Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 547 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 27

Chapter 547 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 27
The next day, when Xia Yichu woke up, his whole body was sore but not sticky.

And next to it, there was no one there.

Qin Shi disappeared.

On the second day of their relationship, the second day they merged with each other, they completely disappeared in Xia Yichu's world.

Li Guoguang didn't seem to know what happened between Xia Yichu and Qin Shi. After Qin Shi left, Li Guoguang sometimes dragged Xia Yichu to talk about Qin Shi together.

However, when Xia Yichu asked about Qin Shi's recent situation, he kept silent.

Regarding what he did that night, it was actually a bit absurd, but Xia Yichu didn't regret it.

She didn't go to Qin's house to find anyone, nor did she tell anyone about her relationship with Qin Shi.

Life just returned to the way it was when he didn't meet Qin Shi before.

Xia Yichu finished her third book during the winter vacation of her junior year.

The data of the third book is very hot, even after the end, the sales volume is still considerable.Many publishing houses approached Xia Yichu for cooperation, but Xia Yichu refused and continued to sign with Wang Xiuxiu.

Did the original owner only write three books? After being distributed by Xia Yichu, Xia Yichu also tried to write a book himself during the winter vacation with nothing to do.

In the previous world.Xia Yichu has written novels before, and all those things that may be unimaginable to others are all experienced by her herself. When Xia Yichu wrote, she was even more handy.

After the book was released, not only did the readers empathize, but the ideas also made readers feel very novel.

In the first semester of her senior year, Xia Yichu had been obsessed with writing novels. Her readers and fans on the Internet were getting bigger and bigger, but in real life, few people knew about it.

In the second semester of senior year, other students were busy with internships, handing in graduation thesis, running around, busy, and confused about leaving campus.

However, none of these things will happen to Xia Yichu. She is preparing for the first signing event in her life.

One year later, Xia Yichu has grown from a well-known Internet author at that time to a popular author today, and he was also the rookie king last year.

Xia Yichu's signing will be held in Beijing.

It was not until the day before the signing event that Xia Yichu told Papa You about it.

Papa You was so happy, even if he knew Xia Yichu was writing a novel before, but Xia Yichu has been calm for more than a year, and everyone never thought that she was still so secretive.

But Papa You was overjoyed.

And after Papa You knew about it, Su Yueyun and Cheng Ling of course also knew about it.

Cheng Ling didn't expect that the 1 people who disliked her before would be so famous now.

Cheng Ling is even Xia Yichu's reader.

But after knowing that the object of his previous fanaticism was actually Xia Yichu, Cheng Ling's heart felt as if he had eaten a fly in his stomach, and he felt unspeakably sick to himself who was so stupid at the time.

Xia Yichu's new book signing event was held very smoothly, and more people came than she thought before.

Father You also came in the morning, wearing a handsome suit, tie, and a gold necklace that was thicker and brighter than a year ago, standing beside Xia Yichu, with his head held high and his chest high, with a majestic look .He really wanted to announce to the whole world that Xia Yichu was his daughter.

But Papa You has a lot of things to do after all, half a day is already his limit,
The signing will last for a day before it ends.

After Xia Yichu signed his name, he took a group photo with the readers, and the signing event came to a perfect conclusion.

After Xia Yichu bid farewell to those fans, she went to the nearby canteen to buy some drinks for the staff, thanked them for their hard work today, and planned to drive away.

Xia Yichu drove here by himself today, there is a distance between the parking lot and the signing event, and Xia Yichu didn't want to drive back by himself.

She walked along the street, then stopped under a stop sign, lowered her head and rubbed her wrist.

Today, after signing the name for a day, Xia Yichu's wrist has long gone from soreness to severe pain now.

The setting sun cast a long shadow on Xia Yichu's tall figure. Not far from Xia Yichu, a black jeep stopped, and a slender, tall and handsome man got out of the car.

He got out of the car and approached Xia Yichu step by step. His face that had always looked cold and hard looked at the woman standing not far away, with her head bowed and rubbing her wrist, with loving eyes and a soft expression.

Another figure appeared on the ground, and the other figure stood still in front of her, a familiar smell of lemon came into Xia Yichu's nostrils.

Xia Yichu raised his head as if feeling something, and looked at Qin Shi in front of him.

I haven't seen him for a year, he seems to have changed a bit, but he doesn't seem to have changed at all.

"What are you doing looking at me like that?" Qin Shi smiled, grabbed Xia Yichu's wrist, and gently massaged her: "I came back late today, I originally wanted to go to your autograph, but I missed it .”

"Well, it's okay, there will be opportunities in the future." Xia Yichu blinked and said softly.

Qin Shi listened to Xia Yichu's words, the smile on his face gradually deepened, then he let go of her hand, and took her into his arms.

"Chuchu, I miss you so much."

He lowered his head and put his head on her shoulder, it was so sticky.

"Yeah." Xia Yichu raised his hand and patted his back, and said, "What do you want to eat? Let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables together, and then go back to cook."

"There's no hurry to cook, let's hug for a while." Qin Shi hugged Xia Yichu tightly into his arms, his expression full of satisfaction.

Xia Yichu let him hug him, leaning on Qin Shi's body, listening to the strong heartbeat of the other party, Xia Yichu smiled with his lips curled up.

The two hugged each other for about ten minutes on the street after dusk, and when Xia Yichu's feet were about to stand numb, Qin Shi reluctantly let go of her, and the two of them got into Qin Shi's car hand in hand.

Qin Shi first drove Xia Yichu to the hospital, and then the two went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

When going back, Xia Yichu sat in the passenger seat and said to Qin Shi who was driving next to him, "Does Grandpa Li know you're back? Why don't you ask him to come over and have dinner together."

"Call again tomorrow morning. At this time, he is sure that he has already cooked his own. Call him for lunch tomorrow." Qin Shi responded.

Xia Yichu thought about it, so he didn't speak.

Qin Shi parked the car in the parking lot of Xia Yichu's villa, because Xia Yichu's hand hurts, so Qin Shi didn't let her carry things, and he carried all the things he bought today into it by himself.

Then the first thing after entering was to pull Xia Yichu to sit down on the sofa, Qin Shi opened the medicinal wine bought at the hospital today, poured some out, raised his hand and rubbed Xia Yichu's wrists.

Qin Shi lived in the army, and injuries from bruises were a common occurrence, and he was already familiar with such loose and tired things.

Xia Yichu's wrists were held in his hands, except for the pain from being rubbed by him at first, it was miraculous that after being rubbed by him for a while, Xia Yichu felt that his wrists didn't hurt anymore.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." Xia Yichu twitched his hand, but didn't pull it out.

"It really doesn't hurt anymore?" Qin Shi didn't let go of Xia Yichu's hand.

"Yeah." Xia Yichu nodded.Immediately, Xia Yichu found that the man squatting halfway in front of her looked at her with a dark and gloomy gaze, which was simply daunting.

Xia Yichu was too familiar with his gaze, Xia Yichu pulled his hand, but still didn't pull it out, Xia Yichu looked at Qin Shi, stretched out his hand a little flatteringly and said: "Qin Shi, I'm a little hungry, shall we cook first? "

"Coincidentally, I'm hungry too." Qin Shi's eyes fell on Xia Yichu's body. When Xia Yichu wanted to lift his foot to kick him, he directly grabbed the foot that Xia Yichu stretched out, and stretched out his hand on Xia Yichu's inner thigh. After pinching, Xia Yichu softened immediately.

"Hey, aren't you hungry at Chuchu? Come on, let's satisfy each other." Qin Shi said, hugging Xia Yichu who was feeling weak all over, and walked into the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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