Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 571 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 21

Chapter 571 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 21
Sometimes people are so weird.

Maybe helping the old lady to cross the road on the road, the people next to her will not think that such behavior is outstanding.

However, if you rescued a cat and a dog on the road and brought them back, the eyes of the people next to you would be different immediately.

When Xia Yichu came back from filming and found out about this, the video had already been uploaded on the Internet for a day and a night.

With Ye Beichen sitting behind him, it's hard to think that this video won't be popular.

Xia Yichu watched the video again, and I have to say that Ye Beichen's method is indeed very good.

Although it is possible to shoot, but regardless of Ye Qingwei's performance, or the photographer behind who took pictures of all this, not only magnifies all the details and penetrates into people's hearts, but also makes people unable to find traces of the team, it seems that it is really a sudden sneak shot That's all.

On the Internet, many people have already questioned the previous incident.

Such a girl who is very gentle and caring for stray cats, how could she be the scheming bitch mentioned earlier, who wants to step on Xia Yichu's position and take her place.

Everyone talked a lot, and after the second night, another trumpet who claimed to be an insider came forward and broke the news.

The man said that because it involved interests, he made a special trip to open a trumpet.

As for why he stood up, of course it was because he couldn't bear Xia Yichu's domineering.

That trumpet posted nearly a thousand characters on Weibo in the middle of the night, and now Xia Yichu and He also asked me to give it to them, which is a sensitive period.

The Weibo article posted by this trumpet quickly entered everyone's attention.Even, many people went to Aite to Xia Yichu.

When Xia Yichu looked at that Weibo post, he laughed completely.

The thing that disfigured her last time was that Ye Qingwei wanted to step on her because of selfish desires, but then she suddenly appeared and slapped her in the face, making her notorious.

But this trumpet said it well, saying that she was not disfigured, and even though she was injured in the explosion, it was a minor injury.

She guessed that she was disfigured and lied to Ye Qingwei, and then asked Ye Qingwei to replace her identity in front of the public.

Ye Qingwei believed her words kindly, and saw that the two were sisters, so she went.

But he didn't expect that things would turn around, and all of this was Xia Yichu's conspiracy.

She did all this not only to get revenge on Ye Qingwei, but also to step on Ye Qingwei to increase her exposure.

As for why Xia Yichu wanted to take revenge on Ye Qingwei, it was naturally because of the Ye family.

She was kicked out by the Ye family because she entered the entertainment circle, and Ye Qingwei entered the entertainment circle but received strong support from the Ye family.

Xia Yichu felt unbalanced, so he came up with such a sinister way to take revenge on Ye Qingwei.

That trumpet's writing is exquisite, and the cause and effect, even some details are very clear.

If Xia Yichu hadn't been the person involved, she would have believed what was posted on the trumpet.

Xia Yichu sneered a few times, she didn't expect that if she didn't tell the cause and effect of this matter a few days ago, she would let the other party find such a big mess.

After Xia Yichu read it, he didn't look through the comments below.Instead, he turned off Weibo and put his phone back in his bag.

Xia Yichu has never shown up on the Internet, netizens thought she was guilty and dared not face it.

Moreover, Xia Yichu has not signed a contract with a brokerage company. Ye Qingwei has Ye Beichen's strong support behind him, and he has invited a lot of sailors to do it. However, Xia Yichu's power is weak here, and only those hardcore fans are speaking for her.

It's just that those iron fans were no match for Ye Qingwei's people, once they were sent out, they were sunk to the bottom of the valley.

The reputation fell to the bottom, but Xia Yichu was indifferent to all this.

She stays in the crew every day and takes filming seriously.

There are quite a few people in the crew who know about the things on the Internet, but seeing Xia Yichu's calm face, they dare not join her.

With Ye Qingwei's great reputation, coupled with Ye Beichen's strong support, she has countless resources. After participating in a reality show, she can't even attract fans.

Even the few endorsements that Xia Yichu had agreed to continue, the person in charge came to Xia Yichu and said that they were willing to pay liquidated damages, so they could only say sorry to Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu didn't respond to this matter.

She saw that video before, and after knowing that Ye Beichen planned to support Ye Qingwei, there would be such a result.

He got several liquidated damages without any effort, but in fact Xia Yichu felt as happy as a salted fish.

In the blink of an eye, another month and a half passed.

It's time for the Magnolia Awards Ceremony.

Before Xia Yichu came to this world, Ye Nian had already been nominated for the Best Actress award for the movie he made.

In her previous life, this Best Actress award was taken away by Ye Qingwei, who had replaced Ye Nian's identity at that time.

That night, Xia Yichu dressed up to attend.

This was the first time she appeared in public after the incident with Ye Qingwei.

The moment she got out of the car, several reporters looked at the indifferent beauty in front of them, and almost didn't recognize that it was Xia Yichu.

Then, after everyone regained their senses, those reporters surrounded Xia Yichu like bees returning to their nest, and asked Xia Yichu all kinds of questions. Among them, the most frequently asked questions were about the relationship between her and Ye Qingwei.

At that time, Xia Yichu didn't respond to this matter, nor did he show it in front of everyone, allowing Ye Beichen and the others to black her into a salted fish.

No matter how powerful Ye Beichen was, he couldn't handle Xia Yichu's cotton candy.

After Ye Qingwei cleaned up, everyone didn't mention this matter for a long time.

However, as long as it is gossip, it is not afraid of a long time, as long as the value is high, it will be another revelation.

Xia Yichu glanced at the reporters who asked questions, and walked straight onto the red carpet without looking sideways.

She was tall and slender, wearing an off-white floor-length dress, with fair skin, her hair tied high behind her head, her expression was indifferent, and she exuded an otherworldly aura.

When Xia Yichu stood in front of the back panel, he wrote down his name coolly, and turned his head to look at everyone's affairs.

The reporters standing in front of her filming her gasped for breath,
Ye Nian was popular before, in addition to her acting skills, her appearance is also inseparable.

Ye Nian used to be a gentle lily, with a good personality and a gentle personality, smiling and singing wherever she went.But now Xia Yichu's soul is contained in her body, her appearance remains the same, but she is like a rose that breaks through the thorns, and the thorns around her are her armor, swaying in the wind, admiring her lonely beauty.

Only then did they realize that in just two months, she seemed to have undergone a huge transformation. She was no longer the Ye Nian in everyone's impression.

 【In this case, why don't you slap your face. 】

(End of this chapter)

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