Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 575 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 25

Chapter 575 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 25
After the wrap-up banquet at Director Wang's place, the next day, everyone in the crew received a message from Director Wang.

Director Wang has already come to the hotel in Haoyun and booked a banquet for everyone to eat and drink.

Xia Yichu has not attended this kind of banquet once or twice, and he is already familiar with it.

Xia Yichu stepped forward and sat alone in a small corner.

After everyone arrived, Director Wang asked for the food to be served.

Everyone sat in the seats one by one. This seat seemed to be casual, but in fact it still depends on the identity.

First is the directing director, next to the directing director are the assistant director and producer, then leading actors and actresses, then supporting roles and so on, and so on.

As the heroine, Xia Yichu sat next to the producer.

At the dinner table, perhaps knowing that after eating this meal, everyone broke up completely. Everyone was very eager and kept toasting. Even Xia Yichu drank two glasses.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was very lively.

In the middle of eating, Xia Yichu took his bag and went to the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, Xia Yichu didn't go back to the box, but went to stand on a balcony in the hall to breathe some fresh air.

Xia Yichu stood against the wall, looking up at the starry sky above, his eyes were a little confused.

At this moment, the elevator opened with a ding.

The first person to come out was a middle-aged man in a tunic suit with long hair and an ancient ponytail.

Behind the middle-aged man followed a young man in his 20s wearing a black suit.

Seeing that there was no one outside the elevator, the man did not give up his persuasion.

He quickly followed the middle-aged man, and said to him: "Uncle, you just agreed to my request, okay? Qingwei really wants this role. I can see how much hard work I have put in. To be honest, I feel sorry for her as a big man looks at me. Can't you give her another chance? How can you just take a look and decide that he is not good? Woolen cloth."

Zhou Xiaoming followed behind Zhou Jianhua, talking hurriedly.He promised Ye Qingwei that he would definitely give her the chance to audition, if it didn't work out, it would be embarrassing if the news got out.

But Zhou Jianhua is a stubborn person, as long as he decides, ten cows can't be pulled back.

That day, Zhou Jianghu rejected Ye Qingwei just by glancing at Ye Qingwei, saying that Ye Qingwei was no good.
The promise Zhou Xiaoming said before is still there, how can we let everyone see his jokes.

And he also knew Zhou Jianhua's stubborn temper, so he followed Zhou Jianhua all day long.

Because what Zhou Jianhua couldn't stand the most was when others came to quarrel with him.

Zhou Xiaoming racked his brains and thought about Ye Qingwei's goodness. He organized the language in his brain, and when he was about to speak to Zhou Jianhua, he saw Zhou Jianhua, who had been walking straight ahead, suddenly took a few steps back.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiaoming reacted quickly, otherwise he would have directly bumped into Zhou Jianhua's back.

"Uncle..." What are you doing?
Before Zhou Xiaoming opened his mouth, Zhou Jianhua had already left him behind, as if he saw something he had been looking for for a long time, he looked a little excited, and walked quickly in that direction.

Zhou Xiaoming immediately choked back what he hadn't finished speaking, and chased after him. He watched Zhou Jianhua walk quickly to the balcony, then took out his business card from his pocket, and handed it to the man who didn't know when. The woman who appeared there said, "Hello, I'm Zhou Jianhua. I wonder if you are interested in acting?"

What the hell!

Huang Xiaoming, who was following behind, widened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the business card given by Zhou Jianhua, his mind was full of disbelief.

His uncle's head couldn't have been caught by the elevator when he got out of the elevator, right?

He asked for the business card for so long, but his uncle didn't give it to him, but now he actually gave the business card to a woman whom he saw for the first time.

Moreover, he actually asked the other party whether he would act or not. Wasn't that what he meant?

Zhou Xiaoming's heart was full of shock.

As for Zhou Xiaoming's real name, Xia Yichu, the person involved, seemed much calmer.

Xia Yichu took Zhou Jianhua's business card and looked at it, and asked the system in his mind: "System, who is this person?"

[Zhou Jianhua, a well-known ghost director at home and abroad. 】

The system's anthropomorphic voice sounded in Xia Yichu's mind.

Unexpectedly, it was really Zhou Jianhua on the opposite side, and surprise flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes.

Then, Xia Yichu stretched out one of his hands, "Hello, Director Zhou, I'm Ye Nian, an actor."

When Zhou Jianhua heard Xia Yichu say that he was an actor, his eyes lit up obviously. He reached out and held Xia Yichu's hand, and asked Xia Yichu: "I don't know if Miss Ye is free recently? I feel In my new script, there is a character whose temperament is very similar to yours, I wonder if you have the will."

Zhou Jianhua, whether at home or abroad, is not well-known.Moreover, he only shoots two movies a year, and he makes them with absolute conscience. Every movie will be a hit at the box office. He is a typical money-absorbing director.

Xia Yichu did not expect that he would meet Zhou Jianhua here today, and he would even fall in love with him.

Xia Yichu smiled, and said: "To be honest, the reason why I came here tonight is because the TV series filmed during this time was finished the day before yesterday, and I am here to attend the finale banquet. If Director Zhou doesn't mind, I would Hope to give it a try.”

"Okay, okay, my contact information and address are written on this business card. If you want, I will wait for you at this address at nine o'clock tomorrow." Zhou Jianhua said, smiling happily.

"Thank you, it will be my honor." Xia Yichu was also very happy.

Because Zhou Jianhua came here and had other things to do, the two didn't talk for long. After confirming that Xia Yichu would go back there for an audition tomorrow, Zhou Jianhua took Zhou Xiaoming and left.

Zhou Xiaoming was still in shock.

Just now he was shocked because Zhou Jianhua handed Xia Yichu his business card, but now he is shocked because of Xia Yichu's identity.

Zhou Xiaoming hurried to Zhou Jianhua's side, and said to Zhou Jianhua: "Uncle, do you know what kind of person she is? Her reputation in the whole country is terrible. She is an adopted daughter, but she is still Dare to step on the status of a real girl to get to the top, it is simply ignorant! Her reputation on the Internet is terrible now, and she has been hacked out of Xiang, Uncle, Qingwei and her are sisters, they look so similar, you Why don't you accept Qing Wei?"

"Shut up! Say one more word, and I'll throw you out of here immediately!" Zhou Jianhua finally couldn't bear it anymore and lowered his head and growled at Zhou Xiaoming, admonishing: "The things in the entertainment industry are true and false. Fake, how many times have I told you, just look at some things, don't talk about them, it's all other people's business, it has nothing to do with you!"

 [Thank you for the cat’s naughty fairy hug *≧︶≦*, the orange is warm and the tea is cold, the rabbit hasn’t eaten yet, sleeps and wakes up, walks and stops, and there is another baby who has rewarded several 99 but Junbao can’t see the name My son's reward, today's [-] update is complete!In order to be worthy of your rewards during this period, Junbao will update more than [-] every day in the next week!Good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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