia Yichu walking in school with Papa You today.

The third picture is the comparison between Xia Yichu now and You Chujian before.

The fourth sheet was suddenly a report. On the report that You Chujian started school, in the row of family contact information, she wrote You Zhengxiong.

Not only revealed the identity of the great beauty, but also revealed the identity of the sudden wealth.

No one seems to have thought that the two people who are completely incompatible with each other are still father and daughter. In the comment area below, many netizens who read this post have already made shocking statements below.

—Puff puff puff, isn't it, that big beauty is actually the fat man who heard that he dropped out of school last semester? ! !
——Hahahaha, it's actually a father-daughter relationship, hey, I really laughed my baby to death.

——No way, this photo doesn’t look like a person at all!She didn't lose weight, maybe she went for liposuction, and it was very successful.

——So~ I am the only one who cares. Is the little fat girl's family so rich? :) :) :)
——This fat man used to be a very special sight on campus. I never thought that he would look so good after losing weight!Sure enough, all fat people are potential stocks.

——Envious, how much weight do you have to lose?I don't know if it's too late to be friends with the beauty now.

(End of this chapter)

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