Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 63 Wolf Uncle, Don't Play With Me

Chapter 63 Wolf Uncle, Don't Play With Me (22)

In the next few days, Xia Yichu successfully passed his first final exam in this world.

Because of the "photographic memory" skill that the system gave her, Xia Yichu passed the exam very smoothly.

In the past few days of Xia Yichu's final exam, things about the Su family, the Zhou family, and the Han family were also widely spread, whether it was online or in reality, and the court's punishment for them was quickly decided. The two heads of the family had already committed suicide, so they were not among them, but the family property was confiscated according to the illegal amount.

The two heads of the Zhou family and the Han family were sentenced to severe sentences for several years, and even a lot of family property and business were intercepted by the government. The original four giants in N City only took half a month. Only the Gu family dominates, and the other three families have all declined.

However, Gu Shen also naturally understands the reason why a big tree attracts the wind. After the other three families fell, Gu Shen also secretly supported several small families. It will make the Gu family less aggressive.

After Gu Shen finished all these tasks, Xia Yichu's final exam had already passed.

Gu Shen thought about what he said to Xia Yichu that night before, thought about it in his heart, and asked his secretary to book a double air ticket and a double room in the hotel, planning to take Xia Yichu out for a few days of fun.

After dinner that day, Gu Shen told Xia Yichu about this matter.

"So fast? Are you leaving early tomorrow morning?" Xia Yichu looked a little surprised, because the system told her that the mission would be completed soon.

"Well, anyway, you're on vacation, and I'm also on vacation for the past few days. Although I regret that I can't go abroad, it's okay to go to a nearby province to see the sea and change my mood." Gu Shen sat beside Xia Yichu. The cold brows are now gentle, and the inside of those phoenix eyes is also as warm as water, and the whole body exudes a warm breath.

"Well, I'll listen to my uncle." Xia Yichu nodded, he had no resistance to this matter at all, and at the same time, Xia Yichu also asked in his mind: "System, how is the current mission going?"

"Returning to the host, 98% has been completed, and the remaining 2% is not completed." The 233 system responded in Xia Yichu's mind.

Xia Yichu's eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't answer.

She turned her head and glanced at Gu Shen who was sitting next to her, her heart sank slightly. Logically speaking, Su Qing and those three families have already received what they deserved, and now that the Gu family is the only one, why is this task not enough? 2%, what is wrong...

At this moment, the cell phone in Gu Shen's pocket suddenly rang.

Gu Shen took out his mobile phone from his pocket, listening to the conversation of the person on the other side of the phone, Gu Shen's expression became more and more gloomy.

"Understood, don't wait for tomorrow, I'll go there now." Gu Shen said to the people over there, and immediately hung up the phone.

"Uncle, what's the matter? Is there anything important to deal with?" Xia Yichu asked.

"It's okay, it's just that there is a document that needs my signature." Gu Shen squeezed Xia Yichu's soft hand and said, "You go upstairs to sleep first, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

"I'd better go out with you." Xia Yichu said with a stubborn expression, for some reason, since the phone in Gu Shen's pocket rang just now, she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"Okay then." Seeing Xia Yichu being so stubborn, Gu Shen's cold mouth flashed a doting smile, and took Xia Yichu out together.

At this time, Gu Shen was always thinking that the future would last forever, that one day, he would completely make the girl his own, but he never thought that going out would be a separation between heaven and man forever.

Xia Yichu went to the company with Gu Shen, and it was after eight o'clock in the evening, and there were still some staff in the company who stayed to work overtime and did not get off work.

Gu Shen took Xia Yichu directly to his president's office. Before they came, there was already a woman wearing a white shirt, black tight knee-length skirt, and light makeup standing at the door waiting for the two of them.

That person was the secretary who called Gu Shen just now. After seeing Gu Shen, she nodded to Xia Yichu who was behind Gu Shen, and followed Gu Shen and Xia Yichu into the office.

Those two were talking about business, while Xia Yichu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, gazing at the city's bright night view.

It wasn't until about ten minutes later that Gu Shen finished explaining the matter, and after sending the secretary out, he glanced at Xia Yichu who was standing in front of the French window, and hugged her directly from behind.

"Uncle, have you finished dealing with your matter?" Xia Yichu asked.

The girl's voice was deliberately soft, with a hint of softness, which made people feel particularly comfortable.

"En." Gu Shen replied a little lazily, tilting his head to kiss Xia Yichu's neck and earlobe.

"Then let's go home, I'm a little sleepy." Xia Yichu said, she usually goes to bed at nine o'clock, and it's almost nine o'clock now, even if she wasn't sleepy, she was still a little sleepy.

In Xia Yichu's mouth, the word "go home" really pleased Gu Shen, he bent his eyes and smiled, let go of Xia Yichu's body, slipped his hand, took Xia Yichu's hand, and said: "Go , slowly, let's go home."

Gu Shen was in a happy mood, not only took Xia Yichu out of Gu's Group, but also showed kindness to all the employees who had stayed to work overtime to go back.

The two took the elevator hand in hand to the first floor, and Gu Shen drove Xia Yichu back.

Along the way, Xia Yichu turned his head to look at the night scene whizzing by outside the window. Before going out, the uneasiness that rose in his heart seemed to gradually dissipate at this moment, just like Xia Yichu's illusion.

However, just when Xia Yichu was about to forget this ominous premonition, a dazzling light came from the side, Xia Yichu was startled, almost without thinking, she had already issued an order to the 233 system in her mind: "System, use time freezing skills."

Almost at the moment when Xia Yichu's words hit the ground, the surroundings suddenly turned into a piece of gold. In front of Xia Yichu, everything, whether it was people or objects, was frozen. The Mercedes-Benz car stopped instantly, and even the mosquitoes flying in the night sky Freeze in mid-air.

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded in Xia Yichu's mind: "It has been detected that this is an intentional murder case, the freezing skill is activated, the freezing time is 10 seconds, 10, 9, 8..."

Xia Yichu was a little dazed, looking at everything frozen in front of him, before he had time to think about the deep meaning in the system's words, he got up and quickly opened the car door on Gu Shen's side, and tried his best to get the unconscious Gu Shen out of the driver's seat pushed out.

10 seconds is just a few breaths.

After Gu Shen regained consciousness, what he saw was his constant whereabouts and the scene in front of him that made him remember his whole life.

Gu Shen opened his eyes wide in disbelief, but Xia Yichu smiled at him, opened his mouth and said three words silently, the big truck directly ran into the black car Xia Yichu was sitting on, and crushed it under the tires.

The last picture of Xia Yichu was Gu Shen's terrified face when he looked at her, and then he was knocked unconscious by a huge pain.

The voice of the 233 system came to mind in Xia Yichu's mind: "The mission is 100% complete. It has been detected that the host is too attached to this world, and it will withdraw the host's affection for this world."

(End of this chapter)

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