Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 572 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 22

Chapter 572 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 22
Suddenly, another camera click sounded.

Xia Yichu stood on a high place, looking at the figure that was crowded by the crowd.

That person not only looks similar to Xia Yichu, but also has a similar body shape, except that Xia Yichu is taller, and what is even more shocking is that the style of the long skirt she wears is also similar to Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu's long skirt is simple and elegant.

As for her long skirt, the outermost layer of yarn was embroidered with many sparkling scales, shining brightly and shining.

Xia Yichu looked at her coldly as she got closer and closer.

The person who was walking the red carpet was naturally Ye Qingwei.

She had a soft smile on her face. Although she was walking on the red carpet, she was actually waving to the fans all the time, and occasionally patiently answered one or two reporters' questions.

Then, Ye Qingwei inevitably saw Xia Yichu.

Standing on the high platform, Xia Yichu just looked at her straight, with a flat expression and cold eyes.

When meeting Shang Xia Yichu's gaze, Ye Qingwei felt guilty and awkward for some reason.

The other party's gaze was too clear, Ye Qingwei suddenly had the illusion that all her little thoughts were being seen through by the other party.

Ye Qingwei was embarrassed for a moment, she raised her head, smiled at Xia Yichu: "Sister, I didn't expect you to come, what a coincidence, we are indeed sisters, even the dresses we choose are the same."

Xia Yichu didn't answer, just looked at Ye Qingwei with a smile on his lips.

That smile fell on Ye Qingwei's heart, but it was particularly dazzling.

Ye Qingwei grasped the fabric of her skirt tightly, inexplicably feeling a little embarrassed in front of the crowd.

She did wear this skirt today on purpose.

She knew that Xia Yichu had been nominated for an award and would definitely come here, so she sent someone to check the clothes Xia Yichu would be wearing today, and then ordered a skirt similar in style to Xia Yichu's. The fabric was better than Xia Yichu's, and the pattern was better. A dress that looked more delicate and beautiful than Xia Yichu's was back.

She didn't intend to overwhelm the crowd today, but wanted to step Xia Yichu down.

However, the facts seem to be a little different from what she thought before?

Ye Qingwei's dress was custom-made, and all the sizes were the most suitable for her. Coupled with Ye Qingwei's gentle temperament and petite figure, she looked like a little princess.

Moreover, Yang Yiyi was also very satisfied with this dress of hers. Before going out, she specially added a small crown on top of her head.

Ye Qingwei had always felt good before, but now standing in front of Xia Yichu, she suddenly felt inferior, not only her movements were a little restrained, but also a little petty.

Ye Qingwei felt extremely embarrassed, and she felt even more ashamed.

Originally, he planned to make Xia Yichu make a fool of himself, but he didn't expect to dig a hole for himself.

Ye Qingwei raised his head and looked at Xia Yichu who was standing on top. Originally, the positions of the two of them were disadvantageous to Ye Qingwei, but now the aura of the two of them made Ye Qingwei lose all his money.

Xia Yichu glanced at Ye Qingwei lightly, then walked down.

In fact, the episode between the two of them didn't last long.

It's just that Ye Qingwei's heart is very active, so to her, it seems like a long, long time has passed.

The reporters were overjoyed as they snapped pictures of the two of them. It's not uncommon for an actress to bump into a shirt.

However, it would be strange if these two parties became Xia Yichu and Ye Qingwei.

After that, Ye Qingwei never went to Xia Yichu's side again, Xia Yichu didn't mind, and sat in his seat waiting for the lottery.

This time, in addition to her being nominated for Best Actress, there are three other nominees.

One is an old drama player who has won three Best Actress awards in a row, and the other two, like Xia Yichu, are actresses who have only entered the entertainment industry for a few years.

This was not only the first time Xia Yichu was nominated, it was also the first time those two were nominated.

The award ceremony slowly lifted the curtain. After the host came to the stage to enliven the atmosphere, he decisively began to present the awards.

Awards were announced one by one.

Xia Yichu sat on the seat, watching without rush, very patient.

Until the end, even when the host was about to announce the best actress award, Xia Yichu was not in a hurry, but she felt the tension and anticipation rising deep in her heart.

Xia Yichu frowned, this feeling was not hers.

Could it be... the original owner's subconscious hasn't left yet?

Xia Yichu wanted to suppress the original owner's emotions, but when the host announced that the Best Actress award would go to someone else's home, Xia Yichu still felt a great sadness and despair in his heart.

Xia Yichu is now absolutely certain that this emotion must have been left by the original owner.

The Best Actress award should have gone to Ye Nian, but now, that old actor got it.

