Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 546 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 24

Chapter 546 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 24
I don't know when it started, but Xia Yichu discovered that every time she chatted with Tianci, there would be a large group of readers who were fed dog food.

Xia Yichu didn't feel it at first, but now, Xia Yichu thought about it, maybe he should ask Tianci, and add his button.

Being surrounded by readers every day, even though Xia Yichu didn't have that much interest in Tianci in his heart, Xia Yichu felt quite awkward.

What's more, there is such a thing as today, such as opening a post when there is a disagreement. Although Xia Yichu likes to be recognized by readers, this behavior of God-given can no longer be described only by the word recognition.

Xia Yichu opened a rewarding comment from Tianci.

Every time a reader makes a reward, a rewarding comment will automatically appear, and the author can comment on this comment-delete-refine-stick to the top-send flowers and other options.

What Xia Yichu will use this time is the flower sending function.

The author has 30 flowers every week, which can be used to give to readers who send comments. When sending flowers, you can write a message within 300 words in the sky.

This message can only be seen by the author who sent the flower and the reader who was sent the flower.

Therefore, Xia Yichu chose three flowers to send over, and wrote his own button on them.

So, after Xia Yichu controlled the mouse and clicked to send, on Qin Shi's side, his cell phone rang, Qin Shi looked at Xia Yichu's buttons on it, and Qin Shi was a little dazed.

Ever since he understood his intentions that night, he never thought of hiding Xia Yichu's secrets. Although he didn't move Xia Yichu's hesitation and entanglement, he could wait forever.

As for the novel, the reason why Xia Yichu is not so indifferent to Xia Yichu during this time is of course because he is reluctant.

Even Qin Shi didn't expect that Xia Yichu would send her Koukou number.

Qin Shi and Xia Yichu had exchanged Koukou, WeChat, and mobile phone numbers some time ago.

Qin Shi's memory is very strong, so he knew at a glance that this was Xia Yichu's tuba.

Qin Shi was a little tangled in his heart, wondering if he should be honest with Xia Yichu about his identity.

But thinking that a man like himself actually likes to read CEO novels?

Qin Shi frowned, imagining Xia Yichu's expression of thunderbolt or disgust after knowing this, decisively killing the thought just now in the bud.

Qin Shi himself only had a QUQUAN number, which had already been added to Xia Yichu. Qin Shi immediately registered a small account, changed the nickname of the small number to "Tianci", and then entered Xia Yichu's QUQUO into it. , find, request to add her as a friend.

Xia Yichu had nothing to do, so he just sat in front of the computer and browsed the web.

Then, the penguins below flickered, and Xia Yichu looked at the penguins one by one. When he poked the mouse, a system notification ran out.

Xia Yichu agreed to Tianci's friend application, and clicked on his personal information. After seeing that this is a newly established trumpet, Xia Yichu didn't have much reaction in his heart.

She opened the chat window and asked Tianci: Xiaoci, what happened to you today?
Godsend: unhappy  ̄へ ̄
Also like the first time I saw: ah?Why?It can't be that I bullied you, I won't be responsible.

Qin Shi looked at the witty words sent by Xia Yichu, and secretly smiled in his heart. After saying that it was you, the words he typed out were not like that.

Tianci: I like someone and have been chasing her for a long time, but she didn't agree or reject me, what should I do? :)
Xia Yichu looked at Tianci's words, and was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that local tyrants would also be sad about beauty.

However, what Xia Yichu noticed was the third-person pronoun, and Tianci actually called the other person her, not him.Unexpectedly, Tianci is really a boy.

Xia Yichu sent a picture of him thinking, and tapped his fingers on the desktop, Xia Yichu really started to think seriously.

She thought of those worlds before her, as if every time it was a bug chasing her.

In fact, she has recognized Bug a few times, but she has never dared to express her wish actively, and every time she pushes him into a hurry, and then directly eats herself up...

It can be said that although Xia Yichu has experienced so many mission worlds, she is still very lacking in emotional matters.

Xia Yichu asked Tianci: How is your relationship with her?What is your approximate age range?
Tianci: Very good, she knows I like her.We are all adults.

Qin Shi looked at what he sent, and as long as he thought that the person on the other end of the phone was Xia Yichu, his heartbeat would speed up uncontrollably.

All his life, he had identified this person.

Qin Shi thought to himself, and continued to type on the phone with nimble fingers:

Tianci: I really like her, even love her.Not only does my heart beat faster when I see her, but even when I chat with her, I feel very excited.We are both old enough to get married and I am capable of taking good care of her.I desperately want to marry her back home, so I ask the author for help~ The author's novels are so well written, and he must have rich experience in emotional matters. (a begging expression)

Godsend, this is simply putting a high hat on Xia Yichu.

And it still can't be taken off.

However, even through the screen, Xia Yichu could still feel Godsend's love for that girl.

They haven't gotten together yet, but they want to marry each other back home...

Xia Yichu thought for a while, then replied:

It's also like seeing it for the first time: you may not believe it, but I actually don't know anything about emotional matters.However, I think hiccups could go deeper and be a little stronger.After all, the other party is a girl, so she will be more shy.If she also likes you and is interested in you, let me use an analogy, if you go to kiss her, the girl who is interested in you may hide in your arms shyly after you kiss her or look down at you.If it's not interesting, I'm afraid I will slap you directly, and then the friendship between the two will break down.

Godsend: \(≧▽≦)/Mmmm!I see!Thanks!

Xia Yichu looked at the emoji and the three exclamation marks he sent, raised his eyebrows, and replied: I'm just giving you a suggestion, will it work... I can't guarantee it.

After all, this method is actually what she saw on the Internet.

Godsend: O(∩_∩)O Mmm, but I still want to try.

Looking at his reply, Xia Yichu knew that he definitely didn't take what he just said to heart, sighed slightly, and replied: Well, I hope the person you like also happens to like you.

(End of this chapter)

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