Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 62 Wolf Uncle, Don't Play With Me

Chapter 62 Wolf Uncle, Don't Play With Me (21)

Su Qing looks handsome and elegant on the outside, and his whole person looks like a beautiful boy who came out of a cartoon. Although he has a hobby of playing with virgins in private, he disguises it very well, making him look like a human being Yes, and he never participated in going to bars or nightclubs with those hair boys to have fun, and he didn't fight or fight in groups.

In short, this also shows that Su Qing is actually a bookshelf whose appearance makes girls blush and heartbeat, but in fact, his small body is not vulnerable at all, especially when it comes to him who often smokes, drinks, and fights in groups. explain.

Under Xia Yichu's secret order, after Su Qing entered the drug rehabilitation center, he was assigned to the same dormitory as his fellow boys.

Live together all day.

Those hair boys had long hated Su Qing to the bottom of their hearts, and they didn't show it on the surface, but after the guarding policeman left, everyone immediately beat and kicked Su Qing, and even picked out parts that ordinary outsiders couldn't see start.

It is conceivable that Su Qing could not please at all in the hands of these people.

Moreover, under the threat of these people, after Su Qing complained to the police several times in private but received no response, he finally gradually understood his current situation.

When everyone was taking a bath together in the bathroom, after Su Qing was pressed under him by someone who had a whim, gradually, everyone's attitude towards Su Qing became better and better, but they only tortured Su Qing in private. Also getting bigger and bigger.

Those things that Su Qing once did to those virgins are all revenged on him by his hair boys.

Those hair boys are all people who have experienced thousands of flowers, of course they know how to make Su Qing feel comfortable and happy, but they don't show any pity at all, they just torture Su Qing severely, let Su Qing stay here There is no trace of happiness in this matter.

Su Qing wanted to escape at first, but how could he escape from the situation, and the things those hair boys did to him were so unbearable, every time they were in the bathroom or in the middle of the night He did it, and all the traces after the incident were all on his body, which was covered by the fabric of his underwear during the day. If he hadn't voluntarily said it, those policemen would never have known about it.

What's more, Su Qing's friends have always followed Su Qing, never leaving.

This made Su Qing even more miserable. Every day, every hour, or even every minute was a nightmare for Su Qing.

By the time Su Qing's parents knew about this, Su Qing had already become a meat taboo that his hair boys could play with freely.

With the help of the system, Gu Shen fought against the other families like a fish in water, very smoothly, even if he encountered some small difficulties and small plots at times, he was quickly discovered by Gu Shen and resolved.

Xia Yichu watched the system's increasing task progress all day long, and began to calculate in her heart how long she could stay in this world.

While in class that day, Xia Yichu suddenly received a message from the system that Su Qing had died.

was killed.

"System, do you know who the murderer is?" Xia Yichu asked in his mind.

"It's Su Qing's parents who paid for murder." The voices of the four people in the 233 system rang in Xia Yichu's mind.

And then, after some explanations from the 233 system, Xia Yichu understood the cause of Su Qing's death.

It turned out that it was Su Qing's parents who knew that Su Qing was in prison and was molested by those little boys. If he didn't do nonsense, he didn't plan to save his son at all. Instead, he paid a high price and bought a murderer to kill Su Qing.

Moreover, after Su Qing died, the police quickly found the murderer and the home of Su's father and Su's mother based on the clues left by the scene.

However, when the police went to Su's house, Su's father and Su's mother had already committed suicide by taking poison.

The policemen not only found clues on Su Qing's murderer, but also saw traces of wanton torture on Su Qing's body. All of Su Qing's children were shot.

And all the property and other things of the Su family were strictly checked by the police. If you don’t check, you don’t know. place of law.

Not only the Su family, the police also found a lot of evidence of crimes committed by the Zhou family and the Han family in addition to the Su family from these computer data.

All of a sudden, not only the Su Group was blocked by the police, but even the two chairmen of the Zhou Family and the Han Family were taken away by the police and temporarily detained, and many computers of the Zhou Group and the Han Group The information on the website was also checked by the police.

This investigation, as expected, found a lot of criminal evidence in the computers of the two families that the Zhou family and the Han family could not justify.

This matter was on TV and newspapers that day, and everyone knew about it.

And Gu Shen, who has been busy all the time, finally didn't have to stay in the company to work overtime until midnight. For the first time, he returned home earlier than Xia Yichu.

In the darkness of night, Gu Shen came out of his room, his slender body wrapped in a snow-white bathrobe, almost the moment he entered Xia Yichu's room, Xia Yichu, who was originally immersed in his homework, instantly felt Gu Shen's Arriving, he immediately raised his head. .


Xia Yichu called softly, turned to watch Gu Shen push the door in, and walked towards him step by step.

"En." Gu Shen responded, sat down on the stool next to Xia Yichu, glanced at the books on the table, and asked Xia Yichu: "Wait a minute, the final exam is only a few days away. right?"

"That's right." Xia Yichu bent his eyes and smiled: "The day after tomorrow is the final exam."

"Come on, after the exam, my uncle will take you to the beach." Gu Shen raised his hand and gently rubbed Xia Yichu's head.

"En." Xia Yichu nodded obediently.

Gu Shen sat next to him, and after watching Xia Yichu for a while, probably because he was afraid that he would affect Xia Yichu's study, he quickly got up and left.

Xia Yichu stopped writing, looked at Gu Shen's tall and strong back, lowered his head and bit his lip.

In fact, regardless of whether Gu Shen is Shen Jiaye's reincarnated soul, after having such a good family background and appearance, and being so capable and responsible, there is probably no such man who is not tempted.

"System, what is the progress of the task now?" Xia Yichu asked the system in his mind.

"Back to the host, the current progress rate is 89%. According to the current progress of this task, it is estimated that it will be completed in less than ten days." The system quickly responded to her.

 [One update, where are your votes and comments? 】

(End of this chapter)

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