Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 574 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 24

Chapter 574 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 24
There was silence all around, and finally Murphys laughed out loud.

Xia Yichu ignored his smile, stood up from the place, patted the dust on his body, then threw a pill into his mouth, and stretched out his hand to help him up.

"Did they faint?" Murphys asked, after being helped up by Xia Yichu, he unceremoniously put his weight on Xia Yichu's body, and then without waiting for Xia Yichu's answer, he shot himself The Qiang's foot was lifted up and placed on top of one of the men, only a few centimeters away, and asked Xia Yichu again: "Will he wake up if I step on it?"

"I don't know, but you can try." Xia Yichu supported him and suggested to him.

Then Murphys really put his foot down and stepped on a fainted person. Although he was supported by Xia Yichu, Murphys was so happy that he was arrogant and arrogant, like a beaten man. The victorious general.

He stepped on the man's body, rubbed it, and ignored the blood that flowed from his wound due to force, and said: "How dare you threaten or even mention my idol, I will let you mention it! I will let you mention it!"


Xia Yichu supported Murphys speechlessly, and watched him stepping on that person with a smug expression, only then did he realize that this man was the one who just lifted her aside.

The dose of Xia Yichu's medicine powder can make these people unconscious for three to four hours. During this period, even if two incisions are poked on them, these people will not wake up.

After all, Murphys was injured. After stepping on it for a while, he became limp and lay on Xia Yichu's body, putting all his weight on her.

"I'm so tired. I can't walk anymore. Carry me on your back." He put his head on her shoulder and said to her.

Xia Yichu ignored him, supported him, and led him out of the alley.

After Xia Yichu came to this world, she never gave up on cultivation, otherwise, according to her 1.7-meter body, she really couldn't support his 1.9-meter tall man.

Xia Yichu helped Murphys into the car, and then drove back.

While sitting in the car, Murphys was curious about Xia Yichu appearing here at such a late night, so he asked, Xia Yichu simply said that the production team had finished and she sent Yushi home.

Xia Yichu drove the car very smoothly, and Murphys didn't realize that the current speed exceeded the speed limit, because he passed out after asking Xia Yichu that question.

Xia Yichu drove the car back to the community where the two lived. Fortunately, it was early morning, so no one was surprised even if Xia Yichu was carrying Murphys on his back.

Moreover, no one noticed the bloody smell emanating from Murphys.

Xia Yichu took Murphys back to his room and threw him on the sofa. Xia Yichu took out the medicine box from the room and treated his injuries.

When Xia Yichu was in a certain plane, the university he attended was the Department of Medicine.

After the system was upgraded for the first time, Xia Yichu didn't use it to bless himself with the photo memory skill in every world, but Xia Yichu himself also integrated this skill.

Although there are several worlds in between, for Xia Yichu, this is not too far away for her long task time, just a few lifetimes.

Although Xia Yichu's movements were not very proficient, he quickly took out all the bullets from Murphys' body, then applied medicine to Murphys, tied a bandage on his body, and threw him a quilt Cover yourself.

It was almost four o'clock when all this was done.

A trace of tiredness appeared between Xia Yichu's brows, he went upstairs to take a quick shower, put on his pajamas, Xia Yichu lay on his bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After just resting for more than two hours, Xia Yichu naturally woke up at 06:30 due to physiological reasons.

However, Xia Yichu noticed that besides her, there was another person's aura in this room, and it was right next to her!
The moment Xia Yichu opened his eyes, his whole body also moved, like a sharp sword, quickly reaching out to attack the person next to him.

"Ahh! Do you want to murder?!" Murphys, who was wrapped in bandages, rolled nimbly and hid aside.

"Why are you here?" Xia Yichu frowned at him.

Xia Yichu clearly remembered that after returning to his room, he locked all three locks on the door.

"The door wasn't closed, I opened it and came in." Murphys pointed at Xia Yichu's half-open door with an innocent face.

Xia Yichu glanced at him, didn't talk nonsense with him, jumped off the bed, and said: "Since you're awake, then go back to your own side, and you don't have to bring me food from now on."

Murphys listened to Xia Yichu's words, and stayed there without moving. After a moment of silence, Murphys spoke: "Aren't you going to ask about what happened last night?"

"Not interested." Xia Yichu said bluntly, took the hairpin next to her and clamped her hair, then turned and walked into the bathroom.

Murphys felt sad for a moment when he heard Xia Yichu's words. God knows how determined he was to tell her his identity.

Murphys looked up at the closed bathroom door, then chuckled again.

However, since Xia Yichu was able to put him in the room by himself, it was actually an expression of treating him as his own.

When Xia Yichu washed up and came out of the bathroom, there was no one in the room.

But on Xia Yichu's empty bedside table, there was a dagger and a ring.

Xia Yichu walked over and took a look at the dagger.

As soon as the dagger was unsheathed, it suddenly shone coldly, with a sharp light flashing.

Even Xia Yichu has to deny that it is still a superb dagger.

Then, Xia Yichu's eyes fell on the ring.

The ring seemed to be made of platinum, shining silver, with complicated patterns carved on it, which looked very delicate and beautiful.

Xia Yichu touched the inside of the ring with his index finger, and sure enough, he felt a bumpy mark inside, which felt like a letter.

Murphys did not go back to his room next to Xia Yichu, but took the elevator downstairs.

As soon as he left the community, he walked straight to the black jeep on the side of the road, opened the door, and sat in.

The man sitting in front of the car was a man with a cold expression. After watching Murphys sit in, he drove away without saying a word.

[It’s been updated today, leaders, can you stop writing this emotional line and just slap it? 】

(End of this chapter)

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