Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 68 Raiding the Blackened Prince

Chapter 68 Raiding the Blackened Prince (5)

It wasn't until the sun went down that Xia Yichu looked up from the pile of ledgers.

Putting down the pen, a trace of fatigue crossed Xia Yichu's brows. She raised her hands and rubbed her temples on both sides of her forehead, and asked Hongyue who was standing aside: "Where is the Seventh Prince?"

"Back to master, when I went to the kitchen, I saw the seventh prince sitting in the front hall eating snacks, do you want my servant to bring him here?" Hongyue asked Xia Yichu cautiously.

It's not to blame her for being so cautious, but she feels that since the seventh prince fell into the water today, the master's attitude towards the seventh prince seems to have undergone a major change. He must have allowed the Seventh Prince to fend for himself in the ditch, or he would have sent other servants in to rescue him. He would never jump into the rescue like today, regardless of his own safety.

But today, Xia Yichu not only did this, but also asked his servants to prepare bath water and decoction, and when he asked about the Seventh Prince, there was no longer the disgust in his brows.

"Well, no need, let me go and have a look." Xia Yichu got up from his seat, and casually ordered to Hongyue: "Go and have a look in the kitchen, if they are ready, you can serve the dinner first. Eat it in my room."

"Yes, I'm going now, servant girl." Hongyue's eyes flashed such a look, she lowered her eyebrows, blessed Xia Yichu with a respectful expression, turned around and walked out quickly.

Xia Yichu also left the study room, followed by Biyu and other maidservants, and walked towards the front hall.

While walking, Xia Yichu also took the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mansion under the afterglow of the setting sun.

It has to be said that even if Mo Qianchen is an idiot, he is not loved by the emperor.But the emperor did not ignore this son, although he was rarely announced to enter the palace, but what should be, was not withheld at all.

Even if Mo Qianchen is an idiot with an IQ of only five years old, the Seventh Prince's Mansion is luxuriously decorated, with carved railings, pavilions, waterside pavilions, gardens and rockeries, everything you expect to find.

Xia Yichu walked through a long corridor, and from a distance, he saw Mo Qianchen squatting on the ground doing something with his back to her.

Not far from Mo Qianchen, there were two servant girls standing quietly.This was also Xia Yichu's order, in order to prevent Mo Qianchen from doing the dangerous behavior of picking lotus like today.

When the two maids saw Xia Yichu, they quickly bowed their knees to salute her. Xia Yichu walked past them, so that Biyu and others didn't have to follow, and came to Mo Qianchen step by step.

Although Mo Qianchen heard the sound behind him, he didn't turn his head, and continued with the movements in his hands.

It wasn't until after getting closer that Xia Yichu realized that Mo Qianchen was squatting there playing with mud.

Outside the corridor, there is a flowerbed full of small wild grasses, and many small wild flowers blooming brilliantly and in different colors are intermingled in it.

And Mo Qianchen squatted in one of them, got some soft yellow mud from nowhere, kneaded it into small mud lumps of different shapes one after another, and finally pulled some wild flowers from the flowerbed and stuck them on it .

... This is indeed something only children would do.

Xia Yichu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She looked at the hands that were originally fair and slender but now covered with mud. She took a step forward and grabbed them.

(End of this chapter)

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