Xia Yichu's eyes couldn't help but fall on the trophy that the old actor was holding, and there was a deep obsession in his eyes.

When Ye Qingwei was presenting the award, his peripheral vision kept falling on Xia Yichu's face. After seeing her expression finally changed slightly, a smile flashed across his eyes.

But she did not expect that the person who was looking at the trophy obsessively in the last second would set his eyes on her in the next second. Ye Qing was slightly taken aback, and then she quickly returned as if frightened. Too much.

Xia Yichu withdrew his gaze, and had some guesses in his heart that he didn't get the trophy this time, probably it was the Ye family's handwriting.

In the eyes of outsiders, it may be a matter of course for the old actor to win this award.

However, Xia Yichu had seen the four nominated films this time, and although the other two actresses had excellent acting skills, they were still a little short of success.And that old drama player has been in the entertainment industry for so long, needless to say his acting skills, but his explosive power is not as good as the one played by the original owner Ye Nian.

The movie played by Ye Nian is said to be an act, but it is better to say that he acted in his true colors.The heroine she plays in it is also an adopted daughter who is not liked by her family, and her family environment and experience are very similar to Ye Nian's own.

When Ye Nian was filming, he would often suffer from insomnia all night long because he couldn't get out of the script.

Xia Yichu closed his eyes, thinking about some parts of the film, feeling a little sour in his heart.

This script and this award are the obsession of the original owner Ye Nian. She was killed and disfigured in the end, thrown into a mental hospital, and finally lost her mind and still remembered the movie and the Best Actress Award.

This has become Ye Nian's obsession.

Xia Yichu slowly waited for the emotion in his heart to subside, but he didn't say that he would win the next best actress award for her.

Because Xia Yichu knew that even if she used this body to win many Best Actress awards in the future, it was not the award she lost now.

After the award ceremony, Xia Yichu did not leave immediately, but was left at the end.

She walked out of here slowly, and finally when she was in the corridor, she finally couldn't help squatting down against the wall, with tears in her eyes.

But at this time, Xia Yichu suddenly thought of someone walking down the stairs next to him.

"Old Tie, what you did today is a little outrageous. Wasn't Ye Nian the award for Best Actress before? Why did you change it in the end?"

"What can I do? The Ye family asked for it. Anyway, they can snatch an award. But do you think there is something wrong with the Ye family? Ye Nian belonged to their family before anyway. This method is not good for a female star. Speaking of which, it’s simply too shameful.”

Xia Yichu was taken aback, and looked down at the floor.

Just now she was still guessing in her heart, but now the conversation between the two of them undoubtedly proved her guess.

In the corridor, another figure appeared at some point.

Xia Yichu wiped the tears off his face, stood up from the ground, and shouted at the man: "Ye Beichen, are you happy now?! The last time I spent money online to buy trolls to smear me, it was not enough this time. It also made me lose the award, don't you feel disgusted by such a vicious way to deal with a powerless woman?!"

Xia Yichu looked angrily at Ye Beichen who was standing beside him.

Just like the last time we met, Ye Beichen was wearing a silver-white suit, with a dignified appearance and a cold expression.

At this moment, Xia Yichu really hated the Ye family in his heart. Looking at Ye Beichen in front of him, Xia Yichu didn't care for the first time. He didn't think about the difference in identity between himself and the other party, and didn't think about whether he would be tortured tomorrow. To ban.

Xia Yichu looked at Ye Beichen with a cold expression, and said in a mocking tone: "Just because I am an adopted daughter and she is her own daughter, I have to be her stepping stone, even if she wants me to work hard in the entertainment industry for several years s position.

Because I have occupied her identity all these years, it is only natural that she wants everything now, and I deserve to owe her more than ten years.

But have you ever thought about who pulled me back then?Am I begging you to take me back?no!Has any of you given me a good face these years after I came back?No!
When I entered the entertainment industry, it was a disgrace, and they kicked me out without saying a word.

She entered the entertainment industry to win glory for the Ye family, and even bought an entertainment company to support her.

What am I doing wrong?Let you not let me go again and again! ? "

When Xia Yichu spoke to the end, his emotions were a little out of control, and Tigris yelled.

"Hehe, use all the dirty tricks you have, anyway, I'm not afraid."

Xia Yichu sneered, without even looking at Ye Beichen, he walked quickly to the stairs, turned around and went down the stairs.

Ye Beichen stood where he was, with the bright moonlight shining on his body, exuding a cool brilliance.

 [This chapter is three thousand words!Fat or not? o(* ̄︶ ̄*)oIt’s twelve o’clock, QAQ Junbao is hungry, I’m going downstairs to find something to eat~]

(End of this chapter)

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