Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 538 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 16

Chapter 538 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 16
Below that post, comments vary.

But no one doubted the authenticity of this post.

The administrator of the campus forum has always been the student union, and even the student union personally posted a post and pinned it to the top, so it must be true.

Cheng Ling never thought that after opening the post, what he would see would be like this.

She froze for a moment, then her gaze became fierce.

When you first met, I didn't expect it to be you!
Cheng Ling wanted to go to You Chujian to get back the 20 yuan, but after quitting the school forum, she realized that even though she and You Chujian were half-sisters, after living under the same roof for so long, she actually I don't even know the contact information of You Chujian.

Cheng Ling tidied herself up, and then opened the door. At this moment, Su Yueyun was trimming the potted plants she was watering in the living room.

Use large shears to trim off the new flowering branches on the potted plants.

As soon as Cheng Ling saw her, he walked towards her: "Mom, do you have You Chujian's phone number?"

"Meet you at the beginning?" Su Yueyun was very sensitive to the name of her husband's daughter, she immediately put down the movements in her hands, and her expression couldn't help but look a little deep and severe. She turned her head to look at Su Yueyun, and asked in a deep voice: " What do you want her contact information for?"

Because of the 20, Cheng Ling felt a little guilty, and when facing Su Yueyun, he also became unconfident and uncomfortable.

Her eyes fluttered, and she moved her eyes to the side, not daring to look at Su Yueyun: "No, I was driving today, and I heard a few roommates next to her mention her. Didn't she drop out of school last semester? I didn't expect to go back to study this semester. Yes. As a sister, I want to call and greet her. "

This look doesn't look like nothing happened at all.

Now in the hall of the villa, although there are no other servants and housekeepers present, Su Yueyun is still a little worried.

She put down the knife in her hand, and said to Su Yueyun, "Come up with me."

Cheng Ling didn't expect to be seen through by Su Yueyun so quickly, and her intuition told her that she had to slip now, but reason was greeting her again, even if she slipped, where could she go?

Sooner or later you have to face it.

Cheng Ling suppressed his guilty conscience and followed Su Yueyun up the stairs.

The two returned to Su Yueyun's room. After Su Yueyun watched Cheng Ling who was walking behind and closed the door on his own initiative, he said, "What's the matter? With your poor acting skills, it's hard to pay back." Do you think you can hide it from me?"

Until the last moment, Cheng Ling would never say that he gave Xia Yichu the 20 yuan.

She lowered her head and thought for a while, then walked over, and said to Su Yueyun, "Mom, I'll show you something, so you'll know."

As Su Yueyun said, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, clicked into the campus website, and showed Su Yueyun the two posts in turn.

When Su Yueyun saw the previous post, her expression was very bad, obviously she didn't recognize Xia Yichu's identity, but treated her as a mistress.

Therefore, when looking at the content of the post later, Su Yueyun's expression was particularly surprised: "This, this is You Chu?"

"Yeah, the post posted by the student union must be true." Cheng Ling nodded, took back his mobile phone, and said to Su Yueyun, "Mom, just give me her phone number, she can Losing weight so quickly, I wonder how it was done."

"Well. Last semester, when your father said that she had dropped out of school and was writing novels at home, I didn't pay attention to her at that time. I thought she was too inferior to go out because of her weight. I didn't expect it to be Hide at home and transform." Su Yueyun took out her hand to search for Xia Yichu's phone number, and said to Cheng Ling: "You should get in touch with her more this semester to see if she is as timid and introverted as before. Wait When Xiongzheng comes back, I will also tell Xiongzheng about this matter, and ask him to ask You Chujian to come back for dinner."

"Yeah." Because Cheng Ling had ghosts in his heart, even though he really didn't want You Chujian to meet Su Yueyun, he didn't dare to stop him, so he could only accept his fate, but at the same time, he was thinking in his heart that he must see Su Yueyun as soon as possible. You Chujian wanted the 20 back!
Even if Su Yueyun never contacted You Chujian at all, she still had You Chujian's phone number in her mobile phone. After she found You Chujian's phone number, she told Cheng Ling.

However, when Xia Yichu first came to this world half a year ago, in order to concentrate on losing weight, Xia Yichu changed his Jiujiang phone number.

No one knows her new phone number except Papa You, the class teacher and others.

So, as a matter of course, when Cheng Ling dialed the phone number she got from Su Yueyun, she only got the mechanical female voice in the phone telling her, "The number you dialed is an empty number..." Waiting for a long string of words .

Cheng Ling made the call when she went back to her room. She didn't expect that such a situation would happen. Cheng Ling was stunned and hung up the phone.

Cheng Ling didn't go out to ask Su Yueyun. After sitting in the room and thinking about it, she called Papa You.

The bell rang several times, and Father You finally connected the phone: "Hello?"

"Dad, it's me, Cheng Ling." Cheng Ling said, and said straight to the point: "Dad, did you go to school with the sister you met for the first time today?"

"Yeah, did you see it? When I first met that girl, she stayed in the villa to take a break from school to lose weight last time, and I was not allowed to tell other people about it." Father You smiled, even through the phone, Cheng Ling You can also hear the joy in his heart from his voice.

Cheng Ling suppressed the jealousy in his heart, and responded to Papa You: "Yeah, yes, many people in the school said that my sister was so beautiful when they first met, and some people took pictures of the two of you walking in the campus together. I only knew it by looking at the photo. My sister is so beautiful when I saw her for the first time, I didn’t even recognize her.”

"Hahaha, I was shocked when I saw your initial changes. Later, I took her to the hospital for an examination. After seeing that her body was not only fine, but even healthier, I was relieved. Finally, someone found her It's so beautiful, it's driving me so hard during this period of time." When Papa You said that, he was already complaining a little.

Then, without waiting for Cheng Ling to answer, Papa You had already spoken out on his own: "But Chu Chu has looked like me since she was a child, she looked like me before, and now she looks like me after losing weight. Those who say she is beautiful, Foresight! Are they your classmates, I will treat them to dinner next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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