Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 69 Raiding the Blackened Prince

Chapter 69 Raiding the Blackened Prince (6)

"Seventh Prince, it's time for dinner. Let's wash our hands first and then finish our meal, shall we?" Xia Yichu squatted opposite Mo Qianchen, although his expression was not as gentle as water, but there was a hint of tenderness in his brows. There was a rare gentle look, his eyes were clear and his expression was peaceful.

He didn't treat a prince with respect and fear, but he didn't show pity as if he treated a fool.

Although Mo Qianchen was a fool with a weak IQ, he could clearly feel the strangeness Xia Yichu treated him today.

When Xia Yichu grabbed his hand, Mo Qianchen's body froze, his eyes fell on Xia Yichu's hand that was holding him.

The other party's white and clean hand was now dirty because of holding his hand.

"Seventh prince?" Seeing that he didn't respond, Xia Yichu called out softly again.

"Yeah." Mo Qianchen took a long time, as if he had come to his senses, he quickly pulled his hand out of Xia Yichu's, his gaze was always on Xia Yichu's hand, and he stammered, "Dirty!" , dirty."

"It's okay, let's go, let's wash our hands and then eat." Xia Yichu smiled, then continued to grab his hand, and pulled him towards his room.

In the room, Hongyue had already served the dinner prepared in the kitchen, as well as hot water and towels.

Xia Yichu pulled Mo Qianchen, washed his hands, wiped off the remaining water drops on his hands with a towel, and sat down to eat with him.

This was the first time Mo Qianchen ate at the same table with Su Ran after she married into the mansion.

In the past, Su Ran was capable, but he really hated Mo Qianchen.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was still her husband, she might not have let the other party fend for herself in the mansion, but would have kicked him out directly.

Mo Qianchen lowered his head and kept picking up the rice grains in the bowl. From time to time, he raised his eyes to take a cautious glance at Xia Yichu, and then worked hard to pick up the rice, as if he regarded Xia Yichu as his next meal.

Mo Qianchen thought that his peeping behavior from time to time was very secretive, but he didn't know that it had all fallen into Xia Yichu's eyes.

It feels like a child's curiosity about a sudden change in personality.

Xia Yichu didn't care about him, just let him see.

It wasn't until after the meal, when the two of them were full, that Xia Yichu asked someone to take Mo Qianchen down to take a bath or something.

Mo Qianchen never slept in the same room with Su Ran before, they always slept separately, and their rooms were far apart.

Xia Yichu wanted to cultivate the relationship between the two before Mo Qianchen was reborn, so naturally he would not keep the distance between the two of them so far away, but let her and Mo Qianchen sleep in the same room , although Xia Yichu didn't mind, but she knew it couldn't be done now.

So, Xia Yichu asked Hongyue to clean up the room next door, when Mo Qianchen moved next door to her.

In the following time, Xia Yichu was very patient when dealing with Mo Qianchen, and as long as she had time, she would do most of the things related to Mo Qianchen by herself, and more often, she would accompany Mo Qianchen Chen and Chen messed around together.

Occasionally, when she has time, Xia Yichu will personally weave some exquisite, small and beautiful things out of straw rope and give them to Mo Qianchen.

Xia Yichu also took care of the entire Seventh Prince's mansion in an orderly manner, and under Xia Yichu's cold order, all the servants in the mansion treated Mo Qianchen with respect and awe in their hearts, and there was no longer the previous perfunctory and scorned.

 [Thank you for the reward. It’s been too cold these days. When I came back, I turned into ice cubes. My fingers were freezing when I typed. Also, it’s been a long time since I’ve written old sayings, and my inspiration is exhausted... Hey, male lead rebirth tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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